What About God?

Discussion in 'Support' started by erniej, Sep 22, 2016.

    1. Owen

      Owen Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unclear. Inflammatory allergic reaction/AIED
      @erniej I understand how you feel, as I had around a year of severe tinnitus as a consequence of a drug allergy, sleeping for months only through passing out. Fortunately mine has very slowly reduced to a tolerable level, but I understand your immeasurable suffering as it pushed me to the very limits of my emotional endurance. I wish I could offer you more than just my thoughts, but I know I can't.
      • Agree Agree x 1
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    2. stophiss

      stophiss Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      April 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      too full a life
      Yeah...or punish criminals by giving them tinnitus.
      There maybe a God...but nobody has any proof and there is a lot of evidence to the contrary other than the extraordinary design of the universe. Btw, who or what created God?
      Lastly, people that believe that God intercedes on the planet are pretty clueless about the magnitude of suffering on the planet. Hundreds of thousands that infants that die from mal nutrition and disease every year. Human suffering is boundless as I write this from a country that is more prosperous than any in modern time...America. Countless crippled people that live with chronic pain and cannot move under their own power. Karma has nothing to do with it...they performed 'God's work' throughout their life.
    3. StuartB

      StuartB Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      September 12th
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not 100% sure
      I use to be a believer but all it did was help destroy my life in a few ways. The Bible is loaded with contradictions and proof that the almighty God breaks his own 10 commandments.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    4. stophiss

      stophiss Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      April 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      too full a life
      Mike, come on brother....a strong argument for no God...or at least the designer aka God doesn't interfere with his grand experiment i.e. the human race. There is a band of awful people marauding across the middle east cutting off the heads of Christian youths in the name of 'their' god. Religion is many times the leading reason for war. Just like there are believers on this board, there are many that do not and for good reason.

      To me, I believe Dr. Alexander is a brilliant guy and he makes a compelling case for collective consciousness. I see it in animals and even dogs in fact. I had a dog that I felt could read my mind just by looking at me...a dynamic you describe. I believe that dog was a lot smarter than many people I have met. :)
      To me, both reincarnation and precocity...genius like Mozart can be partly explained by a spiritual ubiquity. The great minds tap into the collective of intellectual truth. There is NO explanation for people recounting the lives of previous died in vivid detail including names of those of previous generations. Doesn't seem DNA related as most of these people that can recount past lives are unrelated. How could Mozart possibly compose music by the age of 4? Was his musical genius preordained by his DNA? Possible, but it sure wasn't based upon life experience. He didn't have any at that age. Or...was his brain so evolved it could literally create music by tapping into a collective consciousness? Psychics or ESP is another example. People finishing other's sentences is a mild form. So is woman intuition and many other examples.
    5. PaulBe

      PaulBe Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably sound, though never proven
      Well, that really helps. Maybe God is an ENT?
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    6. PaulBe

      PaulBe Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably sound, though never proven
      I am no believer but I will say this: Never base your non-belief in God on your disappointment with organized religion. God and religion are not necessarily the same things.
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    7. AUTHOR

      erniej Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I don't know
      Gee, look at all these terrible statements. I stand by my convictions.
      Al Pacino's speech about God (The...
    8. MikeP505

      MikeP505 Member Benefactor

      Ontario Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Punishment for being so darn good looking!
    9. Marlino

      Marlino Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      There is probably no god.
      At least not in our universe.

      Since modern astronomy makes an infinite universe likely, everything which obeys physical laws is realized somewhere. Even a double me. Or a third me. Or a god?

      I never noticed the presence and the acting of god somewhere so it must be excluded by physical laws.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    10. AUTHOR

      erniej Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I don't know
      If there is a God and he/she is just sitting back and watching all the suffering in the world as far as that goes what would be the difference if there was a God or not. Oh, and there is always the "free will" argument used to explain any suffering caused by man. Or if someone is suffering it's always, "God works in mysterious ways." Doing nothing is not working. The next time you're at work sit around and do nothing. When your supervisor asks why you're not doing anything tell him/her that you are working in mysterious ways and see how far that gets you.
      • Funny Funny x 1
    11. Jomo

