Merciless God! Inconsiderate Science!

Discussion in 'Support' started by Calories, Apr 3, 2015.

    1. Calories

      Calories Member

      Bangalore, India
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      B12 Difficiency, Possibly salycilic poising from fenugreek and ginger
      Why God, Why? Why you make people us suffer this horrible disease of Tinnitus? Haven't you found this bit of mercy to spare upon us to lead us to a cure! Are we Deaf, or are you too, for our pleas. Not one, not few, but millions suffer, and pray for a cure, yet you have not shown this bit of mercy to cure this dreaded disease!

      Why God, we know all of us have sinned, yet this is too much, tinnitus to suffer!

      Why have you not let anyone find a cure? Can you please, please help us All!
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    2. AUTHOR

      Calories Member

      Bangalore, India
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      B12 Difficiency, Possibly salycilic poising from fenugreek and ginger
      I am suffering tinnitus from last one month, and it is driving me crazy. Lost all hope, both in Science and God! I prayed to god daily for help, Gods of All faiths. Seems like none are willing to help. I tried steriods, I tried herbals. Nothing seems to help. Whatever I try to do, My Tinnitus seems to be going to worse than better.

      I prayed to god, either take away my Tinnitus or take away my Life! I am left with no option! I have loosing my self over this.

      Why does God wants us to suffer?

      I am posting it here, because, let the world know that Tinnitus can also Kill, not only other diseases.

      If there is a day that I meet God, I sure will ask to help for other sufferers.

      God please help me! Please! or take my life!
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    3. undecided

      undecided Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      lol, God is not gonna take your life (or help you for that matter).
      But you can help yourself.

      Start with magnesium, zinc and a B vitamin complex. Don't just expect results in a week, commit yourself to a long lasting treatment and maybe you'll have a gradual improvement.
      Use your time more productively. Instead of praying, use the resources on the net and on this site to find possible methods of relief.

      Anti-seizure medication seems to help some people.
      Retigabine, Flupirtine, Keppra, Tegretol seem to make a difference for specific kinds of tinnitus and hyperacusis.
      Benzodiazepines seem to help a broader spectrum of the condition.
      NAC has given positive results for some people.

      Define the general cause of your T.
      Are you having hearing issues? Maybe hearing aids and masking might help a bit.
      Is there a hair cell problem? Maybe betaserc and nootropics might help.
      Labyrinth? Stugeron.
      Infection? Valtrex.
      Undefined? Use everything until you find something that works.

      Stop using God as an excuse and a crutch at the same time. Do not stop praying, nothing wrong with that - but educate yourself at the same time.
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    4. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
      Try and calm down, things can get better. It's been a month. Things can easily change. It might even go away. Get some good sleep and mellow out.
      • Agree Agree x 3
    5. Joe P. Tamborra

      Joe P. Tamborra Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      April 2012
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic neuroma tumor
      Hey Calories, I feel bad that you are suffering so much. I hope that you can hold your composure and fight for your life. Do not surrender to the challenge that has been placed before you. Many throughout the world right now are in much worse shape than you. I'm sure if you considered thoughtfully you would not trade places with one cancer patient, heart disease patient, kidney disease patient, aids patient, or brain tumor patient. Myself, I am a survivor of an acoustic neuroma brain tumor originating from my auditory nerve. The tumor was the cause of my tinnitus, and having it surgically removed left me deaf in that ear with tinnitus. I will say the journey of adjustment has been difficult, however I personally know a God in heaven named Jesus that is FULL of compassion and VERY merciful to His creation. I too have prayed hundreds of prayers for my healing and the healing of others. Although I still am not cured of tinnitus, the Lord has been FAITHFUL to give me the grace to live my life with tinnitus. Sometimes God allows His people to go through the fire to make us more like Him. The bible says in Malachi 3 that God is a refiner's fire. We are compared to unrefined metal. God puts us in the furnace of affliction to burn off the dross of our lives, and to make us more like Him. When a silversmith is working with a piece of unrefined silver, he has to get the fire to the right temperature, or the fire will not do the job of purification. Once he puts the metal in the fire, he has to watch it continually, and bring it out just at the right time; or it will be destroyed and useless. He knows the metal is ready when he takes it out and he can see his reflection in the silver. I hope these words will give you some understanding of the spiritual implications here. There are things you can do while you are praying and waiting for miraculous intervention that will help. The use of a box fan or noise generator will help you to be able to sleep. Daily exercise will help with stress. A balanced diet, low in salt and sugar, and no MSG will help the T not get louder. In the future use ear plugs to protect your ears from here on out. Walks by busy roads and hot showers will provide temporary relief during bad days. Good movies, games, and good conversation will help also. You have to try and take your mind off the tinnitus and put it on something else. You need to go to an ENT and try to identify the cause of your tinnitus. They say it is not permanent until it has been around for six months. Many people get use to it after awhile. My tinnitus is intermittent, meaning some days it is quieter than others. The quiet days it does not bother me at all anymore. The days it is louder I pray. If it persists for several days I ask others I know to join me in prayer. Many have found help in various supplements.So have your blood pressure checked; some have TMJ, sinus problems, blood vessel disorders, neck problems, hearing loss is the most common reason for T, and many never find the underlying cause. Try to identify your cause because some are treatable. Good luck, and hope to Ttyl.
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    6. undecided

      undecided Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I don't know about you but I was reading Joe's message with a biblical, deeply religious yet conservatively loud voice inside my head.
      • Funny Funny x 1
    7. Dr. Nagler

