Hello everyone :)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Janexx, Jun 20, 2013.

    1. Janexx

      Janexx Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      November 2012
      Apologies for title of thread. I couldn't change it. It's meant to mean,happy most of the time,sometimes sad,when the tinitus is at its worst,especially if it's keeping me awake!

      Hello everyone.I'd like to join the orchestra.Percussion is my speciality,with the ring of the high notes from the triangle sounding off intermittently,whenever the band plays.Thankfully the triangle is my only instrument and the only one I hear.

      Seriously,Again my apologies if I sound flippant,it's just my way of coping with this irritation. My tinitus started around 6 months ago.I am in my early 50s now and pride myself in keeping fit with a young outlook,especially now my children are off to university.The trouble is,my husband and I have always loved live music and I come from an era where the 70s/80s live concerts were at their loudest and we made the most of it. To this day we still go to concerts and it's something I'm not willing to give up.The interesting thing is my husband has attended as many concert venues as me and he has never suffered ringing in the ears. I believe mine has been caused by three things. 1.neck stiffness and cracking on movement,from years of nursing. 2. Hormones at this time of life. 3. Loud music over the years.
      I feel fortunate that mine is intermittent. I can go a full day or days and nights without it,then wham it's back again. Some people say this is even more frustrating,although I can't agree.The high pitched continuous tone is loud or quiet depending on what it wants to do. I definately notice it more in silence. I challenge the noise in my ears with a bring it on attitude,easier said than done, I know. My grandmother had this during the menopause,then years later it decided it had played itself out. I'm hoping for the same. To all those here(no pun intended) I offer my sincere sympathy for your situation,especially if it is continuous and perhaps more troublesome than mine. Hang in there,challenge it and don't let it win.

    2. AUTHOR

      Janexx Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      November 2012
      Would someone be kind enough to tell me how to remove the latter part of my title for this thread. My tinitus was playing up at the time I wrote it (still is)and I wasn't feeling too good about it,despite trying my best.I could edit the content but not the title. If its not possible to edit the title can I request one of the admin people change my thread to just 'Hello everyone'
    3. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I changed the title for you.

      Welcome to TT :)

      (Title editing for regular members should become possible when the next upgrade is done on the forums.)
    4. AUTHOR

      Janexx Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      November 2012
      Thanks Markku. I'm still reading my title as the same! Perhaps not given it enough time!
    5. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Well I changed "most of the time :(" to "most of the time :)"

      I thought that was your first wish (in the first post!).

      But I'll remove it completely.
    6. AUTHOR

      Janexx Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      November 2012
      Thanks again Markku. I am most of the time :) just having a bad day with T, hence my looking up a T forum for the first time. I'll sign off now as I've a lot to get on with today. I hope by joining this site I will be able to contribute to fellow T people,as much as I hope to get out of it. :)

    7. AUTHOR

      Janexx Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      November 2012
      Oh dear! I've had a really busy day and at last I'm settling down to catch up on my emails. As a new member of this forum,I was interested to see the stats on my first introductory post. I was amazed to see there were almost 100 views and not one contribution,apart from a director of the site. Thank you Markku. I have decided this forum,albeit with the best of intentions,is not for me. My high pitched radio wave is with me as I speak,despite the fact it's sleepy time! As an intermittent T sufferer,it knows which buttons to push! I wish everyone who has had the courage to post on this forum a long and happy life,despite the noise in their ears. I have Found my own personal peace and the band can play on. :) xx

    8. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, @Janexx,
      I read your post yesterday, but didn't get a chance to respond. I hope you are having a good tinnitus day today. I agree that, as we age, our ears are more likely to be sensitive to changes, and tinnitus can result. I'm in my 60's, and had mild tinnitus for years (not bothersome at all), and then, 3 years ago, I took a blood pressure drug that caused my tinnitus to go through the roof!

      Mine is continuous, and is a high-pitched hissing tone, with a pulsating undercurrent. I think you are very lucky that yours is intermittent, because at least you get to experience times of silence. That sounds like a wonderful thing to me!

      I don't think you have to give up going to concerts, or anything else that you love, when you have tinnitus. You just have to be a little more protective of your ears in noisy settings. I'm glad you've adjusted to it, and found some peace. I wish you the best, and hope you'll check in at Tinnitus Talk from time to time!
    9. Sven
      Not amused

      Sven Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music
      Hello, Janexx. Why in such a hurry to leave? I think there are plenty of visitors at this site that yet has to write something at all. (for example, right now there are 10 members online and 72 visitors). I also think many people don't know what to write at all, especially not when they (we?) are mostly full of questions and not answers. I for one, despite being quite active here at the moment didn't see your post until now.

      Welcome here, though. I just joined a week ago but I think it's a great place.

      Interesting T you have. I've never heard of intermittent T. That sounds to me as if it is not caused by noise.
      • Like Like x 2
    10. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      It's only the tiny minority who register; even those who register only a small portion of them become contributors.

      And of those who write, many ask questions they've got on their mind and not actively participate in other people's threads.

      This means that you should try to be patient waiting for comments. If you read some of the previous threads, you'll see there are several frequent writers here that want to help, offer advice, and chat but they are here on a voluntary basis and have their own busy schedules.

      Therefore, please don't be offended you didn't instantly get meaningful responses (mine was more of a technical kind with the editing of title, and didn't thereby count).

      You are just as welcome amongst our ranks as anybody else. I regret if you didn't get that first impression.

      If you decided to leave, that's a shame. Feel welcome to come back anytime, and I mean that!

      Basically I concur with everything Sven said above, thanks Sven :)

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