Oof Dah, What a Week.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Falconfox, Sep 8, 2015.

    1. Falconfox

      Falconfox Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wish I knew, possibly nosie damage.
      Hi all, kept reading all these posts and found so many reassuring that I figured I'd join in. Been about a week now and honestly I think the worst part is the fear that I might inadvertently make it worse. Objectively the T itself seems like something I can get use to, though it changes in pitch constantly, but after reading so many comments on habituation I feel like it's something that's totally achievable. It's just that given all the mystery behind it I feel like I'm completely in the dark as to what might help or hurt me. Finally got a few hours of sleep yesterday which was great but tomorrow I'll be heading back to work (in a mall, I work receiving) and I'm terrified of all the loud noises I might come across. Oddly enough certain kinds of noise, fans and cars mostly, bring out a different pitched tone than the one's I hear "normally" that amplifies with the volume, though recedes as I pass it, and I just realized today that there are fans all over my work due to the heat. Again I'm not sure it would make the T worse but regardless I'm pretty freaked out. So I bought some ear plugs hoping to block out the sounds all day but I'm not sure this wouldn't hinder me either in that it could make my already noise sensitive ears even more sensitive. *Sigh* Basically I just hate being in the dark. My parents have been great though I'm sure there a little tired of my sad attitude but I love the them so much. Sorry for the semi-rant, this websites great.
    2. AUTHOR

      Falconfox Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wish I knew, possibly nosie damage.
      Yikes that was a bit longer than I intended.
    3. svg1204

      svg1204 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Headphones maybe?not sure really.
      hey man my sound started on Friday at 4am or i woke up and notice the sound then between tomorrow and day after im getting myself to an ENT and my PCP have you done the same?
    4. AUTHOR

      Falconfox Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wish I knew, possibly nosie damage.
      Seeing a GP on wed, making an appointment for a psychiatrist for the anxiety tomorrow.
    5. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Welcome to TT. You are not alone here. Many of us were where you are. Like svg, your T is very new and as you say it may have been due to loud noise exposure. So the ears may have been injured from acoustic trauma. As I advise svg, it is recommended that you get some treatment of prednisone steroid from your doctor/ENT asap. Here is the thread discussing the use of steroids for new T:


      You seem to have the right attitude to believe, even when your T is so new, that you can habituate to your T given time. You are in fact already miles ahead of many sufferers who are still in the dark and feeling hopeless. By being more positive and calm, your anxiety level will be reduced, which is crucial to keeping T in check. Rampant anxiety and stress are just toxic to T. So it is best to have hope and keep calm. Try to read as many success stories as you can to give you hope that you can be just fine over time. I used to read many many success stories. I suffered a lot when my ultra high pitch T and severe hyperacusis hit me a few years back. But now I am living a normal and absolutely enjoyable life. I wrote my success story and list out some very important points. If you are interested about those points, for brevity, I provide the link to my story. Read it if you have time. Give it time. You will be just fine. Take care & God bless you.

      • Agree Agree x 1
    6. Brian Reade

      Brian Reade Member

      Florida USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      after chiropractic neck adjustment
      Welcome to the forum.
      I have heard some people say that working in an environment that has many sounds - music, fans, machinery etc - helps to mask their tinnitus. I guess we each have to find what works for us individually.
    7. AUTHOR

      Falconfox Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wish I knew, possibly nosie damage.
      @Brian Reade, Thanks. I haven't experimented with masking too much yet but I did find that high frequency pink noise seemed to cancel it out so I'll have to look into that later.
      @billie48 , thank you for the advice I'll be sure to talk with my doctor about the steroids, mostly I'm worried about trying any anxiety or anti-depression drugs because of the few horror stories I've seen. Gonna take some melatonin tonight. I feel like if I can just get some natural sleep half the battle will hopefully be over.

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