Tinnitus 97% Gone: CBD Oil + Lymphatic/Craniosacral Therapy

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Joel Hayes, Aug 6, 2018.

    1. Joel Hayes

      Joel Hayes Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      7/1/2018 severe - moderate since a kid
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear Infection/Prednisone
      Just new to this forum but wanted to post on my experience and relief to my symptoms. While getting ready to post a thread, I saw so many other posts re CBD Oil and Craniosacral Therapy - we must all be collectively on to something - at least for those of us with similar causes of tinnitus.

      I've had a soft ringing in my ears since I can remember, probably 4 when I first noticed. It would come and go, I just thought everyone had it til I got older and realized not the case. But it was never bad, and I had grown-up used to it. Sometimes it would come for an hour but it never lasted.

      6 weeks ago I developed a severe inner-ear infection. I had no choice but to take Prednisone/Steroids for the inflammation (I'm not a fan of steroids or antibiotics though I know at times they are necessary). I was on a 6 day taper and the day after it ended, the ringing started (I have heard some use Prednisone to help with tinnitus although it's toxic on your body long-term, and others who believe they got tinnitus from Prednisone). I've had it before and assumed it would pass in a few hours. It didn't... it just got louder and the multiple pitches and tones were difficult. It subsided two days later for a half day then came back as what I'm learning was a massive spike. I had already given up many foods and coffee/caffeine to see if anything made a difference over 3 weeks - I couldn't even concentrate when talking with people or sleep even with 3 white nose makes on full volume - and my heart goes out to everyone who has had this long-term, people who have never experienced tinnitus will never understand how it affects you.

      After a lot of research and being holistically-minded I remembered I had done a Craniosacral Therapy Session years ago, as well as lymphatic drainage. I had also bought CBD oil months ago to sleep better, but it had had no effect then. Having watched some of Julian Cowall Hill's YouTube videos, I thought I'd try those routes as well as get back into Tai-Chi which I've missed doing.

      Yesterday I found YouTube videos of lymphatic drainage for the ears and head and did them. It felt nice but i didn't get a change in my tinnitus. Last night I took four 15mg gel tablets of CBD Oil (60mg total). Not sure if that was overkill or right, but I was desperate. Nothing changed and I went to bed hours later with 3 white noise machines on max and my tinnitus making me miserable. I woke several times during the night and this morning when I woke I realized something was different. I was afraid to hope, but cautiously turned off each white noise machine one by one until I realized I had zero ringing. I mean zero - I have never had that in my entire life. It was amazing and it was odd, and I was afraid to be hopeful as it may have been just a passing thing.

      I had found a very well-reviewed Craniosacral Therapist not even 10 mins from me earlier the day before and already had an appt so I was planning to keep it. I just got back from an hour session and it was pretty amazing. I know all practitioners are not the same and neither each of us in how we react to things. The first time I had done CST 9 years ago it had done nothing for me, and I felt I had wasted my money - but this practitioner today was amazing and interactive throughout. I felt pressure in and around my ears go away, my jaw untightened (I've never had it feel like it does now, it's taking some getting used to and I didn't realize it was supposed to feel any other way than I've always known). Through the therapy the tinnitus came and went to mind levels of volume, and the tones varied and switched from ear to ear throughout. I left feeling amazing. A bit of tinnitus is back but it's manageable and not more than I have always been used to since I was a kid. The practitioner recommended keeping up the CBD Oil daily and a follow-up with her in a week if I was open to it (she was not pushy at all and that impressed me). She had done a lot of lymphatic drainage on me during the session as well- and I could feel things moving and releasing.

      Again- all practitioners are different and we all react differently- but in my case this particular one impressed me tremendously. I plan to keep up CBD Oil daily and see her 2x more a week apart each.

      What scares me is, it's only 6 hours that it's been this quiet and will it last/stay. Based on other posts I've read about success with CBD Oil and CST I'm hopeful. I'll post updates.

      Wishing to everyone here that they find something that works for them.
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    2. Ecip

      Ecip Member

      Edmonton, AB/Switzerland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Still unknown... possibly noise exposure?
      Well, what I'd be interested in is how much % CBD is in the oil.
    3. G H

      G H Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Yea, what what strength (in mg) of CBD were you using? been using 250 mg and 550 mg for insomnia but it's had no effect. Maybe I need 3,600mg or something. :(
    4. John CC

      John CC Member Benefactor

      Toronto, Ontario
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Phone ring tone directly in my ear/hearing loss 15% l, 25% r
      Hey congrats, and good luck.
    5. housemzk

      housemzk Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Jan 18, 2018
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      concussions, wisdom teeth removal, neck, jaw, stress, noise?
      @Joel Hayes - who's the CST specialist you went to? I've done CST once at the beginning of this nightmare, and while I was much more relaxed after the CST session, it did very little to nothing for my tinnitus. I'd give it a go again with the right person.
    6. AUTHOR
      Joel Hayes

