Morse Code Clicking Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Asian, Jun 11, 2014.

    1. Asian

      Asian Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      4 weeks
      Motivated by a recent thread, I’ve tried to summarize information on the clicking morse code tinnitus that some of us have. This interest me because I have it as one of my sounds and I think out of all the sounds maybe this is the only one that might be fixable (because technically maybe it isn't "real" tinnitus).

      Its hard to figure out what it is and I'd like to have a better idea of what it might be before I go to see an ENT (some of these cures seem drastic!) I’m hoping the board can help me refine these causes and make corrections as the below terms sometimes aren't clear. I'll edit this with any needed changes. Thanks for your help.

      1. Normal “In Your Brain” Tinnitus– I suppose one could have clicking as a tinnitus sound that originates in the brain like most tinnitus in which case there is no medical fix and other methods like habituation or TRT would be the way to go. Can anyone verify if clicking can just be in-the-brain tinnitus? If it exists I suppose it could be constant or intermittent. If it exists I would think it would vary in volume like other tinnitus noises.

      2. Typewriter Tinnitus – Seems to be either Muscle Spasms in the Palate or Irritation of the 8th nerve (?). This tinnitus is intermittent and has a staccato quality ('like a typewriter in the background, pop corn, Morse code'). Muscle relaxants (prescription needed) will stop it if that's what you have, but they cause drowsiness. Increasing the magnesium in one's diet (whole grains, nuts, seeds; no prescription needed) may relieve muscle spasms. Completely suppressed with carbamazepine (tegretol).

      3. Palatal Myoclonus - When the muscles of the soft palate contract they can produce tinnitus. The symptom most associated with this condition is a clicking sound; in some cases, the sound may be audible to your doctor who may also be able to see the movement of the palate. The contractions are very rapid, occurring as often as 150 times a minute, and may persist during sleep. The condition usually appears in adults and can last indefinitely. People with palatal myoclonus usually regard it as a minor problem, although some occasionally complain of a "clicking" sound in the ear. An endoscope inserted through the nose can help your doctor view the palate. Palatal myoclonus can be treated with tryptophan, botulium toxin injections into the tensor palatine muscle, carbamazepine, anti-epileptic medication and a large dose of reassurance.

      The other three are related to the inner ear, not the palate or brain. In the middle ear, the tensor tympani muscle and the stapedial muscle contract to tighten the middle ear bone as a reaction to loud, potentially damaging sound. This provides protection to the inner ear from these loud sounds.

      4. Tensor Tympani - In tensor tympani myoclonus the sound is rapid fire. It is often touched off by loud noises and following exposure to intolerable sounds, this contraction of the tensor tympani muscle tightens the ear drum, which can lead to the symptoms of ear pain/a fluttering sensation/a sensation of fullness in the ear, low level sometimes pulsating tinnitus and dysacusis (hearing impairment). The dysacusis consists of various abnormal acoustic sensations such as murmurs, clicking, tickling sensations, etc. and may involve distortion. Physical relaxation therapy is often found to be effective, sometimes supported by medication in which case Diazepam is the drug of choice.

      5. Stapedial Myoclonus – I can’t really find a good definition of this or its symptoms. An acoustic reflex impedance test can help your doctor determine if the stapedius muscle contracts when exposed to high intensity sound. Thought to be related to anxiety.

      6. Middle ear myoclonus - A spasm in the tympanic cavity. Specifically, it involves a rhythmical contraction of the stapedius muscle or the tensor tympani muscle which can present as a low-frequency tone, murmurs, clicks, and periodic aural fullness. The condition, which is sometimes associated with stress and anxiety, can be fixed with surgery (by dividing the tendons of the affected muscle), or managed with diazepam (or via botulinum toxin injection to paralyze the muscle). (Not sure if this category is the same as stapedial myoclonus).
      • Informative Informative x 3
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    2. 00JohnD

      00JohnD Member

      Montréal, Québec, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Great post sir!
    3. Chelles

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Matt01 maybe this post can help you
      • Hug Hug x 1

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