Will Working Out Lifting Weights Worsen Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Maithe Marshall, Mar 4, 2014.

    1. Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      Okay so before I ever got T or this ear infection I worked out everyday with 1 days rest or 2 days rest at most. I'm big if weight lifting and cardio. I do heavy weight lifting...

      I don't want to let that go..
      I've been nervous that this will worsen my t. Am I just over worried about everything or should I just relax and enjoy my old workouts?
    2. Piper the great

      Piper the great Member

      Grand Prairie, Texas
      Tinnitus Since:
      I would do, and did, get any break from the T you can.. a few minutes, seconds hours, days... it all starts to fall in place...
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    3. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      So working out is okay?:)
    4. Piper the great

      Piper the great Member

      Grand Prairie, Texas
      Tinnitus Since:
      I did, and I swore it went away while I was doing it... but the mind was looking away and didn't care about the T.....
      • Hug Hug x 1
    5. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      Thank you:) I am going to keep doing the things I enjoy not let this stupid sound bother me and make me fear doing the things I love.
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    6. Piper the great

      Piper the great Member

      Grand Prairie, Texas
      Tinnitus Since:
      All I can say is it feeds on fear..... like that Star Trek creature that fed on salt...:).. Don't Fear the Reaper (or the T)... laugh have fun, I indulged my self in all the silliness I could.... figured what the hell right..:)
      • Hug Hug x 1
    7. NeoM

      NeoM Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Start pumping iron. Jazzercise if you have to. lol. I guess the rage now is Zumba or whatever.
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    8. Tattoosteve1987

      Tattoosteve1987 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I use to lift all the time, then the T slowly came and got louder and louder and when i lifted it made it worse. The chiropractor thinks me straining to lift weights espcially doing shurgs, got my back and neck out of alimgment and this is what caused my tinnitus. I do know when i lift and strain now my T spikes and goes crazy, i havent lifted in 4 months and lost alot of my mass. Depressing but i wont lift again while having t. hopefully it wont effect yours. mine is very loud though
      • Hug Hug x 2
    9. yonkapin

      yonkapin Member Benefactor

      Melbourne, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2012
      I've been lifting ever since I've had tinnitus and it's never caused any trouble for me - it's actually one of the best ways to get my mind off the tinnitus.

      Cardio is by far THE best treatment I've used for my tinnitus distress, when I'm in a good routine (lifting, running a lot, eating right) my anxiety and stress decrease dramatically, and in turn I pay way less attention to my tinnitus.

      So yeah, you'll be fine. I would definitely wait for the infection to pass though, and even wait a couple weeks after that. Then I would slowly get back into whatever your routine was, good luck!
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    10. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      Thanks..I think the reason I have T is because I flew and that's what all my ear issues started like infection/fluid. I flew 2 weeks after I had a bad head cold and woke up with t and than a week later was told I had a bad ear infection with lots of fluid and pus:/ so I'm trying to get rid of all of this crap and hopefully the T goes away..
      I was also told a few times they could see my eardrum sucked in ( Eustachian tube dysfunction) so hopefully in a few weeks I am back to normal..I just don't want to get my hopes up.

      I'm sorry @Tattoosteve1987 :( I hope your t goes away. How did you even get it? I know what you mean I haven't worked out in almost 3 weeks and feel like hell..
    11. Tattoosteve1987

      Tattoosteve1987 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Mine just slowly came on and got louder and louder and has stayed since. When i started doing more weights with shoulder shurgs is when i noticed the ringing would come and get louder, but i didnt pay it attention and kept lifting weights every week and now its here and hasnt going away. been 4 months. been to ENT, doc, etc and they say they cant see anything wrong. Chiropractor says my neck and back are out of aligment. dentist says i clench my teeth at night some im trying to give them a chance. I just know i miss lifting weights but i cant do it make my T spike super loud
      • Hug Hug x 1
    12. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      Ahh you may have the T because of what's going on with your neck! I heard that can create T. It could possibly be due to you clenching your teeth at night as well. Don't give up! And I feel like ENT are..not any good with anyone who suffered t. I went to a ENT ( he was 80 the only one on town :mad: my husband in the military and SADLY we got stationed in the crappiest area) and he kept yellow me
      My ears were okay well a week later I find out I have a bad ear infection in BOTH ears -_- with lots of pus and fluid :/ so I believe that is the reason for my t and the fact that 2 drs said they can see my ear drums look like their sucked in ( Eustachian tube dysfunction) all my problems started after flying:/ I flew 2 weeks after a bad bad cold.
    13. AUTHOR
      Maithe Marshall

      Maithe Marshall Member

      New Mexico
      Tinnitus Since:
      Last week.
      Telling * not yellow lol
    14. Cicada_Ears

      Cicada_Ears Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I personally can't exercise when mine is loud. It makes mine worse.
    15. william adams

      william adams Member Benefactor

      S Jersey
      Tinnitus Since:
      December 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      one week after leg surgery plus hearing loss in higher freq.
      I go to the gym almost everyday. Funny but when im working out I dont hear my T at all. Working out gets rid of adreniline and stress which T feeds on. When I leave the gym I may get a small spike but it goes away quickly. Exercise, tai chi and yoga is for most a big help in lowering stress which is going to be a big help to you in my estimation..
    16. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
      I exercise almost everyday, hard to enjoy with tinnitus raging louder and louder the harder I go. Blood pressure increases and my head feels like it's going to explode from the screaming T. Working out used to be my sanctuary, now with T I find it very stressful. My H also flairs up really bad after a workout, I don't even want to speak as my voice is painful on the ears. Yesterday I played tennis for a couple of hours, my ears get stabbing pain and the T gets so loud that I feel like smashing my racket. When I stop moving for a second I get so impatient that I feel like I'm loosing it inside and can't stand still for a second with the noise drilling hard into my brain. At times I find it almost impossible to concentrate on what I'm doing out there.

      It seems with my T I'm punished for whatever I do, doesn't matter if it's dinner with family with a little noise or trying to stay active. I've stopped lifting weights and do boring workouts these days, my T was permanently worsening every time I lifted so had to put a end to it, just another thing that T has cost me.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    17. Richard zurowski

      Richard zurowski Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection.
      @Telis . Hi. Same for me . Had to give up what I like doing and that's weight training. I find if I do any hard manual work. Tinnitus goes up and takes an awfully long time to go back to baseline. Like you said it's to do with blood pressure I guess.

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