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  • It's been almost two years so when is habituation happening exactly?
    Almost two years since my major worsening in Feb 2022. I'm not feeling any habituation since back when I had mild tinnitus prior to that. Anxiety is as high it's ever been these last couple years.
    I'm almost 2 years...heading into 23ish months? I have no idea what habituation is.
    A three-year anniversary is coming for me. It's only worsened. Not an ounce of habituation, even with therapy, meditation, exercise, and a clean diet. It's a pipe dream.
    Pretty bad spike which has lasted for two weeks now. Feel like a lot of progress has been lost and kind of worried this is a new baseline.
    I gave myself a slight slap just below the ear out of frustration and I fucking made it worse. I'm such a stupid fucking worthless moron.
    You're not. I've slapped myself ON PURPOSE over this. =| You're not a moron.
    @SarahMLFlemmer did your T react at all? Mine instantly became much louder than ever and much more harsh and piercing. It has definitely gone back to baseline now after I managed to sleep:)
    @Anomalous the pure tone definitely gets louder.
    As if God hasn't shown enough hatred for me already he made sure that I was in pain with fever and ultrahigh T on my fucking birthday.
    It sucks being sick on your birthday. Hope you feel better soon.
    I'm so sorry that you're in so much pain. :(
    Gave tinnitus maskers another chance and I wish I hadn't. Never using them ever again.
    Overnight masking? Just partial masking of tinnitus? I have to use thousands of crickets to get a reasonable amount of masking of my primary tinnitus sound. I don't try to fully mask it.
    Yes, white noise generators. They consistently give me spikes every time I use them. They don't alleviate my T at all so it's not even worth it. They're just cheaply made overpriced bullshit designed to make as much profit as possible from my suffering and desperation for some relief and I'm done playing this game of stop hitting yourself.
    Sick. Fever, screeching T, body freezing and aching all over. Got a lecture to attend tomorrow that I cant afford to miss.
    Sorry to hear. School while sick and T on top is very difficult.
    How did it go??
    Surprisingly well! Managed to read a bit too. Still sick, but feeling somewhat better.
    I can only faintly hear my T now. I'm sitting here in complete silence and I'm doing absolutely okay. Will enjoy it while it lasts.
    My "good" ear (the right one) makes an unusually loud sound today which goes away whenever I press my jaw forwards.
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