      Jomo Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      going for a rim shot on the snare drum.
      i am not a religious person and my view on this has always been something created this....just look at space....its endless with hundreds of thousands of other galaxies...like what the hell is this....we are on a giant rock circling a ball of fire? I am going a little off the road with this but when you look at how things came to be and the science behind some of it i feel like you cant walk away saying this is just a big mistake. Everything was created with some sort of purpose...call it god but its probably not what we have been taught....the bible and all of these other religious books were all written by man...some of the stories supposedly have been dated before the actual bibles were created...many of them are great stories meant to teach lessons...on another note for those who don't believe in a world after this one....i was very into this kind of stuff at one point....you can google when you are bored but there were studies done on near death/death experiences....in one story i read there was a doctor i believe who was studying people on their death bed and the things they may have seen or described before they passed...this one women before her death said that she saw her father and sister standing near her before her death...the amazing part was that nobody told her that her sister passed away a few weeks earlier. There is more to this world than we understand...we all are energy and energy doesn't just disappear...i believe this has been proven as well...hope you all don't think i am crazy but i find this stuff very interesting. It may not answer why this has happened to us but i hope it may at least give you guys something to think about
      • Agree Agree x 2
    12. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Talking about the near death experience of the doctors, I was really impressed by the story of Doctor Mary Neil whose NDE story was so extraordinary that CNN AC360, a prime time show of a serious news network, would find it newsworthy to spend an hour of investigative journalism on her experience. Many people have NDE and talk of meeting of spirits of loved ones, of angels, even Jesus and God. But her story has one striking element that I simply think she couldn't have hallucinated in her near-death experience of chemical or nerve reaction - that her young son would die soon. Here is one of the many versions on youtube about Dr. Neil:

      ‪Mary C. Neal: A Near-Death Experience‬

      First off, she was someone not actively religious attending church every Sunday or that. She is a student of science and medicine. Too busy in her medical practice to care about the spiritual stuffs. When she was drowned, she had medically trained person around her. Not sure if her colleagues were there, but her husband is also a doctor. They all thought she was dead, with lips turning purple and pupils dilated and oxygen deprived for more than 10 minutes trapped under a rock in a kayak accident. She could see how they tried to help resuscitate her. She went through the common elements of a NDE, that the spirit floated out of the body, could see what was going on, the frantic rescue and resuscitate effort, saw some spirits around her, and then went over to the other side of existence - the realm of the spirit and God. There, as with most other people with NDE, she felt overwhelming love and acceptance from all those around her, and at some stage she was told her time on Earth is not done and then she was sent back to her body.

      What her story separates from most others and that is not in the youtube versions is that during the CNN interview, she told the journalist that besides being told her time was not up, that her young son of 18 will be called back soon. Wow! She came back feeling calm, realizing how real her experience has been and that if her son would be called back it would not be a total disaster, as she herself repeatedly said the world of the spirit and God is so warm and loving and beautiful that she was depressed to come back alive (which is commonly among most folks with NDE). She told her husband that their son will be called back soon. But they decided not to alarm the son to scare him. Sure enough, he was on a camping trip later with friends and died in an accident. Wow! I simply don't know how she could have made up such a thing in her near-death state if her brain was in its last stretch of functions, running out of oxygen.

      What is more unique is that after she came back and while in the hospital recuperating, she went back to chat with the angels about the big questions of life, why so many bad things happen on Earth, the very same protests some of us raise in this thread. Perhaps those curious about the answer should search youtube or google her up to read all her subsequent writings or interviews to see if there are more to her story. But she is not the only doctors with NDE. In fact youtube has a playlist of dozens of MDs with NDE. It is logic defying indeed that so many intellectual and scientifically trained doctors are risking their name and reputation to be telling the world of their extraordinary NDE. I mean it must be so real and so impactful to their lives that they simply can't care less what world would look at them in order to tell the truth about what they have seen - that there are spirits, Jesus and God, and that this early existence is only temporary, that the eternal worlds are a wonderful place awaiting us all if we are good enough for that.

      Playlist: Near Death Experiences By Doctors -...

      I believe in an all loving Heavenly Father, God Almighty of this universe. I have lost my only son at 5 years old to a freak accident and I saw him bleeding to death in my arm. I suffered PTSD after not being able to sleep as closing my eyes would bring his bloody dying moment into view. I had to be medicated and counselled heavily for some time. But I don't blame my loving Heavenly Father a bit for my suffering. He called my son home to a wonderful realm of existence that I could hardly fathomed. I miss him and his companionship dearly. But that doesn't mean God is evil. I extend that love of my son to my wife, my other 3 girls and loved ones, even strangers coming here to this site for help.

