so true what all the vets so about this journe being full of setbacks. I went and got HAs with maskers built in yesterday, alittle weird at first but within an hour I am back at work and did not focus on it most of the day and into the night. I even joked with my daughter and let her try them on. One mistake I probably made is I didn't take my usual Klonopin- tried to tough it out and had a shitty sleep. Wake up today, exercise, had my shake and look forward to the day. All day my anxiety just keeps ramping up until I give up at 4pm. take the HA out and take a Klonopin! I actually almost stupidly posted last night what great progress I made and felt I turned the corner. Hopefully two steps forward and only one step back, I will for sure take my Klonopin for sleep tonite, I underestimated the beast!