
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by John, Mar 6, 2011.

    1. John

      John Member

      Fairfield, CA
      Hi everyone !
      My name is John and i live in northern california. i have had T for many years and got it from working 24 years as a newspaper press operator, the presses were very very noisy/loud. Great job on this site, i look forward to hanging out here and meeting everyone.
    2. Caralyn

      Caralyn Guest

      hi john. i love your avatar!!

      did you get tinnitus how early on the job? or in the later years.. just thinking.

      noisy working environments are something i'm looking to avoid. no surprise there though when you think about the topic of the forum =o)
    3. AUTHOR

      John Member

      Fairfield, CA
      Hi Caralyn,

      Sorry i didn't get back to you sooner i'v had a bad week or so with my T...

      I started in 1985 and got T in 2002 so i guess it took some time. The company i worked for supplied hearing protection but didn't enforce it so back in 85 i was just a kid of 20 and didn't really know any better so i didnt wear hearing protection all that much, guess i learned my lesson :)

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