Matt G
Jun 3, 2021
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Matt G

Member, Male

Just checking in because I caught wind of the results from Dr. Shore’s study. Wonderful news for a lot of us folks… Jan 8, 2023

    1. Matt G
      Matt G
      Just checking in because I caught wind of the results from Dr. Shore’s study. Wonderful news for a lot of us folks…
      1. snizzleberry, NYCGuy, CRGC and 2 others like this.
      2. Damocles
        For real @Matt G.

        Hope you're doing well also.
        Jan 8, 2023
        NYCGuy likes this.
      3. Matt G
        Matt G
        Doing pretty well my man @Damocles

        Had a setback a few weeks ago because I put myself into a really bad situation but trying to stay calm, and continue things that made me feel better the first time.

        Still cannot believe the phase 2 results…happy days on the horizon
        Jan 8, 2023
        Damocles likes this.
    2. Matt G
      Matt G
      Thank you everyone here on TT, this community has been paramount in helping me get back to a livable, and “normal” life. Take care :)
      1. snizzleberry, CRGC, Joe Cuber and 7 others like this.
    3. Matt G
      Matt G
      With a combination of feeling immensely better, and the unfortunate news regarding OTO, I’m off here for awhile.
    4. Matt G
      Matt G
      Anyone with H & T ever see a spontaneous recovery in their symptoms? After 13 months, my symptoms are the best they have been since trauma.
      1. volterra
        Lucky guy!
        Oct 21, 2022
        Matt G likes this.
    5. Matt G
      Matt G
      Don’t want to jinx anything, but H & Severe reactive T are definitely healing. A few weeks ago I never guessed T & H could be this tame.
      1. GG_Ear
        What did you do to feel better?
        Oct 17, 2023
    6. Matt G
      Matt G
      But y’all, I’m having a fucking great day today and I can only describe myself as “jovial”. Stable T = Stable Me
      1. Damocles, NYCGuy, Joe Cuber and 4 others like this.
      2. Damocles
        Jul 21, 2022
        Steph1710, Matt G and Joe Cuber like this.
      3. Matt G
        Matt G
        I laughed at this more than I’d like to admit lolol @Damocles
        Jul 22, 2022
        Damocles likes this.
    7. Matt G
      Matt G
      Friends took me out for my birthday on Saturday (29, yikes) and it felt good to just not give a fuck. T was fussy after, but such is life.
      1. NYCGuy, Marshall and Wrfortiscue like this.
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      3. Matt G
        Matt G
        @Wrfortiscue have you narrowed down your triggers? I’m finally starting to find out what makes my ear piercingly chirpy, and I’ve found that my voice is the biggest culprit :/ followed by digital audio
        Jul 21, 2022
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      4. Wrfortiscue
        @Matt digital audio for sure! Glad you found your culprit. Driving and my wife/kid yelling lol
        Jul 21, 2022
        BrOKeN_1 and Matt G like this.
      5. Matt G
        Matt G
        @Wrfortiscue yea I have to imagine if I had children that would 100% be a trigger too. Other peoples loud voices, and screaming should have been added to my previous list.
        Jul 22, 2022
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
    8. Matt G
      Matt G
      Took a few weeks off here. Felt like I was doing pretty good. Past 3 days have been the loudest chirp/twinkle has ever been :/
      1. MartinPihl likes this.
      2. MartinPihl
        SAME! i was also away from here a while ago, for a week or two, thinking that noooow everything is okay...
        The furnace, jet engine and screeching came back with a vengeance :(
        Jul 13, 2022
        Matt G likes this.
    9. Matt G
      Matt G
      I’m more depressed reading the “2020 presidential election” thread than the Suicidal thread. Holy shit.
      1. NYCGuy, Damocles, ThomasF and 5 others like this.
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      3. Matt G
        Matt G
        @BrOKeN_1 I actually love politics and debating. I come from a family that is very politically active.

