
Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by calin, Sep 27, 2012.

    1. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      I don't know if this will help with tinnitus, but it may help with the stress associated with having it.

      The book and audio is free right now on Amazon - September 27, 2012 – October 1, 2012. I downloaded the Kindle for androids to my android and my PC when I got the book.

      Hey, it's free right now... and I am going to give you the basics on how to do the exercise. From reading through the book one should do this exercise often each day... like every 1/2 hour or more to :balance your autonomic system.

      Part 1:

      Reflexercise: Bringing Balance to the World One Brain at a Time! (Opportunity to Download the Book for Free From Amazon)

      Would you like to be able to control your reaction to stress, reduce
      pain, improve your health and performance, and feel great?

      Reflexercise™ was created by physical therapist, Scott Musgrave, MSPT. His powerful combination of techniques provides astounding results, enabling you to consistently balance your nervous system, and in the process, train your brain to be less reactive to stress, trauma, physical and emotional pain!
      When you balance your nervous system, you give your body a method to discharge your brain’s reactions to stress, anxiety, trauma and pain. Reflexercise™ actually produces a brain chemistry change toward balance, and when your brain is balanced, so is your body!
      With a little practice, you will be able to quickly (in less than 30 seconds!) and effectively perform these techniques in any setting, even in a crowded room.
      Over the course of your life, like most people, you have learned to over react to stressful situations and hold onto the physiological effects (anxiety, depression, tension, shortness of breath…to name a few).
      Reflexercise™ is an active process that allows you to retrain your brain (and body) to react appropriately relative to stressful situations, recover quickly, and be calm and balanced the rest of the time.
      Reflexercise™ is the first step in a 6 part treatment approach called, Associative Awareness Technique™, or AAT™. AAT™ is a revolutionary new treatment approach designed specifically for complex, chronic conditions. One of the most important components of AAT™ is that the entire treatment program can be successfully performed at home, independently (just like Reflexercise™). To find out more information about AAT™, click this link:
      Reflexercise™ may well be one of the most important steps in the entire AAT™ treatment approach, because it is simple, effective and self applied in any position, anywhere. Whether you are starting this process on your own or under the care of a trained practitioner, your consistency with Reflexercise™ will dramatically influence your end result.
      When Your Brain is Balanced, So is Your Body!


      see more on this.......
    2. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Part 2:

      Reflexercise™ is a powerful practice. It’s like rebooting your hard drive and establishing a life habit that allows your nervous system to be less reactive and more effective.
      Habits don’t change easily. Successful change requires repetition and time. Retraining your nervous system to be less reactive to stress is no different. With each repetition of Reflexercise, you actively train your brain to remain calm and relaxed during life’s stressful situations. With enough repetitions, your nervous system’s habitual reactions will change with dramatic results!
      Like any habit change, this life change requires an average of 21-28 days of consistent performance to be fully accepted within your nervous system. Some of you will require additional time based on your current stress levels and accumulated habits, while others may experience more rapid results. Consistent practice, however, is the key to positive outcomes in life, and it is CRITICAL to your success with the Reflexercise™ (and the AAT™) program.

      see the exercises next......
    3. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Part 3:

      ReflexerciseTM Instruction

      The process of Reflexercise™ is very simple, and you can perform the exercise anytime, anywhere. I will describe each of the individual steps of Reflexercise™ below. Once you understand the recipe of what to do, I will teach you how to combine these powerful steps into the full exercise format. There are two main steps that you will learn to combine, resulting in a simple, fast, and very effective method of rebalancing your Autonomic Nervous System (re-booting your hard drive!).

