Ears Feel Open or Full Only in Very Silent Rooms

Discussion in 'Support' started by GBB, Oct 23, 2020.

    1. GBB

      GBB Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      2016-2019 (Mild, Cured) 8/2020 (Severe)
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Virus / Microsuction / Acoustic Trauma
      So I'm not sure if this is the typical ear fullness people describe, but when I go into my bedroom, which is one of the most silent rooms I've been in, it's as though my ears don't get the expected input anymore, so they suddenly "open up" or feel quite "full". This only happens in very silent rooms. The feeling is almost like the ear canal is dilating or something to search for more sound.

      I appreciate this sounds weird, and it only happens to me in the very most silent places, so wondered if anyone had similar experiences. It's one of the reasons I still find it so hard to be in my bedroom most of the time.

      When I was staying in a hotel which had a refrigerator humming, road noise outside etc... I did not get this feeling.

      I should add, sometimes in silence it's hard for me to discern a clear tinnitus tone, but it's like my whole head gets pressurized and my brain is going crazy looking for noise. I never get actual silence, there is always this vague wall of sound, but not sure what is going on in silence or near silence where I feel it in my whole head... part of me hopes if I can heal my hearing a bit this could subside.
    2. cjbhab

      cjbhab Member

      Sask, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sinuses, Ear infection
      I'm not much help and I'm going through a horrible time right now, but I think I have something very similar happening to what you are going through. It's impossible for me to articulate it, but when I am in a quiet room it feels like my head/ears go into a panic and are searching for input, it's like I can feel the extra activity going on up there, it's awful, I need some level of sound everywhere I go.

      Right now I'm going through some sort of spike, there's a new cicada type intermittent sound happening in my left ear and it's driving me bananas. Hoping it goes away.
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    3. AUTHOR

      GBB Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      2016-2019 (Mild, Cured) 8/2020 (Severe)
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Virus / Microsuction / Acoustic Trauma
      You hit the nail on the head - it’s like the searching for noise makes everything go into overdrive. If I go into a silent room my tinnitus gets loud and even stays loud for a while once I leave.

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