Rife Digital Machine

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by calin, Apr 20, 2012.

    1. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Hi folks! It's me with another alternative medicine treatment! Don't get upset with me... just passing along resources for you to ignore or check out! Your choice! ;)

      Today a business associate came to see me. Once the business was over with she said she was excited to tell me about the Rife Digital machine she just acquired. She told me about the uses with her family and friends she has been testing it out on and their ailments - along with their "recoveries" from the treatments with the machine.

      She offered to let me try it out for an hour on Saturday as she was in the area for my weak but still occurring tinnitus. At first she wanted to loan it to me so that I could sleep with it all night. Then she thought about her husband not wanting to miss a day of his treatment for diabetes and offered the hour session on Saturday.

      You may google about Dr. Royal Rife and the history behind the frequencies if you wish. There is lots on the internet about the protocols.

      I am still researching testimonies, but there is not much out there on this.
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    2. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      I am confused as to how tinnitus frequencies were developed if the rife machine works with viruses and bacteria. Who developed frequencies for things such AIDS for example? Still researching....
    3. Molan
      No Mood

      Molan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey Calin please keep posting these alternative things! I think they are very interesting!

      I'm confused how your PC can turn into a Rife device? Don't those things shoot light beams or something?
    4. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Naw... no light beams Molan! ;) Electrical frequencies I guess you could say.

      As luck would have it, the business associate came by today and had the Rife Digital machine with her. She told me she would pick it back up tomorrow morning.Yeah!!!!

      She explained that it was already programmed for my tinnitus and to put the straps on my feet. The frequencies take about an hour and a half per set.

      I already did one set and am now doing another.

      My tinnitus was already pretty low today, but on my drive home (after the first round of Rife) I could not really notice the tinnitus unless I really tried hard to focus on hearing it. It still pulses, but really really low. Like a whisper.

      So, during the sit down with the treatment I experienced a dull headache. I paused the machine and got a huge glass of water. Drank two. Made me thirsty. I take that as a good sign.

      I don't really feel anything happening in the foot area. I now feel like I have an itch under the strap though! Figures as I can't scratch it! lol.

      The big test is what happens overnight once my body has had time to rest and heal. Since my tinnitus is the loudest in the early morning, this will be interesting to see the results from the first few treatments. I will post again in the morning.

      Now that I am thinking about it, I sense a bit of fullness in my ear canals. My ears can pop just sitting here... not changing elevation. hmmm... interesting. ...... Drinking water!

      Oh, after the first treatment when I walked, my feet felt like I had just finished a standing on a vibrating machine. Kinda cool. Didn't last though.

      I am not using the UST protocols while using the Rife as I don't want to mix the two treatments. Just felt it best... no reason.

      Oh, went to my doc today... I will post on the UST thread about that.
    5. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Ok! It's morning!

      It's still there ... along with a headache.

      Immediately after the second session, I started hearing a second tone in my left hear... a lower pitched hum. Not happy about an additional one. That made me very anxious.... couldn't go to sleep. I ended up finding my rain/thunder CD by the bed and playing that - along with the fan running.

      The extra humming from last night is gone. whew!!!

      I may have overdone it with two back to back sessions for the first time. I could be experiencing the "die off" effect (Herxeimer), but I don't know why. Or, my body was blasted pretty hard and I need time to rest and heal.

      I will give more feedback when things change.
    6. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      hmmm.. It is later in the morning when my regular sounding tinnitus starts to fade. I am still hearing the faint lower sounding hum in the left ear. the regular T must have masked the newer hum. Geez................

      Headache faded though.
    7. Molan
      No Mood

      Molan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey Calin thank you for keeping us all updated with this.

      I certainly cannot say whether you should continue this or not but I seem to remember reading that Dr Wilden's LLLT caused patients Tinnitus to be worse before it got better. Also nerve cells if they regenerate can take a long time to recover according to what I have read.

      However I'm unsure if should you continue if it is making things worse for you. I would only advice caution.
    8. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Dr Wilden's LLLT??? I don't know who that is. Is LLLT low level light therapy?

      I am not doing anymore treatments for one thing she is coming back to take the machine today.

      Oh, the headache is gone on it's own. I really don't like taking Advil. Good thing!

      My regular tinnitus is doing it's fading thing... and maybe this background hum is fading too. Not quite sure. I am trying not to pay attention to it as it kind of pisses me off! haha

      I have sent an email off to UST - Dick to see if he has heard of combing the two therapies and if he has any feedback for me.

      I will mention it to my business associate.

      If I only stayed with the one session, I may not have had this hum along with the regular T. But, who was to know? I may have overdone it. We'll see if this fades.

      Molan, thanks for your support with me on this. I appreciate the chat.
    9. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
    10. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Headache still gone.. must have been the reaction to the Rife. I have to say, it was making me nervous and anxious. I was not wanting another permanent tone to listen to day and night along with the T.

      My right ear has no tones, humming, shreaking... clear - for now. Hope it lasts.

