Hello everyone! I'm really glad to have found this site and have read much in the past few days. My tinnitus started back in late November 2012 and basically only in the left ear. It started shortly after a hike when my ears got real cold. My doctor gave me a nasal decongestant and had me take an over the counter antihistamine. This went on for about a month with no improvement. My ENT did a MRI and optical nasal scope and found that all was clear. A hearing test showed loss in the left ear, but not enough to need a hearing aid. However, I cannot hear a wrist watch tic in that ear, so it's noticeable for sure. This is really frustrating. The tinnitus can now be in both ears and be very loud! I'm currently waiting for results of some blood tests. I heard that Lymes Disease can cause tinnitus so that test was included. Sometimes it's quiet enough that it's not too noticeable during a conversation, but always present. It's funny that when it's real loud, there is a slight feeling of pressure in the ears.
My ENT said that there is no remedy and basically have to live with it. He suggested a machine to make background noise. I purchase a MP3 of rain and going to try that. Some people suggest mixing white noise with music and were wondering if anyone had any experience with that kind of therapy.
Thanks for any help!!
My ENT said that there is no remedy and basically have to live with it. He suggested a machine to make background noise. I purchase a MP3 of rain and going to try that. Some people suggest mixing white noise with music and were wondering if anyone had any experience with that kind of therapy.
Thanks for any help!!