This was new to me as well. I will let the experts on this explain balancing the 5th chakra and it's relation to tinnitus.
I found this article first and then did some more research on the 5th chakra.
The fifth chakra
So far, we have addressed tinnitus and ear problems from the physical or nutritional healing point of view only. Let us now examine the bigger, holistic picture, for those cases that are rooted on emotional patterns.
From a holistic point of view, ear problems can be malfunctions associated with your fifth chakra. Disorders of the throat, voice and neck are other possible malfunctions of this chakra, as is tightness of the jaw.
The fifth chakra is the chakra that governs communication. It is related to your ability to express your deepest feelings with honesty and clarity, to yourself and others. It is also related to your ability to hear and speak the truth. It is also the chakra that allows creativity to flow in and through you.
Healing this chakra entails working with your inner child, the little voice inside yourself that asks you to pay some attention to your emotions. This is important because psychological studies have demonstrated that all negative emotional states hide an unfulfilled need of our inner child.
The possible emotional cause of ear problems
From a metaphysical standpoint, ear problems –in general- mean that there is something happening that you do not want to listen to. If there is pain, it is an indication that there is some anger involved. Thus, there might be an angry refusal to hear something (as in the typical case of children not willing to hear their parents' arguing).
If this happens to be the case, work on dissolving your anger around that particular thing that you dislike listening to. Work on changing your perception about it. Focus instead on listening with love to something you like; to something harmonious, good and pleasurable.
Music therapy
Music is a powerful healing tool when it is used scientifically, as I have explained in my article about the healing power of music.
Harpsichord music is generally recommended as sound therapy for ear problems. Some music therapists -like Ted Andrews- also recommend symphonies, big band music and reggae as beneficial forms of music for the nervous system and sense organs of the body.
If you wish to address the possible underlying fifth chakra issues as explained above in this article, and the need to listen to your inner voice and pay attention to your inner child, consider listening to my music album "Expression". You may also enjoy my healing track "Communication" (from my album "Peace").
Music played in the keys of G and G sharp is also usually recommended, because those keys are generally helpful for conditions associated with the fifth chakra. A session with a skilled music therapist can go even deeper, in order to determine your own personal music scale and provide you with the sounds and frequencies that resonate with your personal fifth chakra more closely.
The next site I found on this is below...
I found this article first and then did some more research on the 5th chakra.
The fifth chakra
So far, we have addressed tinnitus and ear problems from the physical or nutritional healing point of view only. Let us now examine the bigger, holistic picture, for those cases that are rooted on emotional patterns.
From a holistic point of view, ear problems can be malfunctions associated with your fifth chakra. Disorders of the throat, voice and neck are other possible malfunctions of this chakra, as is tightness of the jaw.
The fifth chakra is the chakra that governs communication. It is related to your ability to express your deepest feelings with honesty and clarity, to yourself and others. It is also related to your ability to hear and speak the truth. It is also the chakra that allows creativity to flow in and through you.
Healing this chakra entails working with your inner child, the little voice inside yourself that asks you to pay some attention to your emotions. This is important because psychological studies have demonstrated that all negative emotional states hide an unfulfilled need of our inner child.
The possible emotional cause of ear problems
From a metaphysical standpoint, ear problems –in general- mean that there is something happening that you do not want to listen to. If there is pain, it is an indication that there is some anger involved. Thus, there might be an angry refusal to hear something (as in the typical case of children not willing to hear their parents' arguing).
If this happens to be the case, work on dissolving your anger around that particular thing that you dislike listening to. Work on changing your perception about it. Focus instead on listening with love to something you like; to something harmonious, good and pleasurable.
Music therapy
Music is a powerful healing tool when it is used scientifically, as I have explained in my article about the healing power of music.
Harpsichord music is generally recommended as sound therapy for ear problems. Some music therapists -like Ted Andrews- also recommend symphonies, big band music and reggae as beneficial forms of music for the nervous system and sense organs of the body.
If you wish to address the possible underlying fifth chakra issues as explained above in this article, and the need to listen to your inner voice and pay attention to your inner child, consider listening to my music album "Expression". You may also enjoy my healing track "Communication" (from my album "Peace").
Music played in the keys of G and G sharp is also usually recommended, because those keys are generally helpful for conditions associated with the fifth chakra. A session with a skilled music therapist can go even deeper, in order to determine your own personal music scale and provide you with the sounds and frequencies that resonate with your personal fifth chakra more closely.
The next site I found on this is below...