Small Successes!


Dec 9, 2013
Boston, MA
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
ear infection
I went to a small, quiet store this morning. I went with my sound generators in, and did pretty well! Last night I went out and wasn't that successful. I had earplugs in the car and as soon as I finished first store, those babies went in, in place of the SGs!

I really do think I will respond well with the SGs... and I think this was a small success. :)
wow... so someone tagged my post so I got a notification. My OP was after three days of SGs and today I'm out and about doing almost everything I had before my ear problems. I still have to make some modifications, but I even did "mostly well" at a casino in Vegas! "Mostly well" because the bells and whistles messed up my ability to hear, but no pain or discomfort. I was playing the slots this one time and got 8 free spins... the machine was set to loud and I couldn't alter that during the free spins. UGH! but, it was just a nuisance, not a problem. when it stopped, I turned the volume down and was good.

I'm not without hearing issues, but I'm doing very well... especially compared to the OP here!
Okay...essentially they are maskers that fit like hearing aids but have only the sound? So, Sue, did you tailor the sounds to mask your tinnitus?

A big frustration to me has been working with ENT's and Audiologists to understand tinnitus. They truly do not seem equipped to deal with tinnitus effectively. My first audiologist offered only hearing aids. He did not know that there were hearing aids on the market with maskers. I later found an audiologist who combined masking in with the hearing aid. Well, the hearing aids do not work for me because my audiograms are up and down. I asked about solely a masker, and she said she could do that with my current hearing aids priced at $2500 each. No thanks...too expensive for just the masker.

Do you happen to have a link that gives information on the sound generators that you are using?

Thanks Sue!
they fit loosely in the ear, not molded (like my son's hearing aide). And they are pricey... very... $3000 for a pair. That came with 1 year of support from the audiologist.

I went to an audiologist that specializes in hyperacusis. I don't have a problem with T, so the masking didn't need to match the T. I found the audiologist by calling my son's audiologist and getting a recommendation for someone that is knowledgeable with H.... nailed it! I know how fortunate I am. I had seen an ENT from MEEI, and MEEI sees weird cases... you'd think they'd know.

BTW, my neurotologist is from MEEI, as well as my otologist. but the first doc there... didn't listen to a word I said!

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