      I respect what others think God should do this or that in this world and that God is to be blamed for all the misery. For each their own. For me, God the Father, the Creator, has never promised that if you believe in Him, you will be shielded from sufferings and sickness in this life. He didn't do that for those who had done the most for Him and His kingdom, not Job, not His prophets, not Jesus' followers, apostles, and not even His only begotten, Jesus himself. This life has no exemption for anybody. Perhaps next life if you believe in one. But this life seems to be under the realm of the Devil himself as even in the Bible it talks about how evil spirits inflicted people with sickness and with their bodies possessed.

      God is love, sublime perfect love, as is said in John 3:16. That seems to be so hard to believe given what hatred, killings, wars, sickness, natural disasters, accidents, epidemics and all manner of evils around us. But to those who love and believe in Him, and for those who had come back from NDEs (with some exceptions), they testify that God is love, overwhelming and perfect love. Jesus is the Christ, our savior and redeemer. We simply can't explain or understand all things at this stage of our existence. I close with the NDE of children and a show done by a much younger Opra on their childhood NDEs.

      Oprah Childrens Near Death Experiences Dr....
      • Informative Informative x 1
    13. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      We have some similar discussions on the subject of God and human sufferings here on TT. Let's learn to respectfully disagree. Not all minds think the same or have similar understanding of things spiritual and physical. To each their own. Here are some threads on this subject if you like to read them:




      • Winner Winner x 1
    14. AUTHOR

      erniej Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I don't know
      I guess I really kicked up a hornets nest.
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    15. Jkph75

      Jkph75 Member

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      Well, it's not really like that. A better analogy would be to say that you had a child who was a drug addict who was arrested for stealing. The best thing for your child would be to not bail them out of jail so that they could sober up and face he consequences of their actions. You would hope that the experience would make them get clean, because getting clean is ultimately more important than being in jail for a while. God wants you to be with Him. That is the key to your happiness. Anything that gets you there is ultimately for the best.
      It's not really part of a mysterious plan, but it may be a mystery now. Looking back you may realize the point for things. The answers to God's plan for us are all in the Bible. It was not meant to be a mystery to us. Maybe the people you talked to couldn't give you the answers but that doesn't mean that God has not written them. I'm certainly not saying that I can but there are people (like a good pastor)who know the Bible very well and can help you answer those questions. I'm still praying for you:)
      • Creative Creative x 1
    16. eldudebro

      eldudebro Member

      Glasgow, United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma/Loud Music.
      What if the OP had been a muslim...would you be suggesting reading the Qu'ran would be a pointless act?

      It's amazing that yahweh in all his various flavours has the shining truth in his appropriate brand of holy texts or scriptures.

      OP, if there is a higher conscious power in this universe, I'm sure it has better things to be spending it's time on than looking down at our insignificant speck of rock indulging in schadenfreude at the suffering of it's inhabitants.
    17. MikeP505

      MikeP505 Member Benefactor

      Ontario Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Punishment for being so darn good looking!

      I remember having a discussion one day about the energy element in life. I am not saying there is or is not a God, I am simply saying I have a hard time believing this almighty loving and powerful being would simply sit back and enjoy the show.

      So my energy question was put forth this way. Everything alive has an energy that can be detected. Even the grass you grow in your front lawn has energy. Birds, bee's bugs, snakes etc all have energy. So I asked a firm believer if God takes every being into heaven. The reply stunned me. She told me God only takes mankind into heaven. PARDON? So lets say you go out tomorrow and mow your grass. The tips of each blade of grass holds energy the same as the base does. So away you go hacking this stuff down to look nice and killing the tops and what happens to that energy? If God does not accept rats and mice into heaven, what happens to that energy?

      I am glad we have religion believe me. It is the best way to help mankind focus on some good and not turning out to be wild killing beasts. The words in the bible are written by man and everyone knows that man can be terrific story tellers to make things sound better. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one terrific story. However, if he had died on the cross for our sins, his body was cold and his energy already swept away somewhere. Why would God take his corpse? I would love to believe something awaits us at the end of this life journey but cannot for the life of me find any real reasonable answers. I hope I am wrong and God will be there in the end. I hope He can forgive me for being so cynical about His existence. Once I am done here and pass on, there will be no way to come back and tell you any different so there lies the rub.