        However, one look at the politics thread on TT made me want to never come back lol
        Jun 30, 2022
        Damocles, Steph1710, BrOKeN_1 and 2 others like this.
      4. Wrfortiscue
        Jun 30, 2022
        Matt G and Damocles like this.
      5. Damocles
        Jun 30, 2022
        Wrfortiscue and Matt G like this.
    10. Matt G
      Matt G
      To add to the below, I haven’t had 3 quiet days of chirp T since this started 6 months ago. Hopefully turning the corner on this.
    11. Matt G
      Matt G
      Well, I hope I don’t jinx myself, but I’ve had 3 days of pretty quiet chirp T. If this is the new normal, I can deal with it. Nox still mild
      1. Steph1710
        Hey @Matt G, glad you seem to be on an upward trajectory. My bird chirp has settle a lot too. I’ve noticed that it goes, but will come back occasionally if I have a loud noise exposure. I guess it’s something to watch out for now. Gotta carry on protecting where possible. Never thought earplugs would be my best friend. X
        Jun 22, 2022
        Damocles, Matt G and Wrfortiscue like this.
    12. Matt G
      Matt G
      Barely got sleep last night because of a huge storm. T very loud today. Fuck it I’m wearing my headphones - can’t get any louder lol
    13. Matt G
      Matt G
      Pain Hyperacusis does seem to be waning, albeit slowly. Thankful for that. Just can’t get over how my T distorts when I type on a keyboard..
      1. Wrfortiscue, Steph1710 and ZFire like this.
    14. Matt G
      Matt G
      All I want is stability
      1. Wrfortiscue
        Don’t we all brother
        Jun 11, 2022
        Matt G likes this.
    15. Matt G
      Matt G
      Anybody else have fluctuations throughout the day? How is it half of yesterday my ear was quiet but the other half it was a reactive mess?
      1. ZFire likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. aura
        Tbh,I don t even know anymore. In the first years ( 2012-2014) i had 3 stable tones. Then I was tinnitus free for 7 years. Now i keep adding tones, but some of them come and go. I.get periods with very loud T but i ve also experienced almost complete silence a few days ago for some good minutes.
        Jun 6, 2022
        Matt G and Steph1710 like this.
      4. aura
        I think it s a new development, the " going to extremes" pattern. Maybe 2-3 months?
        Jun 6, 2022
        Matt G and Steph1710 like this.
      5. Matt G
        Matt G
        Sounds pretty identical to me for the most part. Had head T for around 20 years. Picked up a new tone in 2017, and what I now realize was my first signs of hyperacusis. Didn’t think too much of it as it went away.

        June 2021 everything changed.
        Jun 10, 2022
    16. Matt G
      Matt G
      Fantastic day Tuesday. Thought I was turning the corner. No pain or chirp. Nope…louder and louder the chirp goes
      1. Christiaan likes this.
      2. kingsfan
        That seems like the normal currency for having a good day unfortunately.
        May 26, 2022
        Steph1710, Wrfortiscue and Matt G like this.
      3. Matt G
        Matt G
        Yep…I want to be positive and say that it’s probably so amplified the past two days because I had a such a good day on Tuesday. At the same time it also seems objectively louder and more variable.

        Only time will tell.
        May 27, 2022
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
    17. Matt G
      Matt G
      Chirp was not as bothersome in the month of April. Stopped using headphones around this time and changed my lifestyle and now I’m worse?
      1. Wrfortiscue and Steph1710 like this.
    18. Matt G
      Matt G
      Just so confused on how this is getting progressively worse. I stopped using headphones completely, eating healthier, consistent exercise..
      1. tracyNYC and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. Wrfortiscue
        It can get worse at times for no reason. Doesn’t mean it will stay this way or won’t get better
        May 17, 2022
        Steph1710 and Rockman like this.
    19. Matt G
      Matt G
      Chirp is here to stay. Is incredibly reactive and the loudest, most shrill T I’ve ever had. I can’t escape this one.
      1. Steph1710 and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. Steph1710
        @Matt G yup. Mine is too. I have better days where it behaves and is fairly quiet. However, the last few days it’s been loud again - and reactive. Yay! -_- Hope you’re okay? X
        May 16, 2022
        Matt G likes this.
      3. Matt G
        Matt G
        @Steph1710 so annoying how variable this one is. It’s been so shrill for the past week and reacts to everything.

        Quite honestly, I’m not doing okay and am thinking about going to see my doctor and seeing if I can get prescribed antidepressants. Never once in my 20+ years has T made my mood unstable. This chirp is a life changer.

