Multiple Sounds. Enough is Enough.

Discussion in 'Support' started by kevin89carolina, May 1, 2014.

    1. kevin89carolina

      kevin89carolina Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      March 30, 2014
      So this just keeps getting worse and worse...

      I am experiencing multiple sounds in my head and it is driving me mad.

      First of all, let me explain that I am not panicking or freaking out, but I am going to sound like it on here because this is all I have to turn to. You guys are the ones who kind of know about this, so I'm going to do the best I can to explain the sounds I'm currently hearing...

      The main one that is constant is the high pitched hissing. This one started from day 1 of my incident with the gun and has remained. This is the one that remains the same. It increases in volume and pitch in my right ear when I look down. It really increases when I lie down and is extremely loud when I lay either ear on the side of the pillow. Nearly impossible.

      The second sound started nearly 2 weeks after the incident. I noticed a morse code fast beeping sound in my left ear that sounds similar to a shovel being dragged against gravel, or a buzzsaw cutting wood. Youtube a buzz saw and you can kind of hear that metallic ring "rehhhh rehhhh reh reh." That sound, but with a morse code effect. This seems to get louder with music, or fans, or white noise sounds.

      The third sound began a few days ago in my right ear. This one has been very loud and is making me paranoid. It sounds like the sound when you put your ear up to a sea shell and you can hear the "ocean." That white noise kind of sound but more warped. Or the sound of when someone blows in an empty bottle or through a straw. Very similar to those. This seems to get louder with certain things as well.

      The last thing that I've been picking up is very very hard to describe. It's almost like I can sense movement, but in my head. Like I'm picking up different energies or frequencies with no sound. Like there's people moving all around me but with no sound at all. Almost like a dizzy feeling but I'm not dizzy. Very trippy feeling.

      I do all of my normal things. Get up, shower, go to work, gym. I'm not dwelling in sorrow. I just keep hearing all of these different sounds.

      Can somebody PLEASE help explain what all of this is and if anybody has experienced it? Hearing one sound is tough, but hearing a cocktail of things is nearly impossible to put up with.
    2. AUTHOR

      kevin89carolina Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      March 30, 2014
      Also, saw another ENT today. The audiologist checked my hearing, ear drums, and inner hair cells. Everything was perfect. Perfect everything. Go figure.

      He told me that something did happen that caused trauma somewhere inside my ears. Impossible to find out where it's coming from. Nothing he can do. It's possible it could get worse over time. All the good things you love to hear.

      I asked if what I'm hearing is just me being "too tuned into my head and paying too much attention to my ears, that maybe my brain is just got things cranked up?" He said no, that this is how I've heard my whole life. Nothing wouldve changed.

      So where do I go from here...
    3. Dr. Nagler

      Dr. Nagler Member Clinician Benefactor

      Atlanta, Georgia USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      You have it right. Your ENT has it wrong. It happens.

      Your tinnitus is causing you to become acutely aware of just about every head and neck phenomenon that had previously gone unnoticed. Your brain has indeed "cranked things up."

      Stephen Nagler
      • Like Like x 1
    4. Littlebailey

      Littlebailey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      @kevin89carolina I think I get some of that very strange thing you're trying to describe. It's not a sound as such, it's like a presence. And it is kind of scary, or something. I get the ocean roar too.

      Stay strong and be well. As well as you can.
    5. AUTHOR

      kevin89carolina Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      March 30, 2014
      Does yours come and go? How did you develop your tinnitus?
    6. Littlebailey

      Littlebailey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      It definitely comes and goes. I don't think mine is anywhere as bad as yours, though it can a bit loud from time to time. Comes and goes as in it gets louder and softer, waxes and wanes, and certain sounds are there, and then other times not.

      I don't know exactly where mine came from. If I had to guess it would be from years of listening to headphones, but there was no distinct sound event. It was just there one day. I think I get the same stuff you do, except for the morse code, and it's probably quite a bit quieter than yours.
    7. AUTHOR

      kevin89carolina Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      March 30, 2014
      How do I habituate to this? Is there anybody else on this board that has or is experiencing the same type of things I've described? Feeling kind of alone, especially with so many things going on in my ears/head.

