I have a non-tinnitus related question for both men and women but I suppose this is smth that women might know more about. I recently went to my beautician for a facial treatment. I asked her about eye cream and she said that at my age (23) I should use it every day. Of course she did not mean an anti-aging cream but a regular one. She explained that the skin around the eye is a bit thinner than on the face so a regular face cream is not gonna work. She did not try to sell any certain creams but told to find smth I like myself which why she sounded trustworthy. However I think sometimes cosmeticians can overdo it a bit with facial care. I dont really have wrinkles or "crow's eyes", only some small lines that I see myself looking close into the mirror. The skin around my eyes isnt try as well. I would still like to know though how often you guys use eye cream and whether you think applying it every day is necessary