Thumping/Twitching Eardrum ("Tapping Microphone") — Eustachian Tube Problem or Something Else?

Discussion in 'Support' started by cjbhab, Jan 4, 2023.

    1. cjbhab

      cjbhab Member Hall of Fame

      Sask, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sinuses, Ear infection
      Wondering if anyone has any input?

      My right ear seems to be fluttering/twitching/thumping. I cannot tell if the eardrum is twitching, or the Eustachian tube is opening and closing or what.

      But I hear and feel sound as if a microphone is being tapped on - it is not from the brain - I believe it to be muscular of some sort. I do not believe it has anything to do with loud sound or a reaction to sound.
      It is absolutelty not pulsatile. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears sometimes and it does not bother me. This is not that.

      When I massage the back right side of my neck or around the ear, I can rapidly make this sound happen. When I massage while simultaneously plugging my ear - I cannot make it happen - so maybe pressure related?

      I had this issue for 3-4 years and could not figure anything out - it mysteriously disappeared a couple years ago and has now been back off and on since September.

      Could this be a chiropractic issue with the neck? Could lifting weights be an issue? Over exertion?

      Other things I've been trying are nasal sprays, Magnesium tablets, muscle relaxants.

      I do have regular tinnitus - ringing in both ears, which I have been managing well the last couple years. I do not believe this to be related.

      I'm at my wits' end because I know if I see a doctor/ENT it will lead nowhere, I've been down that road.

      This is really distracting when trying to work or relax. It seems if I stay really still, it doesn't happen. Thankfully this helps for sleep. With my whole ringing in ears issue, I'm not a guy who likes to sit around, I like to stay busy and moving around.
      • Good Question Good Question x 1
    2. NYCGuy

      NYCGuy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Neck, Jaw or Stress, who knows.

      I think you suffer from MEM/TTTS. I experience the same and I also suffer from pulsatile tinnitus and regular tinnitus in both ears. I think it is MEM because of the thumping. It seems TTTS is more of a clicking noise.

      I also suffer from thumping, the same description as yours. I have seen a lot of doctors and done a lot of research.

      I saw Dr. Santos, the best doctor for MEM surgery on the East Coast, who said to always give it 6 to 12 months to see if it goes away; and it did for me. This can be a muscle twitch, the same as with eyes, legs, etc. due to stress, nerves, not having enough potassium, etc.

      I would recommend starting with daily Magnesium and Taurine. You can even try Magnesium oil around the ear, neck etc.

      Secondly, you can ask your doctor for Carbamazepine. It seems to be the recommended medication that works for many but, again, may have side effects. Others have had good luck with Clonazepam, Cymbalta, Orphenadrine or Flexeril.

      The third option is surgery but for that I would go with a doctor that uses lasers, because when you use blades to do the surgery, the muscle can reattach and the symptoms return. Something to keep in mind is that the surgery can cause hyperacusis, so is a very difficult decision. Dr. Santos said the chance of hyperacusis developing is 15% due to this muscle that spams is the one that protects you from loud noises.

      My episodes, after working on my neck and jaw with physical therapy, NUCCA and massages, only happen once a month after stretching or burping.
      • Agree Agree x 1
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    3. AUTHOR

      cjbhab Member Hall of Fame

      Sask, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sinuses, Ear infection
      Thank you for the useful information.

      I'm trying to take Potassium and Magnesium supplements.

      Can you tell me what you believe the benefit of Taurine to be in this situation, @NYCGuy?

      I have bought some Methocarbamol which is an OTC muscle relaxant. I also purchased a steroid nasal spray and am going to see a chiropractor tomorrow just for his thoughts.

      I had sinus surgery in 2019 because my frontal sinus cavities were blocked and one was ballooning and the other was caving in. I believe this may have played a factor in all my tinnitus issues and this MEM issue. I am hopeful the MEM can be resolved with time. I am going to follow up with this ENT soon and have him take a look.

      I am also going to go for some massages - probably doesn't do much, but it does help you relax. I find for tinnitus especially it takes the focus off your brain and puts it more onto the body which helps.

      I will see GP and ask his thoughts on these meds but I am hesitant to take some of these. I'd probably be okay with the muscle relaxers.
      • Agree Agree x 1

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