      Could this be a sign of the brain trying to heal what happened with me?
    8. bill 112

      bill 112 Member

      Republic Of Ireland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      Hey Kev relax man I too have have multiple sounds its never just one sound I cant even count them.As I sit here now theres a loud tone,a hissing,electrical sound and a beep noise all going so your not alone with multiple sounds.I believe it will calm down so try not to stress out.Give it time and im sure it will ease.
    9. DebS

      DebS Member

      Ohio, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      I have multiple sounds too...could be a hissing in one ear, a whistle in the other, and an electrical sound thru the top of my head, all at the same time. If they're not too loud, I can pretty much ignore them. It's the full volume electrical feedback sound that bothers me the most, but usually I only get that a few times a week. I'm getting better at dealing with it, but it does take time so just be patient with yourself and try not to stress out too much.
    10. tychobrae

      tychobrae Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I also have lots of sounds - I acquired another one last night, I think because I have been stressing about my pulsatile tinnitus. They change in volume, sometimes one is louder than the others, then a few minutes later they will change over.

      I don't have your feelings of movement around me but I do feel unbalanced in a trippy sort of way. I have had two attacks of vertigo recently and I think this dizzines must be related.

      I'm glad you posted this as just this morning I was wondering whether other people have multiple sounds. It's comforting to know we're not alone.
    11. Alex Senkowski

      Alex Senkowski Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I usually have just two sounds: a low-pitched background drone that's most prominent and a high-pitched hiss that comes and goes. I had a panic attack on Friday and since then the high-pitched tone has become more prominent though the volume remains low. I hope it goes away soon.
    12. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Ive got multiple sounds as well.. A hiss, had some morse code stuff going on and off.. And then there is a pure tone that fades in and out from time to time + headaches, vertigo and the feeling of movements inside my ear. Sometimes it feels like fluid dripping, it also tickles and hurt from time to time.

      It has gotten better though.. Hopefully it will subside in some time :)
      • Like Like x 1
    13. bill 112

      bill 112 Member

      Republic Of Ireland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      I get the headaches constantly its like this pressure build up in your skull feels like your head is about to explode....
    14. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yeah.. I know exactly what you mean.. Its terrible.

      Is your T noise induced?
    15. bill 112

      bill 112 Member

      Republic Of Ireland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      Yep had T for like 2months when I was 18 which disappeared then went to a club returned and stayed for good....
    16. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Im sorry to hear that!

      But where does this headache come from?

      Is it muscle tension because of the sound, or is it muscles inside the ear that doesnt work properly?
      Mine is noise induced as well, and two friends of mine have noise induced T and they also suffer from headaches.
      Kinda puzzles me, really.. Maybe its tonic tensor tympani syndrome? Or the stapedius muscle?

      Im going to a second ENT next monday. I really hope he might be able to give some advice.
    17. bill 112

      bill 112 Member

      Republic Of Ireland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      Its a good question but I dont believe its tension had massage therapy to relieve tension which made very little difference
    18. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      I found diazepam to give some relief from those terrible headaches. No painkillers would work.
      If diazepam continue to work, ill be using them as long as I need.

      Have you ever had this feeling of a tight upper jaw as well?
      I have experienced that too...
    19. bill 112

      bill 112 Member

      Republic Of Ireland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      Ye I take diazepam too only bit of relief I get painkillers slightly dull it though.Yep I get like a tight jaw feeling sometimes it feels like you need to stretch your jaw or something its weird.
    20. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yeah.. It's very weird.. I wonder if someone on the forum here knows what this phenomenon is..
      And Ive heard from a few other that they experience the exact same thing.

      Id say that my T is a walk in the park compared to all this pain..!

      Its really scary what noise can do..

      Have you gotten any better with time?
    21. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Kev hello mate, may have blown some high frequencies in your ears ,id get a hearing test ,if its true talk to them about hearing aids they can be brilliant at masking the T to a tolerable noise,(not talking maskers mind just aids) If i didnt have mine,I just cant see how I could function and im not exagerating.Good luck mate,Pete

      PS by the way I can hear people talk and other sounds ok . So dont think that means aids wont help
    22. AUTHOR

      kevin89carolina Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      March 30, 2014

      I've seen 2 ENT's and they both have checked my hearing, ear drums, and hair cells. Everything is perfect/normal. No hearing loss, but the doctor did say something did happen inside my head. But he can't pinpoint it and there's nothing he can do. It could get better or it could get worse over time. Offered Neuromonics, that's about it.


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