Increased Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Niko, Dec 8, 2012.

    1. Niko

      Niko Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      As I introduced myself, I used to have a very low T, which only could be heard if I was concentrating on it in bed. This T I received because of a noise trauma in a club.
      What I want to ask is that the first year my ears where cracking all the time, and sometimes hurting, the cracks where like bones in the ear had a bone fracture.
      Till now I though this was because when I got the T, I was abroad and though it had to do with water coming in my ear from swimming, and also that week I saw a Greek doctor who never heard of T, but flushed my ears with a scary big device to get rid of earwax, and that with me flying home, high altitude pressure I thought was the reason for this.

      But I have read about other people that describe cracks in their ears after a noise trauma, so I wonder does noise trauma cause this mechanism in the ear?

      Right now unfortunately I have a loud T since two months, after a headphone, very loud session. I never had problems before, was going to clubs, listening to mp3, although this time I went over the limit with the noise.

      So my T now is loud, I can hear it constantly, and it increases in pitch if I listen to loud music. I just try out, I listen to music for some minutes through headphones, and the pitch goes up very loud after I take them off, for some minutes the pitch is loud, before it stabilizes. Why is it like this now, I mean why is my T behaving like this, before this never happened, I could come home from a club, being there unprotected for hours, and my T was low as always.

      I'm doing some homoeopathic treatment and ultrasound treatment, I think it have helped me allot, I will post results in near future, stay tuned, this might help others too.
    2. mock turtle

      mock turtle Member

      puget sound
      Tinnitus Since:
      07/26/1992...habituated after 2 years; 11/04/11 new outbreak

      sorry you are having loud tinnitus. mine spikes bad too.... and we are not alone...sometimes so loud that i cant hear quiet conversation at a short distance

      let me suggest that listening to loud music has to stop, especially using headphones...very potentially injurious to your ears... and please, especially avoid in the ear "buds"...the pressure build up in the ear is potentially very risky

      you mentioned the kinds of tinnitus sounds you are hearing...the cracking sound...yes, that is not uncommon and some hear sounds similar to that like chirping , and crickets and a great variety of other sounds

      i myself get to listen to a really high pitched EEEEEEEEEE almost like a tea kettle sound but several octaves higher (very crazy)...and then i get hisssssssss (which doesnt bother me that much) and finally a kind of morse code like sound that is similar in some ways to the sound of fax machine sending code over a telephone line (real nuts)

      there are examples of 10 or more common tinnitus sounds that can easily be found on the internet and i can give you some links if you want, ..... although...... i dont recommend listening to any of it because its too much like, for me at least,, like going to see a very scary horror film ;) ....but some want to know at any cost

      welcome to tinnitus talk and btw now that you are back from travels you may want to see a local doctor, maybe a doc you have seen before

      hang in there
      mock turtle

      one more thought
      i think its a mistake to think that one incident causes tinnitus...many people think gee how did i get tinnitus from that club or concert last night it wasnt even as loud as other concerts or clubs ive ben to

      well let me say that the damage that causes tinnitus is possibly cumulative, or so thats what i believe, and whn tinnitus finally reaches our awareness its because that aditive damage has finally reached a level the intrudes on our conscieuosness

      so the lesson is to protect our ears from loud noise ( an ototoxic drugs...there are some medications that poison the inner ear...always ask doctor about any meds)

      dont protect your ears from all sound...that would be bad...calm soft music and low volume white noise is generally believed to be good

      im no doctor so check out everything i say with other people and especially more knowledgeable professionals
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    3. AUTHOR

      Niko Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thanks for the reply, just to add in this thread also, is that I got my tinnitus in 2000 on the holiday, the T that didn't bother me for over twelve years. Two months ago I cought I nice song which I listened to for some hour through headphones, very loud, around 98-103 dB, measured. This gave me serious T, the low T I used to have now is a high pitch sound I hear constantly.

