Secret From the World's 2nd Richest Man

Discussion in 'Support' started by Ozzy, Oct 31, 2013.

    1. Ozzy

      Ozzy Member Benefactor

      Istanbul / Turkey
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      * Ear infection * 20 years later huge sound increase due to stress
      Andrew Carnegie (1835 – 1919) was world's 2nd richest person of all time (after John D. Rockefeller) with a fortune of 298 Billion US Dollars. (Source: Richest People in History )
      (In fact he was coming from a very poor family.)

      Being a philanthropist, after amassing that incredible fortune, he wanted to teach the people about the secret of his success. He asked from a man named Napoleon Hill (1883 – 1970) to write a book about his success formula. And Napoleon Hill, after learning his secret, wrote the book Think and Grow Rich in 1937. It is one of the best-selling books of all time (By 2011 over 70 million copies had been sold worldwide).

      He became an advisor to US President Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1936.

      Now Napoleon Hill's amazing story:
      Napoleon Hill had a son. "Blair" was born without ears, without any normal hearing organs at all. Doctors feared that he would be deaf and mute for his entire life. Hill, equipped with the success formula of Andrew Carnegie, refused to accept this negative diagnosis. “The outlook was far from encouraging,” he wrote, “but desire backed by faith knows no such word as impossible.”

      Through a positive mental attitude and a burning desire that his child hear, Hill set about helping Blair. Even though his doctor told Hill that his son would neither be able to hear nor speak, Blair grew up to be able to hear and speak almost normally.

      In this video Napoleon Hill tells this story.

      Napoleon Hill Talking About His Son Audiobooks

      I hope it inspires you and gives you HOPE.
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    2. amandine

      amandine Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      july 2014

      I really wanted to watch the video but I cant seem to open it. When i click on the link, it opens up a grey speckled box and say this video is private. And thats it....

      can you help please?
      • Agree Agree x 1
    3. AUTHOR

      Ozzy Member Benefactor

      Istanbul / Turkey
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      * Ear infection * 20 years later huge sound increase due to stress

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