      First Step: Grateful Heart Breathing Technique

      The first step is the “Grateful Heart Breathing Technique.” This simple andeffective breathing and visualizationexercise is designed to access yourheart’s intuition and rebalance your emotions. Below are 3 options for doing this. Try all three at various times, and stick with the one that works best for you.
      Completely fill your chest (and heart) with air during each inhalation, and slowly and gently empty your heart and chest of that air as you exhale. Breathe this way for a few moments.
      Choose one of the following 3 Grateful Heart Breathing Technique options:
      1. White light
      As you inhale, visualize a white, calm healing light entering your body and gently filling your chest and heart. Allow this calm, healing light to illuminate your chest more brightly with each inhalation. You may wish to visualize “grabbing” the dark tension from any painful or traumatized areas of your body, and expelling it with your air as you exhale. Thus, you are visualizing that a white, calm healing light is entering your chest and heart during each inhalation, while dark tension is being eliminated from your body during your exhalation.

      2. Gratitude
      Focus your thoughts on something special that brings you a sense of joy, love, or happiness that you are grateful to have in your life. As you inhale into your chest, allow the joy, love, and happiness of your gratitude for that special something or someone to touch your heart. In essence, allow your heart to feel the warmth and connection to that special gratitude for a few moments.

      3. Memory
      Go back through your collection of memories, and focus on one of the most joyous, happy, and loving ones. Now, allow your mind to revisit that time or event in your life, and with each breath into your heart, allow your heart to FEEL the positive emotion of that memory.
      Note: Some folks have difficulty actually allowing their hearts to feel this connection, especially when just starting the Reflexercise™ process. If you have difficulty feeling the warm, happy feelings in your heart, don’t dismay. Repetition is the key to success! Once you identify the approach that produces the best results for you, focus on your Grateful Heart Breathing Technique frequently. Desired results can often be achieved in as little as 5 – 10 seconds with practice!

      See second step next page....
    4. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Part 4:

      Second Step: Reflexercise™ Core Practice

      Read the following instructions in their entirety, and then put down this manual and perform the technique. You will be given access to a FREE Bonus Audio and Video designed to help you get the most out of Reflexercise™ below:

      1. Choose a position of comfort, whether standing, sitting or lying on your back. (Practice this process in all 3 positions so you can perform Reflexercisein any setting)

      2. Perform the Grateful Heart Breathing Technique as described above.

      3. Place your hands down at your sides, with your palms facing forward and your fingers long and straight. Don’t strain your arms, hands or fingers, but do keep your fingers straight, long and slightly spread out.

      4. Turn your head very slightly, within a comfortable range, toward one side. Most folks find that turning toward their dominant arm produces the best results.

      5. Gently bite the tip of your tongue between your top and bottom teeth. Not too hard, but not too softly either. Bite your tongue with medium pressure, but make sure your bite is within your comfort zone.

      6. Gently curl your toes into the soles of your shoes or the floor, or simply curl them comfortably downward if you are lying on your back with no shoes. You may experience cramping in your lower legs, feet or toes if you curl your toes aggressively. Be gentle and make the experience comfortable for you.

      7. Now, close your eyes and take four deep, slow, cleansing breaths.

      8. Put down this manual now, and perform the steps above simultaneously. Many of you reading this will feel an immediate wash of relaxation, peace and calmness as you complete Reflexercise™.

      The results of this powerful routine are achieved by sending a multi-layered message to your Autonomic Nervous System that you are NOT in danger and that promotes balance within your neurological and physiological systems (and, therefore, your very life). The relaxation response is a good indicator that you have effectively rebooted your hard drive. Some of you may not immediately feel this relaxation response. Don’t worry! With adequate repetition of Reflexercise™, you will become more in tune with living in balance, and will develop the ability to feel true inner peace and relaxation. Some folks have become acclimated to living so far out of balance that they may take some time to identify what true relaxation actually feels like!
      If you or a loved one continue to suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD or fibromyalgia, you may want to check this out. Based upon new cutting edge neuroscience, a treatment approach has emerged that focuses upon the CAUSE of long term, chronic conditions. You can access the first step of this new treatment program for FREE for a limited time.
      It’s called Reflexercise™, and it’s already been helping people all over the country take charge of their own recovery, even when everything else has failed. This post is an excerpt that includes the actual instructions of Reflexercise™ for you to learn right now.
      Reflexercise™ will be available for FREE for a limited time, September 27, 2012 – October 1, 2012, on Click this link to download this remarkable instructional manual:
      Feel free to send this link to anyone struggling with chronic health conditions. The information inside will answer questions that traditional approaches have not.
    5. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      From the book description on Amazon:

      Book Description

      Publication Date: August 20, 2012 What do Stress, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Depression, Trauma and even Post Traumatic Syndrome all have in common? All of these conditions are caused by the Central Nervous System. Through a deep understanding of the form and function of the Central Nervous System, Reflexercise™ has emerged as a highly effective treatment technique both in the Clinic and at home.