      It started with a really high pitch sound for me too, it was like those old TV's pitch. That drove me crazy. After I started with a homoeopathic medicine my pitch have changed, it has changed its character and lost energy. It sounds different, and is not as troublesome as before. I can't say if the level has gone down, but I feel so too, just a bit.
      I will post regarding this if anyone will be interested in the medicine, it's available to get from the net, and actually I first picked up the link from another thread on this board. So thanks, it really has changed my life. I just want to be sure that it's working and not just a half placebo effect, and hopefully it can get rid of the T too.
    4. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Niko,
      I'd like to know which homeopathic medicine you're taking. Is it "Ear Ringing Formula" from Newton Labs? I'm taking it, too. I think it has helped take my tinnitus down a notch or two. How much do you take per day? I've been taking 6 pellets at a time, roughly 3 times per day. How long have you been taking it?
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      Niko Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      Happy to hear that it has helped you too, yes it's the Ear Ringing Formula, and I as you have been taking 6 pellets three times per day, since 23 of November.
      I noticed the biggest improvement already after some days. Not so much then after. But sure it did help, before I couldn't even enjoy life, music, or read, the T was so annoying. Now I'm almost back where I was, but still a big step to get it silenced, since I can hear it more or less in daily life situations, the more silent the more obvious.

      First the T was loud, wide and sounding as a loud ringing noise, after the treatment with the pellets, it changed, got much more narrower and lost it's ringing to start to buzz instead, letter wise like first Bzzz then some week after to Zzzz, now it's just a buzz without a letter attached to it.

      How is your situation? Did you get T because of a noise trauma, and how long have you gone with the Ear Ringing Formula?
    6. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Niko --- Yes, it is working for me, too. I've been taking the Ear Ringing Formula since October 13. (I keep records because I take so many supplements!) Just like you, I noticed the biggest improvement early on; now, it stays about the same. I'm on my second bottle of the formula already! My tinnitus is improved, but I still have days when it is very annoying. I have both pulsatile (in rhythm with my heartbeat) and ringing. The ringing is now more like a bzzz or hiss; before, it was much louder.

      I first got T many years ago, from noise trauma (too near a speaker at a concert). One ear only was affected -- the right ear. Then, two years ago, I took a drug that proved to be ototoxic, and it cause the pulsating to start, along with loud ringing.

      Please keep me posted on how you're doing with the Ear Ringing Formula. I hope it continues to help you, and keep your tinnitus low!
    7. AUTHOR

      Niko Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thanks Karen I will keep you updated about my progress and so do you too.
      It's a huge relief not to have the T I had in the first month, the sound could be described just as a motor saw cutting through stone, very annoying and depressing. Yet I'm afraid this could one day worsen and come back is it was, that's why I try to find the best possible treatments as early as possible, and be more protective in the future regarding loud noise.
      I'm glad for the Ear Ring Formula, I also have a ultrasound device at home I started with, this could too be beneficial for me, I will keep you updated about this too later on.

      My T is in the right ear. I always had problems with that ear, remembering doing the ear tests as a pupil at school, I experienced the sound from the right ear not as clear as from the left, somehow buzzing, but not T, nothing like a ringing, yet I think I scored the same on the tests.
      This could have to do with early child ear inflammatory, maybe vaccines... or antibiotics, or other medicines.

      Thanks for the facts about ototoxicity, I will be more careful about this in a upcoming situation. Luckily I didn't take the prescribed antibiotics in Greece, the doctor gave me. I came in for T, he never heard of that, he probably thought I had ear infection, even though I pointed that out as no.

      Reading more about ototoxicity I can recommend waterfiltering against mercury and lead and other hazards.
      I have been doing this for health reasons for a long time, and can recommend Aquasana water filters.
    8. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Niko -- I'm glad the Ear Ringing formula is working for you so well. Yes, it is possible you've had some sensitivity in your right ear for a long time, due to ear infections, etc.

