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Dec 29, 1996 (Age: 27)
New York

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Member, Male, 27, from New York

14 months since my T spiked. Hard to say if/how much the volume has gone down, but my emotional reaction to it has drastically improved :) Sep 21, 2020

CroakyBat was last seen:
Oct 11, 2021
    1. CroakyBat
      14 months since my T spiked. Hard to say if/how much the volume has gone down, but my emotional reaction to it has drastically improved :)
    2. DaveyJones
      Hey, I noticed your thread wondering about using headphones for gaming. I’ve really missed gaming with headphones and I’m wondering if you were able to go back to it without worsening your T
      1. View previous comments...
      2. CroakyBat
        @DaveyJones there have been a few times though where I wear them for a while and my ears start to hurt, which honestly I think is just from the way the headphones fit over my ears, or the ringing seems to be a little bit louder immediately after use (then subsides back to normal after). Volume and time of use are the key I think.
        Aug 4, 2020
        DaveyJones likes this.
      3. CroakyBat
        @DaveyJones there are still many people here that would advise against headphone use and I'm sure the effects of using them will vary from person to person, so of course I can't say for sure that using them will be a complete non-issue for you. I'm still very conservative with it - 95% of the time I'm gaming I won't use headphones
        Aug 4, 2020
        DaveyJones likes this.
      4. DaveyJones
        Thanks for your reply!
        Aug 4, 2020
        CroakyBat likes this.
    3. CroakyBat
      Been a little while.. wishing the best for everyone during these crazy times :)
      1. aot, Steph1710 and Labyrinthine like this.
    4. CroakyBat
      How is everybody?
      1. Star64 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. CroakyBat
        @Bill Bauer I hear least that's better than "bad", right? Wishing you well.
        Feb 26, 2020
        Bill Bauer likes this.
      4. tbuzz89
        @CroakyBat, you’re from a pretty awesome place, fellow islander!
        Jun 23, 2020
        CroakyBat likes this.
      5. CroakyBat
        Jun 24, 2020
        Bill Bauer likes this.
    5. CroakyBat
      Been a long while since really using the forum..hope everyone is doing well.
      1. Auron
        Hey croaky,how are you doing?Still seeing improvements?
        Dec 21, 2019
        CroakyBat likes this.
      2. CroakyBat
        Hi @Auron - doing alright, thanks for asking! Volume-wise not sure if it's improving too much more, but in terms of my emotional response to the T I am continuously improving. For better or for worse, I've had some other sources of stress that have allowed me to somewhat de-emphasize this issue, lol. Hope all is well with you!
        Dec 25, 2019
        Bill Bauer and Auron like this.
    6. CroakyBat
      Experiencing some setbacks...probably due to stress
    7. CroakyBat
      Haven't been browsing the forum all that often lately - what's the deal with Lenire? Have users been experiencing improvement?
      1. threefirefour likes this.
      2. Autumnly
      3. Bill Bauer
    8. CroakyBat
      3 months in, still think there is improvement!
      1. Auron
        Good to hear croaky.I hope you make a full recovery.

        Also, quick question.Is T your only problem?
        Oct 10, 2019
      2. CroakyBat
        Thank you @Auron !