      When any Human Being is exposed to a potential or perceived life threat situation, the Central Nervous System activates our Survival Instincts to take over and protect our lives. New cutting edge neuroscience has allowed us to understand this process with new insights, including: Why and How our Survival Instincts are activated and how these repeated patterns of protection create chronic problems within our bodies.

      We've discovered that once these protective patterns are turned on, for many people they don't turn off. The long term result of living in this state of neurologically driven protection includes changes to almost every system within the body. This long term disruption of normal function within multiple body systems is the cause of most chronic conditions.

      The problem with designing an intervention that produces lasting results for the millions of people suffering from chronic conditions, is trying to effectively communicate with the Central Nervous System. This is the primary stumbling block to developing effective treatment programs for chronic conditions.

      Most medical treatments approach this problem by focusing upon the symptom, rather than treating the cause. Conventional treatments for chronic conditions usually involve medication to mask the recurring symptom (problem) and a referral to some kind of specialist. This "treat the symptom" mentality has been adopted from the acute side of medicine, wherein a broken bone heals with a cast, a large cut heals with stitches, taking antibiotics cures an infection... But what about when all the tests are negative, but the problem still persists? What about when the problem sticks around, no matter what you try? Why does the problem turn into a chronic condition?
      Simply put: an acute model of medicine superimposed over chronic conditions doesn't work. A new model of medicine, a paradigm shift in thinking, is required for the millions of people who continue to suffer. One that focuses upon the causation of chronic conditions instead of chasing the symptom patterns.

      Spearheading this new model of specialized medicine, is Associative Awareness Technique™ (AAT™), developed by Physical Therapist Scott Musgrave, MSPT. AAT™ is a 6 step treatment process designed specifically to treat the cause of chronic conditions. Reflexercise™ is the first step in the AAT™ treatment process.

      Reflexercise™ is designed to communicate to our Central Nervous System that we no longer require these instinctively driven protective patterns, resulting in the restoration of balance within the Central Nervous System. When the Central Nervous System is balanced, then and only then, will the body's systems be allowed to return to normal function. This brain / body balance, when reproduced regularly, allows for remarkable healing to occur. Even for many suffering from complex, long term conditions that have not responded to anything else.

      Reflexercise™ is a simple, fast, highly effective tool for communicating directly to your Central Nervous System and restoring balance to your brain and body. The more frequently you restore balance within your brain, the faster you can train your brain to stop reacting to things like stress, anxiety, depression, pain, trauma and post traumatic syndrome symptoms.

      The bottom line is that you MUST target the cause of your chronic condition to realize lasting results, and that means the Central Nervous System. Reflexercise™ represents the merger between cutting edge neuroscience and artful healing.
    6. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Calin --- This is based on the same principle that my neurological chiro is working with me on. I'm doing breathing exercises and exercises to balance the brain. I believe this really does work; it has certainly worked for me in restoring my balance.

      Thanks for all the great information about Reflexercise!
    7. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Fantastic! I am doing it as often as I can. Stated today! I does seem to be calming.

      Thanks for the feedback Karen!
    8. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Demonstration of Reflexercise

      Uploaded by jaggiromvs007 on Jan 20, 2011
      Reflexercise™ produces these kinds of results again and again... and there are many, many more success stories... But here's the bottom line: If you are tired of living with pain, depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress, and/or taking medications to mask your symptoms, AND you are ready to make a change in your life, then Reflexercise™ can work for you.