      Dr. Nagler Member Clinician Benefactor

      Atlanta, Georgia USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      If God were merciless, He would not have led you to this board.

      May your Easters be holy. May your Seders be meaningful. Peace and silence to one and all.

      stephen nagler
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    8. KingRoanoke

      KingRoanoke Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Look at what the dog is wearing.

      Several weeks ago I was in bad shape. I've had tinnitus for awhile, and for me it's up and down. However these past 3 weeks have been a consistently smooth ride on the tinnitus rollercoaster. When I'm doing bad, It's as if I have very different tinnitus then when I'm doing okay (like today, for instance) - but I know my tinnitus has not changed in the 7 or so years since I've had it. I don't have different tinnitus from day to day: the same tinnitus affects me differently from day to day.

      On bad days, I actually feel PAIN, Calories! That's how real the bad days are to me. Check my post history: I whine a lot about this! ;) For the past few weeks? No pain. Same tinnitus but no pain.

      I bring this up to help you understand that dealing with tinnitus on a bad day might make you think that you're up against something you can't possibly beat and your life is ruined. You project into the future and become even more scared and hopeless. It's very rational to think that the physical feeling in your ear is not going to change and you'll always be uncomfortable. This is not the case. Discomfort comes and goes. The experience you're having now is not the experience you will have in the future. You will have relief, and it will feel good. For many people that get used to this, that relief comes and stays.

      I am not a religious person so I can't speak to your notions about God. Describing God wasn't the purpose of your post. You want to know you'll be okay and you'll have relief, and I'm writing to tell you that you will. Come back and tell us how you're doing.
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    9. AUTHOR

      Calories Member

      Bangalore, India
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      B12 Difficiency, Possibly salycilic poising from fenugreek and ginger
      All, thanks for responding.

      Many of the greatest discoveries are just accidents, my only question to God is, why haven't you been merciful enough to lead us to an accidental cure for this dreaded disease.

      Why God, why?
      • Agree Agree x 1
    10. Asian

      Asian Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      4 weeks
      Tinnitus is too complicated for even the god to understand. Where even the god gives up, Autifony wins!
      • Funny Funny x 3
    11. or many dreaded diseases?
      • Agree Agree x 1
    12. Mark Beehre

      Mark Beehre Member Benefactor

      Wellington, New Zealand
      Tinnitus Since:
      05/2008 // 11/2014
      God doesn't promise a life free of adversity, but he does promise to be with you on each step of the journey.

      I spent the first 3 months of my tinnitus wondering why God could allow such a horrible condition to afflict me, but then I received encouragement by reading the Bible and from friends praying for me. I completely believe in total recovery, absolute healing and I pray earnestly for this as often as I remember. Will I have tinnitus tomorrow? Maybe...I don't know. What I do know is that God is faithful and He always delivers on his promises and always responds to faith. I believe this is a season and like all seasons it will end and a new one begin.... but in the mean Abraham waiting for the birth of Issac, or Joseph waiting in prison for his freedom, or David living in exile fearing for his life and waiting for his coming kingship...we wait!

      I'll leave you with this:

      Romans 5:3-5
      Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
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    13. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Amen, Bro. That is my favorite scripture when I was trying to figure out why such an affliction like tinnitus could happen to me. Oh well, at least I still have an able body to see, move around, travel where I want, and I have hands to type messages like this. Tinnitus is a trial of patience and acceptance of things beyond our control. God is love. John 3:16 tells us He loves us enough to sacrifice His son Jesus to be crucified for us imperfect mortals. But there is no promise that this life is going to be smooth sailing for any one, the faithful included. Even His apostles and followers were persecuted, stoned to death or even beheaded. This life is a tough journey. Hopefully the next life (for the believer at least) is going to be an easier one.
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    14. Danny Boy

      Danny Boy Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection
      Guys, guys...You should be worshipping Doctor Charles Large as he's the man, who's the closest to treating this condition, not god..And god hasn't bestowed him the knowledge, so please stop going on about god, he's not gonna help us. Do not give credit to god, as he's doing nothing...It's Mr Large who is.
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    15. Shaun