      Joel Hayes Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      7/1/2018 severe - moderate since a kid
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear Infection/Prednisone
      Before I reply to the other questions this is my update:

      I was great the rest of the day following the CST and she said keep on the CBD Oil. I went to bed that night and woke up with the T back (not as full-force as before, the tones were different and not as many - still irritating as hell but better than before). I went out the next day and got a bottle of high potency CBD Oil. My take is I get no immediate effect from the CBD and it takes hours to work then seems to last. I think this varies from my reads, for everyone. I reach out a little girl year old with a hearing issue and T who was on CBD for another issue and the CBD make her T go away.

      So I took the CBD and woke up about 4am to quiet. I wondered if it was the CBD/CST or a combo (I felt the CST helped and I could feel many things changing during it - going back for 2 more follow-ups - regardless of the T I believe in it with a good practitioner). I haven't taken any CBD since and this morning woke up to T - not insane but it's there. I took some CBD at 11am and will see if I wake up T-free tomorrow. I hate have to be scientific about it- we all just want it to go away, but since it's make making me insane at this point, I'm going to try to see what effect the CBD is really having. Either way- I find it interesting to go from T at a 5/6 to a zero for two separate days. I'll keep updating - while we are all different - at least we can try to help each other.

      I have read posts on sites where the CBD didn't have an immediate effect but many found that overnight it make their T diminish or disappear. I guess I'll see what happens for me. Weird thing is I think the CBD was making my eyes red and puffy - I've read on others with similar. CBD over 40 mg have height glaucoma (I don't have it but my eye dr said my pressure is where they want to check it proactively when I'm in). Some say an allergic reaction (wouldn't have be the killer if CBD stopped my T but I was allergic to it...)

      Again on the CST - I can't said IT was what made the difference, but I did feel things happening with pressure in my eyes and the tones of the T changing during it (it was a 2 during the session). And a CST practitioner is like anyone in a field- good and bad, knowledge vs quack). She did impress me, personally.

      Lastly- I know I have TMJ- before my ear infection that led to having to take Prednisone my jaw locked painfully for several days- I believe that pushed fluid into my ear which started the ear infection (sad that in reading online I'm able to figure all of that out by my ENT and Dentist were both clueless on a connection).

      I am getting this book - has great reviews - will see if it does anything to help the T as well:
      TMJ Healing Plan: Ten Steps to Relieving Headaches, Neck Pain and Jaw Disorders - Cynthia Peterson
      (someone had mentioned it on reddit)

      Regarding the % - I looked and the bottle doesn't specifically say (I'm still confused on % and mg and the rest- I can post info that's on the box/bottle when I get home if that will help)?

      Regarding the CST - she is local here in Austin (austincst.com).

      I'll update in a day or two - be well, everyone.
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    7. AUTHOR
      Joel Hayes

      Joel Hayes Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      7/1/2018 severe - moderate since a kid
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear Infection/Prednisone
      Hey Guys- so I did a few drops again of CBD yesterday along with Melatonin (slept better than I have in quite awhile). I also get a new pillow. I've been reading theories that kneck and TMJ strain pull the muscles by the ears and can be one (of many) cause of T. I have always have bad neck pain and a stiff jaw when I wake up (I used to double-up with two pillows under my head). I'm sleeping better with just one and it's one of the many foam versions out there.

      I woke up at 4am hoping the T would be gone as it had been a few other mornings (and come back the next morning when waking). It was there but not as severe. When I woke at 7am it was very quiet and only 1 tone (I usually have a shrill of mixed tones). I really think CBD does have an affect for some people (again, we are all different in how it affects each of us). I've read threads where some got rid of their T completely with it, and others found a significant reduction (and others no change). One thing I have noticed as a by-product of this is my anxiety has dropped tremendously. I have high cortisol (=low magnesium) and am the wiki of frayed nerves, panic and worry. That's all drastically changed for me in the last week - a few friends have even commented that I seem more at ease and relaxed.

      My take- if you can afford a small bottle of CBD, everything I have read (do your own research, of course) shows it's beneficial in many ways. So, if you don't find any effect on your T, you may still find other benefits and it's not wasted money.

      I see the Craniosacral Therapist on Monday evening. I'll update again the middle of next week as that gives time for more CBD and to see an effects of the CST.