        I hope you are doing better than I am.
        May 16, 2022
        Steph1710 likes this.
    20. Matt G
      Matt G
      Sprained my knee at softball this week. Looks like I’ll be forced to isolate now. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise.
      1. Steph1710 likes this.
    21. Matt G
      Matt G
      Been said a million times here and elsewhere but the fact we don’t even have a viable treatment for this yet is absolutely insane.
    22. Matt G
      Matt G
      These conditions have turned me into a bright, positive young man that enjoys life to someone that cannot even enjoy my days off work.
      1. Steph1710, Wrfortiscue and NYCGuy like this.
      2. Marshall
        You could say that again
        May 11, 2022
        NYCGuy, Matt G and Wrfortiscue like this.
      3. Rockman
        You won't. It will get better.
        May 12, 2022
      4. Rockman
        I'm just not sure when. Some just take a couple months others seems like forever
        May 12, 2022
    23. Matt G
      Matt G
      How am I supposed to live the rest of my life like this? Honestly would take more pain H if reactive T would just fuck off.
      1. Wrfortiscue and NYCGuy like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Marshall
        Imagine stable tinnitus and no h man what a dream
        May 12, 2022
        Matt G, Steph1710 and NYCGuy like this.
      4. Matt G
        Matt G
        @Guywithapug its insane. I don’t react to my faucet at home but my friends faucet? Absolutely insane how loud the reactive t gets.

        @Marshall my original T for 20 years was stable. This is something completely different that I had no clue could ever get this bad. I really take it for granted…
        May 12, 2022
        Guywithapug likes this.
      5. Marshall
        I never had stable T just straight to hell with this bs and h. But it’s getting a lot better. I just gotta be on my toes for the rest of life lol
        May 12, 2022
        Matt G likes this.
    24. Matt G
      Matt G
      Wtf - took two Benadryl pills (allergies) and the most intrusive tone I have essentially disappeared. Anyone experience this before??
      1. Rockman and Steph1710 like this.
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      3. BrOKeN_1
        That's it... I'm taking ALL the Benadryl! Lol
        May 6, 2022
        Matt G and Rockman like this.
      4. Rockman
        First time I took it had the same affect. Second time gave brain zaps
        May 6, 2022
      5. Matt G
        Matt G
        Take enough and you’ll get visits from the Hatman :p @BrOKeN_1
        May 6, 2022
        Rockman likes this.
    25. Matt G
      Matt G
      Basically 20+ years of stable T, now I can’t even predict what’s it’s going to be like hour by hour. So fucking over this shit.
      1. Wrfortiscue
        Damn I’m similar to you. Stable T for almost 2 decades and now unstable T that changes all day
        May 5, 2022
        Matt G and NYCGuy like this.
      2. Marshall
        I went from no T to stable T to unstable T in the same week
        May 6, 2022
        Wrfortiscue, Matt G and NYCGuy like this.
    26. Matt G
      Matt G
      Just fucking mad. Been like this for almost a year and I’m definitely worse off than last year.
      1. Rockman
        Sorry man. Same here, I don't understand
        May 5, 2022
        NYCGuy, Matt G and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. aura
        Same here.
        May 5, 2022
        Matt G and NYCGuy like this.
    27. Matt G
      Matt G
      Reactivity still sucks, but haven’t heard the “chirp” T for a few days. Ear discomfort only coming from voice. No more radiating face pain.
      1. Steph1710, Guywithapug, aura and 3 others like this.
    28. Matt G
      Matt G
      No doubt that my TTTS is interconnected with my newly acquired pain hyperacusis. Still fairly mild pain. TTTS is just out of control tho…
      1. Damocles likes this.
    29. Matt G
      Matt G
      TTTS symptoms basically gone last week. Back in full force this week
      1. Damocles and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. GoatSheep
        Try supplementing with magnesium. Liquid kind preferably. I’ve seen people say it clears it up over weeks to months time.
        Apr 22, 2022
    30. Brian Newman
      Brian Newman
      The middle ear pain, is not triggered by my voice anymore. My inner ear pain is getting triggered by it now. So if I have to talk I keep it short. If I’m feeling better I’ll try and talk a little longer.

      It definitely is best to go by how you feel. Never push through the pain cause that royally fucked me lol.
      1. Matt G likes this.
      2. Matt G
        Matt G
        Yea I’ve been noticing that wearing ear plugs let’s me talk without reactive T/ pain H. Gonna have to start doing that moving forward I guess.

        How can you tell the difference between inner and middle ear pain if you don’t mind me asking?
        Mar 17, 2022
      3. GoatSheep
        The inner ear pain is normally like a cochlear stabbing sensation I believe. For me middle ear is a nerve pain that feels like a chisel is being ran through my ears till they are raw.
        Mar 25, 2022
        Matt G likes this.
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    Quality Assurance
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Punch to the ear/head