      Shaun Member

      Cardiff wales
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2014
      Danny what about God in the man Or woman for that matter .it's my belief that a spark of the creator resides in each of us,how do I know because I have been shown this,you May laugh and that's fine but that's my truth.look at Billie48 he is a perfect example of Christ he helps so many people on this forum he doesn't have to but does it with both empathy and compassion for me he is great example and a good man,he Is just one of many who help on the forum.your place is secured Billie of that I'm sure.let's hope that maybe God might be using Mr Charles large to get us a cure or at least something that will lower t to a Non entity.
      God is not merciless and his son is actually a cool guy who is both merciful and has bestowed me with many graces for journey with t.
      happy Easter
    16. Danny Boy

      Danny Boy Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection
      Whilst I disagree with you Shaun, I'll respect your views.
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    17. Shaun

      Shaun Member

      Cardiff wales
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2014
      Nice one Dan I respect yours to bro.;)
      • Like Like x 1
    18. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Thank you Shaun for the kind words. I am humbled by the compliment, which should go to all those, Christians or otherwise, who selflessly devoting their time and showing compassion to the newer sufferers and as such, Dr. Nagler deserves the utmost respect for his long-time, distinguished, dedicated service to the tinnitus support community all these years. But I do thank you for your comment and it sure makes my day. :)
    19. Shaun

      Shaun Member

      Cardiff wales
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2014
      your welcome Billie,your right Dr nagler
      deserves a lot of credit he is also a great man I just so is attheedgeofscience,respect for all their time dedicaion and hard work and all who put forum together,ahh your all great there you go
      props to everyone...(y):woot::thankyousign:
    20. AUTHOR

      Calories Member

      Bangalore, India
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      B12 Difficiency, Possibly salycilic poising from fenugreek and ginger
      Went to an ENT, he injected something in my ear, tinnitus spiked to unbearable levels, finaly reached my breaking point! So, God does exist, he is now punishing me for ranting here. :cry::cry::cry:
      • Hug Hug x 1
    21. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Calories, try to calm down. Don't blame God for your spikes and don't let the pang of guilt make you more miserable as if the suffering of T is not enough. God is big enough to accept some rants of His children.

      The works of God and His wisdom are not what we mortals can comprehend. I love God and I have tried to help others and I never complain about my T to Him. But my spikes happen regularly. Most morning my loud T would blast to wake me. On my last 2 flight, I could hear my ultra high pitch dog whistle T above the jet noise, and I could also hear it above the roaring rapids in the salmon river where I fish. The same sound used to turn me into a mess a few years back. No longer! I also had severe hyperacusis which turned all normal sounds into piercingly hurtful sensation. I don't want to think God punish me or anything. He is love. He is merciful. But in this mortal life there will be afflictions and tragedies. Bad people can do bad things to others. The devil has his reign too to inflict much suffering. Jesus had to cast out demons many times. So let's spare God from the equation and try to find out how to help yourself. Try to calm down and follow the advice of others who have gotten better.

      By following what has worked for people. by calming down and trying to be more positive. I have turned around my T & H. Today I live a normal and enjoyable life. I am not alone as many members post their success stories. Believe it or not, a large part of T sufferings is mental. You take that mental side away, it is just an annoying sound. Some people can cope with this loud annoying sound with a certain attitude or approach. Some people get panicky and anxious and so need help. I know a lady friend whose T is so loud that she sometimes cannot hear people talking to her. Once she couldn't hear the loud siren of approaching fire truck which came to her apartment block due to a false alarm because she said the tinnitus was too loud. Yet she chooses to accommodate T and not react to it, telling me she would just live her life and get used to it. And she did just that. So how we react to T can determine how intrusive it is. Of course some people may have different DNA too, lol.

      In this regard, try to read up on Dr. Nagler's Letter to a Tinnitus Sufferer. He had T that he could hear it above the sound of the Niagara Falls while in a ship underneath the falls. So it was very loud. He suffered at first like most people but he has recovered. So he wrote the letter fulling knowing how you feel about your T. Try read it up and see if you can also counter your negative, distorted thoughts.

      Have you tried masking your T? Or, have you found something which can mask your T to a large degree. You don't need to have complete masking. Sometimes partial masking can already help reduce your anxiety level. Here is a link to TT's thread for new sufferers on what to do. It also contains masking sounds. It also has links to a Sleep Thread and the Success Stories forum. It also lists the steps you should follow plus tips for you to cope with your T. Be patient.
    22. Jazzer

      Jazzer Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Personally I have never found God.
      I have searched many times, from a loveless infancy onwards, into an advanced age.
      No feeling of presence...nothing.
      There is no point of contact for me.
      Am I sceptical.....not half!
      My support comes from the beautiful loving family and friends that truly care, and freely show it.
      That includes the great people I meet on here. xx
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    23. Jazzer

      Jazzer Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I’d just like to mention that agnostics, atheists, people who have never managed to find this elusive god, are invariably just as caring, compassionate, and empathic.
      Christians don’t hold the monopoly when it comes to humanity....
      • Agree Agree x 2

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