      So I may not be a true believer, but I am hopeful?
    18. DDD

      DDD Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      noice induced/acoustic trauma
      Interesting Thread. I 100% believe in God. To me, it would be silly not to think there is not some higher power and that it's just us. I find that people turn their backs on him when things get rough and says he doesn't exist, but if things get better then they are back to believing in him and praising him. This is completely understandable but none of this is his fault.. it's human sins.***** Just my opinion and perspective, don't mean to offend anyone. If you don't agree, that's completely fine :)*****
    19. MikeP505

      MikeP505 Member Benefactor

      Ontario Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Punishment for being so darn good looking!

      Indeed is an interesting thread. I am happy you hold onto a belief in a higher power. I have never changed my views in good times nor bad. It is simply baffling as to why some of us are born into 1st world countries and others in 3rd world countries. Food here where I live is in abundance. Water is quite clean and everywhere. We have many sources of hydro, heat and shelter. Just wonder why so many good souls are born into despair and starvation. Sickness and diseases at birth. Because of sins?? Why am I lucky enough to have many of my needs met while children around the world starve to death daily, have no parents or anyone who wishes to hold and protect them? What sin did they commit? Are they paying for the sin of me being so lucky to be free and able to survive? Theology can be difficult and trying to make sense of everything is almost impossible.

      I believe if you try to live a good life, and try to help those you can along the way, your life has not been wasted. I pretty much believe in the 10 commandments no matter where they came from. This helps govern man and law. Unfortunately I do not believe anyone who has gone around screwing people out of money for their own greed will be sent to hell. People who hurt or kill others sent to hell? I simply think these people exist as we do, and meet the same fate as everyone else one day. Where is hell? I asked this many times and everyone points down. So it's at the mantle of our planet? The center area of our planet? Interesting. Heaven is way way wayyyyyyyyy up in the sky way way far away yet hell is simply miles down? Curious.

      Anyways, I guess I like discussing this issue and really hope to never offend anyone. Like I said, I hope there is more after this life but...........................
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    20. Kar4
      Not worthy

      Kar4 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      I am open to believe that there is an intelligent powerful entity somewhere in the outer space, which either can't affect mankind, or can only destroy us. Not help us, in no wise to save one single person from suffering.
      Even if such entity was our creator (so can be called the God), what would it change? No reason for me to pray, or to follow any rules written by some human lunatic. (Trying not to hurt anybody in any way though, because parents raised me this way, and also as adult i understood it is worth nothing, only produces same reaction and causes more and more bad things).

      And being a lonely depressive tinnitus sufferer, I can say, I live modestly as a monk anyway. Though I didn't want to. So...
      • Hug Hug x 1
    21. squeek

      squeek Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise impact/maybe seaborn
      If I ever get to meet God, I'm going to kick him square in the nuts.
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    22. Ecip

      Ecip Member

      Edmonton, AB/Switzerland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Still unknown... possibly noise exposure?
      Fucking eh.
    23. spingee

      spingee Member

      No Gods or Kings only Man
      • Agree Agree x 1
    24. volsung37

      volsung37 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Which God are you talking about? Allah, Jehovah, Krishna or any number of the mutually exclusive gods people have been killing each over for millennia?
      If a God exists he just watches us I would say. maybe he set this world in motion to see what would happen although if he is omniscient he would probably know the outcomes beforehand? I'm not sure about prayer.Is God wanting you to beg to be free of torture before He will consider helping?
      However I'm sure many people get some comfort from faith in a God and as long as they don't push their faith down other people's throats what's the harm?
    25. MikeP505

      MikeP505 Member Benefactor

      Ontario Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Punishment for being so darn good looking!
      Dear God I pray to you and ask you kindly for a miracle. Please cure everyone of tinnitus, hearing loss, cancer, drug addictions, bad deeds, also dear Lord please get rid of cockroaches as they are a pretty useless bug and quite ugly I might add. While your at it, there seems to be a massive bed bug issue so destroy them while your doing this great work. Thanks and I look forward to waking up tomorrow to a completely healthy planet with no cockroaches or bedbugs to boot!! Also you may want to give Donald Trump a spanking for being a total noob!! Thanks!!
      • Like Like x 1
    26. DDD

      DDD Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      noice induced/acoustic trauma
      @MikeP505 I like talking about this stuff too but it has to be with the right people. Some people can get disrespectful. I think I already saw the term " Jesus freak" up here. yikes. The whole thing comes down to beliefs and perspectives.

