
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Jaeku., Feb 14, 2014.

    1. Jaeku.

      Jaeku. Member

      Cleveland, Ohio
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi, I am 43 years old. I have tinnitus to the degree of multiple chirping going off in my head always.
      It's become really bad in the last six or seven months. Its started a decade ago as a slight single tone.
      I've been around loud things all my life. Unfortunately, I didn't operate better judgement as a kid.
      I have played drums all my life pretty much and have been in bands and loud basements. I've blasted music on stereos too much (I wish I would have known better). There have been allot of loud concerts I have attended without ear plugs. I have worked with power tools in construction since the age of 23.I guess one may conclude that I did this to myself and that's it, but The question that I've been asking myself is: what happens now? Do I quit playing the drums in the band (been using ear plugs). Do I change my career from construction (I wear plugs all day). I can live with a little tinnitus but I can't let it get any worse.
      In fact I have to get it to quiet down a bit and hold it there in order to live out my life in peace.
      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. Tormod

      Tormod Member

      You don't need to change your career or stop playing as long as you wear ear plugs so that the volume is not too loud. I think the recommended is below 80 db+ or so. Do you have confirmed hearing loss? Both ears?
    3. AUTHOR

      Jaeku. Member

      Cleveland, Ohio
      Tinnitus Since:
      I saw an audiologist and found out that I have mostly high frequency hearing loss. Both ears are pretty close in their levels in what is heard and not heard. My low frequency isn't perfect but not nearly as affected as my high frequency. I was fitted for custom earplugs. She recommended that I wear the ear plugs as often as possible in my occupation. She recommended that I wear ear muffs over the plugs when around real loud noise such as lawn mowers, etc.

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