      How can Reflexercise™ help so many people with such a variety of different conditions? Will it help me? Reflexercise™ targets the instinctive portion of the brain, shared by every Human Being on Planet Earth. That's why so many people find relief in this amazingly simple technique.

      Like anything else of value in life, your outcomes with Reflexercise™ are dependent upon your Consistency, Commitment and Follow Through.

      These are the most important ingredients for success with Reflexercise™, and if you put in the work... I know you will be thrilled with your results.

      I've written the instructional, step by step book, Reflexercise™: Bringing Balance to the World, One Brain at a Time! so that you can easily understand: * How To Perform Reflexercise™ In Any Position Or Setting * How Reflexercise™ Reboots Your Hard Drive (Resets Your Nervous System) * How To Use Reflexercise™ To Reduce Pain, Anxiety, Depression And A Variety Of Other Conditions * And How To Get The Most Out Of Reflexercise™ To Truly Live Your Life In Neurological And Physiological Balance
    9. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
    10. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
    11. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
    12. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Karen, Does he do anymore Associative Awareness Techniques with you. There are two more steps I am gathering that are not described in the book.
    13. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      No, it's more of a neurological approach. This (Reflexercise) seems to combine a neurological approach with a more spiritual, meditative approach. Or, at least, that's my take on it.
    14. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Can you say what the technique is... or what he has you do?
    15. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      He assessed, through various tests, what side of the brain was affecting my imbalance. He had me doing eye exercises for awhile --- simply following a series of dots up and down with my eyes several times per day (to exercise the left cerebellum, in my case). Right now, I'm doing breathing exercises for calming purposes; one breath normally in, one long breath out (about twice as long), for several times, as much as once per hour. Also, slowly exercising my left wrist (5 reps) three times per day. During office visits, I do various eye exercises, and he does things such as cranial sacral therapy. Seems simple, but it worked for me.
    16. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      OH! I remember seeing or posting that method (not the cranial sacral) somewhere. Can't remember the name of it darn it.

      Thanks for sharing that.
    17. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      This method I believe is working for me. I feel less stress.

      At first I did this more than once per hour. It didn't seem like anything was happening. But, after days of doing this method, my stress levels calmed. The doctor calls it balancing.

      I have to remember to do this. I forget now and only do it several times a day. Got to keep it up. It seems too subtle, but I can't dispute the results.

      Is anybody here trying this out?
    18. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      I had trouble with the biting the tongue part. So I use another method of relaxing the jaw.

      Tongue just behind the upper teeth. Like you would say the letter "n"... it is easier!

      I do this frequently during my day. And at night it puts me to sleep!
    19. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      When you breath in slowly, if you can't find a grateful thought or feeling or even a joyus one, try just imagining a bright white light entering our body. You can think words like calm, peace, good health, wellness, etc. On the slow release of breath, you can think tension, fear, pain, sickness, etc. switch it up on each breath in and out if you want.

      Remember, this is balancing your brain. your brain controls automatic functions. Fight or flight emotions, to pumping your heart.

      Try it for 28 -30 days. This is not pseudoscience. Our brains have a plasticity and can be reprogrammed.
    20. Peg

      Peg Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      7 months ago
      Can you let me know more about this. Sounds very helpful
    21. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Hi Peg.

      It's an easy ebook to read and explains why you are doing the body positioning as I indicated on the first post. It is only $9 for download here...

      I got it for free when I posted this thread.

      What would you like to know?

      The instructions are really easy - but as I mentioned in the previous post, I used a different placement for my tongue.
    22. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Calin --- The exercises my chiro has me doing are similar, in that their purpose is to balance the brain. They have helped me, for sure. I'm calmer, and the unbalanced, dizzy feeling I had for so long is now virtually gone. So, yes, I'd say these exercises really work. Those of us who have tinnitus do have a basic imbalance in our brains, so these exercises could help anyone reading this forum. I've been doing similar exercises for several months; they are working for me!
    23. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Great! Thanks for your validation Karen!

      This is helping me as well!

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