      I agree about how it's impossible to make sense of everything. I don't think we are supposed to have all the answers. Nor do I think it's possible for our brains to even try to completely understand things about our universe. I think 100% God exists but I don't agree with some of the things in the bible. So Idk what religion that makes me..About your question, here is how I believe: Isn't all the stuff that we considered to be a "developed country" man-made? Technology? Money? Didn't us as humans pollute the water and air by creating things such as cars and big cities? I think God cannot be blamed for what humans did. Most of what the term "developed country" comes down to is money. He didn't create that, though. He just created what it grows from. We are the ones that made it and put SUCH VALUE on a piece of paper. And unfortunately, that piece of paper determines how we live. But he leaves us to make our own decisions. I have my beliefs on children born in sickness and with defects but I don't want to get TOO in to religion up here. Lol I always feel like I'm offending somebody
    27. MikeP505

      MikeP505 Member Benefactor

      Ontario Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Punishment for being so darn good looking!
      So you're saying these children may be paying for the sins of the parents? Goodness. Just the same I love the idea that there is a heaven awaiting us all. I am not going to live my life worrying about what comes next or where we came from. Really for all we know, another more progressive life form in another galaxy may have placed us here. So next time you watch the movie ET, that cute little dude in his space ship just might be the real God? Even ancient Egyptians carved space craft into stone well before the days of Jesus. Maybe God really is Mork from Ork? Dunno.

      It is interesting to discuss none the less and I respect your beliefs. Was God playing games with Adam and Eve when He told them not to eat the forbidden fruit? Do not eat that apple or man will forever live in sin? Did he plant that seed in Adam's head? Is it possible Adam and Eve never even thought about eating an apple until God told them not too? He must have known the outcome of His words when he commanded this to them.

      Like I said, one day we will all know, or won't know anything at all. I agree with your words on greed over a piece of printed paper. Sad really. I can watch birds all day long gather food and nesting and never worry about bills and money. In animal nature, the strong survive. In human nature, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We will never learn from this. History always repeats itself. Was this His intention?
    28. Ecip

      Ecip Member

      Edmonton, AB/Switzerland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Still unknown... possibly noise exposure?
      I like this one:

      Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon's Journey...

      I also like how all these NDE stories kind of embrace the same thing; unconditional love, an extreme feeling of warmth, embrace, safety and understanding.
    29. RicoS

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      If you want to be with your god and think you lived on his standards , why not kill yourself right away and join him. Why stay here? Things are much better over there.

      Why cry when a relative or a friend dies? He goes to god doesn't he/she? So you'll meet them after your live again so no tears anymore when that happens.

      When my child is hit by a car and dies ...he is with god so he is even in a better place than with me and my T...so I can throw a party?

      When a woman is raped as she screams...please help me god.....where is god?

      If 2 boxers in the ring pray to god to give them the strength to win.... Why is there always a loser. The fighter that wins thanks god....but what about the other fighter?

      When Boco Haram murders children and woman.... where is god?

      Where is all the magic that happend in the past ...where is it now....seas that went open and you can walk through? Walkin on water? Wine coming out of a stone. A burning bush that talks? Where is all that magic now....?? Climbing up a hill and come back with 10 rules to obey written in stone? Rivers of blood? A star showing me the way. (save me focussing on googlemaps when I am driving) Why do does things not happen anymore ...is god bored or something.
      Where are the angels with wings flying through the sky...are they scared of the planes and do not show up?

      We are made in the image of God...does he also has T? Or perhaps it seems like T because everybody is asking him stuff 24/7 so it is a large big mountain of noise.

      etc etc etc :chicken:
      • Agree Agree x 1
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    30. DDD

      DDD Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      noice induced/acoustic trauma
      @RicoS people cry when relatives or friends die because they are not with them anymore. Yes, they might be in the hands of God, but wouldn't you miss talking to them on earth?! I do not think killing yourself guarantees you going to heaven.. if anything it may be the opposite.
      About him saving rape and etc., I don't think God works like that. This earth is a horrible place of sin so sadly innocent people suffer.
      And we don't see that "magic" anymore because that was when Jesus was roaming the earth and he's not anymore. It's just us Humans.
      Not saying this is 100% how These things work but These are just my beliefs.

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