      The left one where the T and now hum was the most prevalent is still there... The T fades and increases a bit but still low. The new hum has not been really noticeable for that last half hour or so.
      (12 hours after second Rife treatment)
    11. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Calin -- Hope the new hum goes away for you. I've had several different therapies for my tinnitus (acupuncture, cold laser therapy), and right afterward, my tinnitus usually gets a lot worse (louder, plus very strong pulsating), then gets better about 24 hours later.

      I'd like to hear what Dick at UST thinks about combining the two therapies (sound and electrical?). Thanks for keeping us posted!
    12. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      I'll let you know what Dick has to say Karen! No worries. I don't hold much back! haha

      I am getting what seems like phantom weak T in the right ear that has been cleared of T. It's odd. I think I hear a faint high pitch every now and then, but when I close off the right ear.... nada! I keep doing that. Maybe my body is so used to the sound that it wants to fake me out or something!

      The additional hum that I got from the Rife is gone. I only have the left ear with a weak pulsing T. Maybe that was my body trying to reorganize the pathways or something... fix it .... strange.

      So, I told my friend the Rife machine owner I thought I need some time to see what to make of this treatment. It was pretty startling for me - new hum and all. My body needs to do whatever healing it needs to do before I throw it into shock again. Kinda of kidding, but I could be right about that - intuitively.

      She really wanted me to have it for the week. I told her that was very generous as her husband is helping a co-worker with MS and he is working on his pre-diabetic status. I ended up agreeing to have her drop it off to me for the next weekend and I would try it again then, but with shorter sessions with each frequency. Slow and easy!

      I asked if they could get any information to me about tinnitus sufferers and how they responded to the tinnitus frequencies. Hey, I don't mind being a guinea pig, but this is my brain! And it did change something. I am not sure if it is good or bad yet.

      She is really wanting this Rife machine to fix my tinnitus. I played the "The Noise" video for her and she feels really bad for us. She keeps mentioning her concern with the soldiers coming back with it. She was astounded that 50 million have it.

      I know for a fact the the UST protocol has not injured me in any way and I did find results - very slow but very steady. I feel safe with that.

      If anybody finds any feedback about Rife and tinnitus results, please post them.
    13. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Here is my update on the rife treatments....

      I woke this morning and heard my tinnitus - as usually ... maybe a bit softer. I laid in bed turning my head and closing my ear flaps to see if I could sense any changes with perhaps each ear... I don't know what I wanted to find... just experimented.

      I did sense that the tinnitus was coming back in the right ear late last night. But when I closed the ear flap to really hear if the tinnitus was in that ear, I heard nothing or just a weak signal. I did hear that new hum again this morning (faint and not so bothersome), but this time it was a different pitch in the left ear, but it faded when I got up.

      Right now - a couple hours after getting up, my T is quite low. Mostly seems like in the left ear. I am not sensing T in the right when I close the ear flap. All I can think of is that there is a head echo or something that gives me the sense that I am hearing the T in the right ear. It is the brain after all, so something is happening to traverse across the head.... just thinking out loud! Can't explain it.
    14. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      My tinnitus is still low. My right ear area still is mostly quiet. I had a terrible tinnitus night the night before, but last night I was back to normal lower tinnitus at bedtime.

      Right now... it is very low... on the right side of my head mostly.
    15. Sunny

      Sunny Member

      San Francisco, Calif
      Tinnitus Since:
      none, my partner had it
      Hello, I just want to add to the conversation here as my partner had tinnitus and used the Rife Digital machine for about three weeks continuously overnight treatments. It totally cleared up!

      These machines require some time to heal a chronic condition. If you have had tinnitus for some time, then don't expect to get over it in a few treatments. Acute conditions you can clear up in 5 treatments or 2 overnight treatments.
      But chronic ones take longer.....minimum three weeks overnight or maybe longer if you are only treating once a day.

      I have used for a wide variety of conditions and definitely have improved my health. But go slow, as you do get Herx reactions sometimes, which initially can increase the pain/sound. This is a sign the machine is working. Just use it at the pace you can tolerate.
      Good luck.
    16. Steve

      Steve Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Sheffield, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Flu, Noise-induced, Jaw trauma
      Hello @Sunny

      Luck seems to be the operative word unfortunately. If your partner cleared up in 3 weeks I can only imagine that he would have got better anyway, I can't see how the machine can actually help. Maybe he had a perforated eardrum or something similar that can cause temporary tinnitus?

      Tinnitus is not caused by a bacteria, I'm fairly confident of this. The machine claims to target bacteria with a particular frequency for each illness. There is absolutely nothing that I can see that even remotely links it to tinnitus.

      Apparently this machine cures all cancers and it has been suppressed since 1934 by The American Medical Association.

      It comes with a guide to frequencies to treat 3500 diseases - including tuberculosis, arthritis and ulcers. It does not claim even a single piece of research or evidence, just testimonials. If they tested this independently and it worked - which can be done quite easily - they would be worth billions.