      Have a good weekend--
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    8. AUTHOR
      Joel Hayes

      Joel Hayes Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      7/1/2018 severe - moderate since a kid
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear Infection/Prednisone
      Hey All-

      So I had another CST appointment last night- same experience where I felt a lot of pressure disappear around my ears and they were popping like crazy after the session. I've had minor liquid in my ear canals when I wake up in the mornings barely enough to show on a q-tip, but still that tells me something is in my ear (despite what the original ENT said) and slowly making its way out. I got a pack of 3 CST sessions, all I can afford for now but I think they were definitely beneficial. Last of the 3 is in 2 weeks.

      To try and see what was making an impact with the CBD oil I stopped it on Saturday. I was fine for 3 days except that my new norm was laying down for bed and hearing the ringing start and by morning it would be at a 5/6 and then disappear to a 0/1 over 3-4 hours after waking. Then, come back as I sleep/lay down. Without the CBD oil the T never went away yesterday even 3-4 hours after waking and went up to a 6/7 over the day. By 7pm I figured the experiment was proving itself and did 3 drops CBD under my tongue, not expecting to see a difference until the next day (for me it can take 12 hours to affect my T apparently). This morning the T was quieter by there at a 4/5 and I took 3 more drops under my tongue at 7am. It's 5pm now and I'm at a 0/1. So - if I do CBD Oil 2x a day just a few drops, hoping it will keep working. I've read this same effect for many with CBD, and for some it happens within minutes (12 hours for me) and other CBD has no effect. But CBD has many beneficial properties, so it can't hurt you to try except your pocketbook (start with a small bottle I guess and see).

      I also found in reading that CBD is anti-tolerance in form. Meaning the longer you use it the less you need (rather than more from building a tolerance). So that being the case, my hope is a bottle will last me a LONG time at 4-6 drops a day. My anxiety is also near gone.

      I'll post again in 2 weeks after the last CST session. While the CBD has a more immediate effect, for me having gotten T from an ear infection and Prednisone taper for it I think the CST is important in my circumstance, as a lot of cranial things are going on with stuck fluid and pressure - which I note a big difference in each of the 2 times I've gone.

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    9. Bill Bauer
      No Mood

      Bill Bauer Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      February, 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      @Joel Hayes what brand of CBD oil have you been using?
    10. AUTHOR
      Joel Hayes

      Joel Hayes Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      7/1/2018 severe - moderate since a kid
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear Infection/Prednisone
      @Bill Bauer -- Veggimins: Hemp for Health - Organic Help Oil with 1200 mg Hemp Extract (1 fluid oz = 30 full dropper serving - I'm using 3 drops at a time rather than a full dropper). This was the most potent per bottle I could get local at our People's Pharmacy here in Austin. I'm still not clear on figuring out percentages (3% vs 4% etc) but I do know 3 drops 2x a day of this is working. Still at a 0/1 and hoping after another 3 drops before bed I'll be a 0 tomorrow (before stopping the CBD to see if it was really working, I had many 0 days with a few 1's for a few hours).

      I paid $90 for the bottle, but hoping it lasts me a LONG time. I read in a post on a bottle someone was using for their daughter that was $300 a bottle.... man!
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    11. Striveon

      Striveon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Can you please update on your tinnitus?
    12. Duncan L

      Duncan L Member Benefactor

      Whanganui, New Zealand
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Brain Stem injury due to over-ambitious yoga stretch
      Really good info thanks Joel. Alas down here in good old NZ we aren't allowed naughty bottles of CBD?! You guys up there in good old Texas are - look forward to hearing some more from you
      • Funny Funny x 1
    13. OnceUponaTime

      OnceUponaTime Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      New York
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
    14. AUTHOR
      Joel Hayes

      Joel Hayes Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      7/1/2018 severe - moderate since a kid
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear Infection/Prednisone
      @Bill Bauer ; @OnceUponaTime

      I stopped taking the CBD Oil- something about it gave me almost an allergic reaction (I'm that 1/1000 person for most medications that has the weird reaction). I definitely think it was helping with my stress/nerves which seem to exacerbate tinnitus, though.

      What I really do think makes a difference is the CanioSacral Therapy. As it's $100 a session (and well worth it imo for more than the tinnitus) I've had to cut it back to once every 2 months or so. Since I began doing it, though, my allergies are near gone and my sinuses drain every morning when I wake up (I've been used to a lot of sinus pressure since I can remember).

      Julian Cowan Hill has extensive posts on his site about how CST cured his tinnitus (took years) and he is now a CST practitioner. I am heavily a believer on holistics and had had CST done in the past (years ago) for other issues, and after reading his postings decided to find a well-rated local CST practitioner (like any practitioner, there are good and bad- so you have to research and go and find out what they are about and if it's a fit for you).

