Steroids and Tinnitus, Did They Help You? Also, What Antidepressants Work Best For You?

Discussion in 'Support' started by MingMonster, Sep 30, 2015.

    1. MingMonster

      MingMonster Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      My tinnitus started very recently- a week or so after Labour Day and right after the onset of a nasty cold. It's pretty faint- a quiet but very high pitched buzz, like the feedback from a TV. However, I suffer from severe anxiety, so it is very difficult for me to not focus on it (vicious cycle, I know).
      Today I went to an ear specialist and found out that my hearing was perfect (no hearing loss at all), and my tinnitus suspicion was confirmed. The doctor prescribed me a course of steroids and seemed fairly optimistic that this could be cured, or at least lessened.
      My question, I guess, is if anyone was also told the same thing, and if it helped.
      Also, I'd like to know if there is anyone on here dealing with both Tinnitus AND anxiety/depression. How do you cope? What antidepressants/anxieties work best for you in terms of managing T?
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    2. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Hi mingmonster,
      Anti depressants come in a lot of brands and some work differently but with the same target to help depression and anxiety.

      When you start medication for depression you can get more anxiety feelings but there is help with short courses of diazepam or lorazepam for a week or two while your anti depressants build up in your system .

      There is lots of help for tinnitus and the unwanted emotions that come with it with medication,sound therapy CBT and TRT .

      Your doctor can refur you to ENT if in the UK if your tinnitus does not settle.......lots of love glynis
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    3. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
      No drugs work best for me, except for a bit of pot here and there. I prefur working out or taking walks to calm myself and my T situation. ADs did nothing for me except make me feel zoned out and stoned.
    4. geg1992

      geg1992 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure + Antibiotics
      Hey Telis, how are you getting along these days?

      I took steroids (prednisolone I think) which brought my T volume right down! Took them for a week about 7-10 days after exposure. Only take them on advice from your doctor though as I think there may be some side effects.
    5. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
      Hey man. Im ok thx. I honestly feel a little better now that I'm not taking ADs. Every day is tough but I'm working out (lifting again) and playing lots of tennis. Trying to go at it a day at a time.
    6. geg1992

      geg1992 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure + Antibiotics
      That's great to hear!

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