        As far as I know, yes. I don't have sensitivity to / pain from noise, no ear fullness and really no inner ear pain.
        Oct 10, 2019
      3. jjflyman
        Seeing improvement after only 3 months is great news!!! You should continue to improve over time, but it may take 1-2 years to fully recover. Keep protecting your ears from loud environments!
        Oct 10, 2019
        Bill Bauer and CroakyBat like this.
    9. pinklights98
      How are you doing? I'm 21 and also dealing with a reaggrevation of my tinnitus that is going on nearly four months. Have you had any improvements? I'm hoping for the best for you!
      1. CroakyBat likes this.
      2. CroakyBat
        Hi there @pinklights98, thanks for taking the time to write on my profile! I'm doing pretty well actually, especially compared to how I was three months ago when the reaggrevation happened. It's hard to tell how much the ringing has gone down in volume (I definitely think there has been some improvement though) but the intrusiveness of the ringing has gone down substantially.
        Oct 10, 2019
      3. CroakyBat
        I used to focus on listening to it every minute of the day, but now I find myself doing it maybe two or three times a day for a minute or so each time. It's the hardest at night right before I go to sleep, but even then I am still able to get a good nights sleep. Feel free to PM me as I'm definitely interested to hear about how you're doing so far!
        Oct 10, 2019
    10. CroakyBat
      Thinking of adopting a cat..good or bad idea?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. CroakyBat
        @Bill Bauer @TheDanishGirl @bSiDeQuiEtWaTeRS @New Guy hi all, thanks for the feedback! As a first time pet owner I am leaning towards adopting an older cat. As I understand it would be a bit more manageable to care for and I've read that older cats tend to show their gratitude when taken in. Affection is the #1 priority for me over playfulness I would say. This is still very much a pending decision
        Sep 16, 2019
        Bill Bauer likes this.
      3. CroakyBat
        It's a big commitment time-wise and I do not want to make a short-sighted decision!
        Sep 16, 2019
        Bill Bauer likes this.
      4. New Guy
        New Guy
        An older cat is a wise choice. I've adopted older cats and last year two kittens and man are kittens a handful. If a kitty shows you even a little affection at the shelter they'll eventually come around to you.
        Sep 16, 2019
        Bill Bauer likes this.
    11. CroakyBat
      Today is 2 months since my spike..feels like a lot longer
      1. Phendran likes this.
    12. CroakyBat
      "All we are is dust in the wind."
      1. Auron likes this.
      2. Auron
        Love that song
        Sep 5, 2019
        CroakyBat likes this.
      3. CroakyBat
        @Auron heard it for the first time in a long while today. Hit me pretty hard
        Sep 5, 2019
      4. just1morething
        Good old song from my younger days. Reminds us of our mortality.
        Sep 6, 2019
        CroakyBat likes this.
    13. CroakyBat
      Tired of thinking about this.
      1. Auron likes this.
    14. CroakyBat
      Better emotionally than I was a month ago..holding out hope that I will return to being totally unbothered, or that it just fades. Patience!
      1. Rb86 and Bill Bauer like this.
      2. Lynny
        Good to hear! It’s important to celebrate small victories, right? A couple months more and you’ll be feeling even better, I’m sure. Wishing you the best!
        Aug 25, 2019
        CroakyBat likes this.
      3. CroakyBat
        Thank you @Lynny. Absolutely, and I definitely hope so! Just taking it a day at a time until I get there. All the best to you as well :)
        Aug 25, 2019
        Lynny likes this.
    15. CroakyBat
      When will I stop thinking about this T constantly? I'm afraid I never will
      1. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        The first 3 months are the worst. T fades for many people. Many of the remaining people experience habituation after about 18 months.
        Aug 18, 2019
        CroakyBat likes this.
      2. CroakyBat
        Thank you, @Bill Bauer. Somehow I feel like I’ve already seen some improvement since this post, but not where I want to be just yet. Hoping time and patience will bring more fading
        Aug 18, 2019
        Bill Bauer likes this.
      3. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        If you are already seeing some improvement, then chances are that it will continue to improve. Just make sure you don't harm your ears a second time. They might be more vulnerable right now.
        Aug 18, 2019
        CroakyBat likes this.
    16. CroakyBat
      Spent the weekend in the mountains and forgot about my back to reality
      1. jay777 likes this.
      2. Rb86
        My fav place to be since my T started.
        Aug 12, 2019
        CroakyBat likes this.
    17. CroakyBat
      Best day in a while..hoping for more like these to come!
      1. Bill Bauer likes this.
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  • About

    Dec 29, 1996 (Age: 27)
    New York
    Tinnitus Since:
    06/2013, re-aggravated 07/2019
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Acoustic Trauma