      Since starting the CST my tinnitus will come back when I lay sleeping (many report being horizontal does this) and within a few hours of waking it will either be gone or greatly diminished. There are days where it does not go away at all, but compared to where it was before I went to CST -- about an 8 for me -- it is now a 2 or a 1. Often I forget I even hear it and then suddenly am aware and go "oh... it's there but manageable." I haven't been to CST in about 6 weeks due to finances but am due to go back in 3 more weeks. To me, CST is a process and a long one- you are subtly shifting things not only in your head but other parts of your body, waiting for that to settle and to see what else comes from that. At a very very basic comparison, like a chiropractor- you wouldn't go in once and expect things to be fine after-- each adjustment brings things that will need tuning. But I do believe in CST and that it has helped tremendously.

      I have also found acupressure and jaw exercise I have been doing daily. Cannot say yet if they directly impact the tinnitus- but they have helped with my sore/stiff jaw when i wake up mornings from clenching and teeth grinding quite a bit. Links, below.

      Here is an article on CST:

      Exercises by Dr Mandell on youtube- he has a channel and several vidoes on tinnitus, his theories on where it comes from and how to help it:
      Stop Tinnitus Fast...Dr. Mandell's 4 Step...

      Acupressure for Tinnitus by Yasuko Kawamura:
      Acupressure Points for Tinnitus - Massage...

      Julian Cowan Hill youtube channel - love this guy and how genuinely he cares, and his videos are all worth watching:

      I'll update again in a few weeks after my next CST session.

      Thanks - Joel
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    15. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
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    16. Gary H

      Gary H Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      3 months off from exercise and diet do to injury recovery.
      Reference: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ontrackdiabetes.com/amp/12752


      “CBD didn't affect blood sugar levels. (CBD did seem to cause small changes in resistin, a protein that boosts inflammation and may be involved in insulin resistance; and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide hormone that stimulates insulin release.) "But there were no detectable metabolic effects," the researchers concluded.”

      I was curious about what CDB may affect regarding insulin, if at all, because it may be the pathway. Based on that information (without further fact finding) it may be through reducing inflamation.

      MCT oil I discovered this week and getting your body running in keytones state versus glucose/insulin had good results. So, I am persuing this course personally, avoiding sugars and carbs, and measuring my ketones.

      Reference: https://www.tinnitusformula.com/library/sugar-metabolism-affects-tinnitus/

      The researchers in this study referenced previous studies showing that between 84 and 92% of tinnitus patients were shown to have a metabolic disorder called hyperinsulinemia.

      Hyperinsulinemia is an elevation of insulin levels in the bloodstream. It is a direct consequence of a metabolic disorder known as insulin resistance. ”

      That continues and begins discussion keytones and of MCT oil. If you choose to try MCT, it will save some time and money if I mention that you will want the C8 coconut variety which can be directly and quickly used as cellular energy by cell mitochondria. C8 is also called Caprylic Acid. Avoid formulas that are higher than C10. “C” is the number of carbon atoms in the molucule.

      Im thinking also if controlling inflammation is beneficial that Omega 3 would be helpful, so I began.

      And I just remebered a discussion I had with a doctor at Mayo clinic about DHEA. I tried on my mother who had dementia we later learned, when she would have DHEA, her symptoms where noticably reduced. He said thats because DHEA reduces inflamation. So I may try that as well. DHEA will reach your brain and is a hormone you dont want large doses (25mg or less) and use it in morning only. Its what your brain produces while you sleep to wake you and keep you alert. Ill let you know if I find any affect.
      Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
    17. Lane

      Lane Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Single 25 mg dose of (anticholinergic) drug Promethazine
      @Gary H -- You may want to consider supplementing with pregnenolone, which is a precursor to DHEA. This makes it unlikely you'll "overdose" on DHEA, as the body will normally only make as much as it needs--provided there's enough pregnenolone to do that. -- Here's a brief description...

      "Pregnenolone is the precursor (building-block) for all other steroid hormones. It is converted directly into DHEA and/or progesterone. DHEA converts to testosterone and estrogens; progesterone converts to estrogens, cortisol, and aldosterone. It is this succession of conversions that makes human life possible. Without pregnenolone, there can be no human steroid hormone production.

      Made from cholesterol, pregnenolone is a natural steroid hormone produced primarily in the adrenal glands, but in smaller amounts by many other organs and tissues of the human body, including liver, brain, skin, gonads, and even the retina of the eye. "

      I've done a fair amount of research on pregnenolone, and had these websites bookmarked. BTW, I supplement with 12.5 mg of DHEA and 50 mg of pregnenolone / day (mornings). -- @Bill Bauer @Greg Sacramento @ruben ruiz @humptydumpty69 @lymebite

      • Like Like x 1
    18. SadMan

      SadMan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      I don't think Prednisone will cause tinnitus.
    19. Uklawyer

      Uklawyer Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Medication - antidepressants
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