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  • The QEEG doesnot lie. Made a fool out of another doc today. When a doc says it's anxiety, they don't have the skill set to treat u.
    I'm sorry you've experienced that. There are doctors who care and we've seen examples of that on TT. They're working everyday to improve our situation and hopefully find a cure.
    Thanks @ThomasF i know ur right they're just so hard to find. Waiting on Dr. Shores device and praying it brings relief for all of u/us.
    Recommend a qEEG for any1 suffering TBI Visual/auditory disturbances.Will tell u more than 100 doctors ever could. I have vertical Nystagmus
    Well hoping to die in my sleep at this point.I'm out of money and time and nothing is helping. Saccadic Oscillations will be the death of me
    Life is cruel I'm so sorry to hear that…
    Thank u both kindly there is hope as I've now had my 5th qEEG with another HCP who found Vertical Nystagmus again despite it not being found on any of my eye exams or with the 20 eye docs I've seen. Hoping I can now focus on the right vision and Vestibular therapies to treat this. Just took 2 Neurofeedback clinicians to figure it out. I will swear by this science until the day I die. @Marshall @Rockman
    Seen neurologists, neuro ophs, vestibular and vision therapists, neuro optometrists, functional neurologists, ENTs, and at the end of that long list were 2 little NFB docs who know how to administer and read qEEGs. Funny that. My neurologist says qEEGs will be taken seriously in 10 yrs. Too long to wait for that!
    Hi! Quick question. So, my Dr delayed the LDN and I finally got the script today! How much did you take and when you say you T went to a 1 are you bothered by it at night at all or not hearing during the day etc?
    Hi I was taking the LDN for a good 1 1/2 months before I noticed a change. I'm hardly bothered by it at all and any spikes are minimal but I am in severe distress with my visual symptoms so I wonder if that distraction has also impacted how much I notice it. I started at 3mg and increased to 4.5mg over a week
    Thank you. Did it cause any spiking initially? I'm so sorry you are having such visual issues :(
    Hey @LostinTX no worries glad to help nope I never had any issues with LDN whatsoever and still don't. I think it's helping with an undiagnosed Autoimmune disease I have I will continue to take it as long as I can get it prescribed. It's worked wonders for chronic pain too.
    Epiphany: This is all coming from CCI that caused a TBI. So furious these idiot docs have all wasted my precious time.
    Thank u so much @LostinTX! I came across her a little while ago but am now connecting the dots on CCI. So helpful really appreciate the share! I've had POTS, MCAS, IBS and hypertension for years before this and felt something bad was coming so I was looking to treat my upper cervical this year but I was too late. Here's to hoping Dr. Hauser in Fl can help.
    Ty @stepe1519 I appreciate that people have no idea the terror and torment we endure. Wish we could trade places with all the people putting us down for 24 hours. They would eat their words.
    Running out of options, hope you all are well. Do not know how to live like this. 24 hours of torture and disorientation.
    I'm sorry you are going through this. I hope to hear things improve for you. Stay strong.
    Thank u I appreciate that
    Vestibular therapy went terrible. Don't think visual is connected to Vestibular. Lady was unbelievably cold. These people are horrific.
    im sorry to hear that.

    Some suggestions: salivary hormonal and lyme testing?
    Thanks Deb yes been tested for Lyme and working with a functional Med doc who just did some saliva testing im poor in everything but of course another "I don't know" on the visual symptoms. Very tired and feel like everyone is just taking advantage of me for a buck in the United Slaves of America.
    consider CD57 - measures immune suppression
    Absolutely broken. Best ENT in Tri-State area says I'm a "tough case" and gives me another "I don't know". I really cannot take anymore
    i may be wrong, but have you considered anti virals ?
    get lyme tested? perhaps you have neurolyme?
    are you still on 4.5mg? apparently a wash out and restart the ldn can help improve its effectiveness again. either that, or increase the dose of the ldn?
    please let us know how you go. dont give up. you can do this and we are all here for you XXXXX
    Got desperate & went to Wills Eye to req dilating drops. Slowed spinning significantly. Hope OT is onto something with this acc. spasm
    OT from Neuro Visual in NYC also identified severe Accommodative Spasm yesterday. Hoping new prism/progressive glasses+therapies will help
    Vestibular Eval found positional vertigo in weird unusual canals. Accommodative spasm visible. Hope this helps
    Hey have you had a lumbar puncture to test for many neurological degenerative conditions like neuromyelitis optica and MS?
    I am waiting to be scheduled for that thanks for reminding me of what I should ask for to be tested.
    Microdose keep you calm?
    It helps greatly but my problem is physiological. My brain doesn't know where my body is in space with this awful vision problem. I'm hoping MDing can help with the development of new neural pathways for my vision.
    This also explains why the prednisone was effective early on.
    How did you get tinnitus under control you still on prednisone that usually lowers it
    It reduced on its own or appeared to. I've been doing Low Dose Naltrexone for months. However I'd take it back in an instant to stop these visual symptoms I am struggling with every single second.
    Must add I was doing VT w/ a garbage PT 4 3 wks w/ no results. Never did the tests on me that I had last night. Wasted time=suffering.
    PS, talked to my family Dr and as expected would not do LDN for me. *shocking NOT* but my psychiatrist is open to it after talking to his colleagues he said, so may get me 12.5mg and I can cut down myself. Really hoping he comes through
    @LostinTX Wow that's amazing now THAT is a good therapist! The ones that specialize seem to really care and be involved. I hope u get the LDN as well I will never go off of it at this point with whatever the hell is wrong with me.
    Hello! I pick up my script LDN tonight. Dr gave me 50mg tabs and I plan to dilute it down. What dosage did you start with? I'm thinking 1mg to begin?
    I've had 2c multiple specialists in the same area to find decent Docs who are now talking to each other. THAT is what we are missing!
    I should have never progressed to this point. The US HC system is a death sentence. Hoping I can reverse this & balance both systems soon.
    No explanation except for MDing hit the 2 week point at which I was advised I should notice some improvement of some sort. Day 2 same result
    That lessened eye strain seemed to allow my eyes to focus together better so I felt I could see more. Greatly reduced the Cog Fog as well.
    I am now starting VT&Vision Therapy at the same time and hope this can correct this. MDing for 2 weeks & noticed less eye strain yesterday.
    So just had a VT assessment w/ the best in my Area. Fell right over w/ certain Tests. Vestibular Hypofunction w/ Visual Compensation.
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