Apr 24, 2017
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Tech-Finance+Deep Change Coach

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    1. Concrete0928
      New to this site. Stumbled upon it w Google searches and your comments as well. Can we connect. I am having symptoms similar to what you’ve experienced, and have some questions on your journey and testing.
    2. Mettafort
      Just got diagnosed with stage 3 lymes. While I am not happy about it, the positives are that st least I have a diagnosis.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jack Straw
        Jack Straw
        There is a treatment for lymes disease isn’t there?
        Apr 4, 2019
      3. Mettafort
        Yes there is some treatment - mainly antibiotics, and there are some herbal concotions that help. It might take a while but I am looking forward to a decent recovery - there are some issues with stage 3 where odd illnesses endure even though the tests for the bacteria are negative.
        Apr 4, 2019
        Holly1987 and Jack Straw like this.
      4. Mettafort
        Nobody knows what causes that, but I am focusing on just the next step in front of me,not worrying about the many of possibilities way out in to the future.
        Apr 4, 2019
        Holly1987 and Jack Straw like this.
    3. Mettafort
      Past 5 days I have developed balance and dizziness. Had vertigo twice in the middle of night. Menieres is looking likely.
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      2. Mettafort
        Not really - there is an operation that can be had, but thats worse case.
        Sep 11, 2017
      3. Pomme
        Hope things have settled down a bit for you. Ménière's isn't easy to manage. Keep going
        Sep 13, 2017
        Mettafort likes this.
      4. Mettafort
        Thank you for the sentiments @Pomme!
        Sep 14, 2017
    4. Pomme
      Hope you are doing ok. Have a good weekend & enjoy your family time
      1. Farida likes this.
      2. Mettafort
        Thank you Pomme. I like your profile mission statement. Have a fantastic weekend yourself.
        Aug 19, 2017
    5. vermillion
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mettafort
        Hey @vermillion could it be that its bearable because you are slowly but surely habituating? For me the more tolerance came from more acceptance. I forget mine all the time now. Hang in there, and enjoy your vacation man.
        Aug 14, 2017
      3. vermillion
        @Mettafort I don't know. The sounds are louder and more intrusive post 8 months. Sure thing is that i have pass the panic attacks' stage. What i feel i cannot habituate to are the life changes.
        Aug 15, 2017
      4. Mettafort
        @vermillion I hear you. Time is definitely part of the process. Accepting what is, as hokey as it might sound, is a gateway to a whole new life.
        Aug 15, 2017
        vermillion likes this.
    6. Mettafort
      A little tired.
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      2. Mettafort
        That said, I met one of the top ear specialists who was quite negative about the whole thing, and stated it was most likely Menieres. I am going to be doing the tests for Menieres specifically.
        May 29, 2017
      3. Rubenslash
        Sorry for the problems! Hopefully you will get some good news.
        May 29, 2017
        Mettafort likes this.
      4. Mettafort
        May 29, 2017
    7. Mettafort
      It was not a raving success. Awake for hours, then on and off sleep till I eventually got up. Need another plan.
      1. vermillion
        May 21, 2017
        Mettafort likes this.
    8. Mettafort
      First night without meds; some red wine. Lets see how this goes...
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      2. Mettafort
        First night with no Valium...I guess I still need it. Ambien the night before destroyed me
        May 21, 2017
      3. Mario martz
        Mario martz
        Soon, you will be able to sleep without valium help, it takes about 3-4 months to habituate, youll see
        May 21, 2017
        Jake007 and Mettafort like this.
      4. Mettafort
        I have been doing ok with 5mg of V, which didnt seem like a high dose. It is only 5 weeks for me so I will keep an eye on the 3month window; thanks.
        May 21, 2017
        Mario martz likes this.
    9. Mettafort
      100% in service.
      1. Fabrikat likes this.
    10. Mettafort
      9hrs sleep; feel amazing today.
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      2. vermillion
        I would love to find a safe sleeping aid that would provide me uninterrupted sleep. Sometimes i imagine myself popping a whole batch of benzos and sleep for 4 days. Or maybe a coma. Then i get back to reality. Hehe!
        May 16, 2017
        Mettafort likes this.
      3. Mettafort
        I hear you. The bottle says just one tablet, but I confess, after bad sleep for past 10 days, I did 2. I'M OK!!!! :)
        May 16, 2017
        vermillion likes this.
      4. vermillion
        You deserved a good sleep.
        May 16, 2017
        Mettafort likes this.
    11. Mettafort
      MAJOR headache at the source of my T; NAUSEOUS.
    12. Mettafort
      Tinnitus? What tinnitus? ... oh there you are.
      1. MJv likes this.
      2. Julien87
        Don't mind it, it's just showing off :)
        May 9, 2017
        Mettafort likes this.
    13. Mettafort
      So many times I forgot I was deaf with T/H today. Good day.
      1. Adam12ver, Kibakiru and RaZaH like this.
    14. Mettafort
      Interrupted sleep, but a nap helped; now feeling pretty good. Tapering prednisone I think is helping my mood too.
    15. Mettafort
      T=10, H=10, non stop from 10am. Hmmmm...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. vermillion
        Don't want to be a whiner. Sorry...
        May 5, 2017
      3. Mettafort
        I can appreciate, from a different angle, that that is tough. I dont see you whining either; far from it.
        May 5, 2017
        vermillion likes this.
      4. vermillion
        May 5, 2017
    16. Mettafort
      Hardest problem now is coping with not being able to listen to the music I love.
      1. stacey likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. vermillion
        @Markku I feel for you. Few weeks before T invasion, i started studying Beethoven on the piano. I used to listen to the sonatas all night long. Few days ago i tried to listen the 'moonlight sonata' while in bed. Next moment i was all in tears... Tinnitus is a cruel thief.
        May 2, 2017
        Mettafort and stacey like this.
      4. Mettafort
        @vermillion I feel for you. Not too long ago I discovered a Bon Iver track ( that connected me deeply with the father I never met. This track, in one ear, just doesnt have the same emotional experience it did when I first discovered it sadly.
        May 2, 2017
      5. vermillion
        I do not want to sound pessimistic but not having the joy of music is a serious loss. It would be impossible for T-free people to understand this. Btw great song @Mettafort ! Thanx
        May 2, 2017
    17. Mettafort
      It's the meaning I give it...
      1. Kibakiru likes this.
    18. Mettafort
      I will not be broken.
      1. Dr. Jay Hobbs likes this.
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Tech-Finance+Deep Change Coach
    Tinnitus Since:
    April 8th, 2017 (a few days after)
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Vertigo->48 hours->Deaf in left Ear->Tinnitus
    By day I work in finance building trading systems, specializing in high frequency and the options and futures markets.

    All other free time I spend helping others, as a Personal Change/Deep Change Technology Coach. A specialty in personal development coaching that strives for deep personal change from within.

    Feel free to reach out to me.


    I have my own blog at so that I can follow a more personal process with my recovery.
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