      If I owned this company and believed in the product I could do this for low cost - organise some un-scientific trials to prove the device worked, write some papers on how and why it worked and make sure that I could not be ignored. Little by little the pressure to recognise the success of the machine would spread across the world, as it can in our digital age. With my patent in hand major companies would be climbing over each other to buy a share of my company and mass produce the device - or suppress it so their revenues from traditional medication could be preserved.

      The fact that the company that make it haven't even tried to prove anything tells me that they know it doesn't work.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    17. Sunny

      Sunny Member

      San Francisco, Calif
      Tinnitus Since:
      none, my partner had it
      Dear Steve M.,
      Since last posting on the healing of Tinnitus in my partner, we have cleared up many other chronic conditions just by using the portable Rife Digital Professional machine.

      Its success is not at all due to luck but to the specific frequency sets that reflect the signature frequency of the bacteria, virus, fungi, mold, or parasite/worms that you are treating. The frequency range of this machine is from 000.01 kilohertz to 999.99 kilohertz, which is the range where all unwanted pathogens reside/vibrate.

      It is safe to use on humans as our frequency is higher than that range. We have cleared up asthma, high blood pressure, hypothyroid, breast fibroids, parasites, a few worms, detoxed heavy metals, detoxed organs and toxins, cleared up chronic skin problems and healed a digestive issue I had for a long time.

      The only trick is getting the right diagnosis so you can select the correct frequency set for your problem. If you don't select the right diagnosis, then you may not see good results. If that happens, you re-diagnose and re-select another more appropriate frequency set. Or you can use lab test results (like stool tests) or talk to a doctor or naturopath regarding your conditions if you are not sure what is exactly wrong. The frequency sets that come with the Rife Digital machines are very specific and my practical experience is they are very effective.

      It is a bit like homeopathy, which is based on testimonial evidence and not on scientific research.

      It still works. It's a great way to treat yourself at home and saves loads of money as you don't have to visit the doc and get any meds. Another plus point is NO SIDE EFFECTS!
      • Like Like x 1
    18. hans01

      hans01 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress, hearing loss, sinus infections, ... ?
      For me homeopathy has always worked very well, especially for sleeping and stress, in some other cases it didn't but I'd never exclude anything until you have tried it yourself, if it works for you, then that's great especially if there aren't side effects. I'd like to try it, I have chronic T (and very loud 8-9/10) since 17 years and have a very hard time to live with it lately.
    19. linearb

      linearb Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      beliefs are makyo and reality ignores them
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      The woo checklist:

      Expensive? Check
      "Cure for all diseases": check
      Secret data suppressed by big medicine: check
      Supported by zero serious scientific studies: check
      Information on why it can't work is widely available: check (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Rife)

      Quack quack quack. Note that in this case, people have actually been prosecuted for medical fraud connected to this device. I don't even want to call it a technology. It's more like magic beans.

      If you ever get to see, or god forbid attempt to operate one, you'll probably get an original Star Trek vibe. That was my take. Pretend space tech from an era that didn't know what satellites are.

      I'm sorry; I'll give the benefit of the doubt on a lot of things, I've tried a lot of nutty things, but this one is absolute nonsense and anyone telling you otherwise is an outright con man or a delusional and unwitting participant in what's basically a pyramid scheme.
      • Agree Agree x 2
    20. Onsdag

      Onsdag Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unknown, maybe stress
      HA HA. Funny.

      Pancreatic cancer? Select frequencies 2320, 3100 Hz.

      Kidney failure? Select frequencies 3728, 4730 Hz.

      Brain damage? Too late, you already bought this device... no frequency is going to help you.

      Several deaths have resulted from the use of Rife machines in place of standard medical treatment. In one case, a U.S. court found that the marketer of a Rife device had violated the law and that, as a result of her actions, a cancer patient had ceased chemotherapy and died.[17] In Australia, the use of Rife machines has been blamed for the deaths of cancer patients who might have been cured with conventional therapy.[7]
      • Agree Agree x 1
    21. AZeurotuner

      AZeurotuner Member Benefactor

      Tucson, AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      Is there a frequency for extreme gullibility?
    22. Mila

      Mila Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unbelievable! I feel very, very sorry for this people.

      Rife machine is amazing device.

      To use this machine, you should know what cause your Tinnitus. It is impotent! Could be hidden bacteria or parasites in your body.

      When I got Tinnitus, doctor told me after a lot of tests: “I did not see such healthy ears for more than 3 months”. But I fell so horrible and Nobody could help. After 4 years (Useless Doctors’ Visits) I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and co-infection. Lyme spreed all over my body even in the eyes. One year on antibiotics, did not help at all.

      Until I got Rife digital machine. It is almost 3 months as I use it for Lyme and amazing thing happening. As I am getting better with Lyme my Tinnitus noise become quiet. Sometimes I am trying to hear is it still there and it is now only on the one side of the head.
      "all diseases have simple explanations and cures once their true cause is known." H.R.Clark, Ph.D

      Thanks, Rife! I thought my life is over. But now I see light in the tunnel.

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