      Have you had your hearing in that ear tested recently? Some of us have high-range hearing loss in the affected ear. I've had my hearing tested recently, and my left ear is normal, but my right ear shows high-range hearing loss. Some people with tinnitus have benefitted from using hearing aids. I've tried testing some hearing aids myself, but they made my pulsating tinnitus worse. But, with the speed that technology is improving, there may be a new hearing aid in the future that would be beneficial.

      Yes, a lot of drugs are ototoxic; people on this site have listed a number of drugs with ototoxicity, including antibiotics. It is wise to check the drugs prescribed for you, and ask for another one if the drug is listed as ototoxic.

      I think the water filter is a very good idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

      Best wishes, Karen
    9. Louise

      Louise Member Benefactor

      Yorkshire, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      29/06/2012 worsened Jan 2017 & Dec 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      I bought the book 'Ototoxic Drugs Exposed' and just about all anti-depressants show up in that book as ototoxic :(
    10. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Louise, That is scary! Are you going to continue taking the clonazepam?

      I'm not taking any anti-depressant drugs myself. I tried xanax and valium, and didn't like either one. I've gotten over the worst of my anxiety now (2 1/2 years after my severe tinnitus started!). I've just started taking a natural supplement for anxiety called "Pharma Gaba". It works pretty well; it's kind of subtle, but it does work on an as-needed basis.
    11. Louise

      Louise Member Benefactor

      Yorkshire, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      29/06/2012 worsened Jan 2017 & Dec 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      Hi Karen, Clonazepam doesnt actually come up as ototoxic in the book but its an anti-anxiety med (a benzodiazepene) that is very addictive so Im not taking it right now until I talk to the doctor again.
      Most anti-depressants also have anti-anxiety properties but are not addictive so the docs like to prescribe AntiDs for depression and anxiety. But, in this book I've got all the AntiDs come up as ototoxic :(

      Good to hear you are over the worst of the anxiety, even though it took the best part of 2.5 years :(

      I'll make a note of Pharma Gaba for the future when/if I can cope on less serious meds.
    12. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Thanks for the clarification, Louise. I think it's good that you're going to talk to your doctor again about the clonazepam. It is eye-opening that there are so many ototoxic drugs out there!

      The reason my anxiety has lasted so long is that I also having pulsating tinnitus. I've been tested, and nothing has turned up; it still unnerves me to hear the pulsating, but I've somewhat adjusted to it now.

      Niko --- I've just re-read Mock Turtle's comments (above), and he has some good advice for you, about protecting your ears and ototoxicity. Take care, and keep us posted on how you're doing!
    13. click

      click Member Benefactor

      West Cornwall, England, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      Hi Karen

      Have you had any side effects with the Pharma Gaba? A friend told me about it when my T started but she said it gave her very tingly hands & feet and heart palpitations so I was put off (easily done!). Would be really interesting to know if you have a good experience with it.

    14. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Click,

      I've only been taking it for a few days, so it may be a bit early to tell, but so far I haven't had any side effects from it.
      I'm taking the chewable variety. Two tablets contain a total of 200 mg. of gaba. The recommended dosage is 1 -2 tablets up to 3 times a day. I'm only taking one tablet at a time; today, I've only had one tablet. So far, I haven't taken more than 3 tablets per day.

      Do you know how many milligrams your friend was taking per day?
    15. click

      click Member Benefactor

      West Cornwall, England, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      hi Karen

      I know that she was on a very low dose because I remember her saying that she wasn't going to 'go up' to the normal dosage. All these things really do affect people differently though don't they. I'm just not brave enough to try very much.

      I shall keep this one on the list now though and wait to hear what you think after a few weeks.

    16. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Click,

      Yes, these things really do affect people differently. I wasn't very brave about trying supplements, either, until the tinnitus started. Then, I became rather desperate for anything that would work! I've found a balance so far that seems to be helping.

      I'll give you a further update on the gaba after I've been taking it for awhile. If you don't hear from me, please remind me! You can send me a personal message, if you'd like.:)
    17. Louise

      Louise Member Benefactor

      Yorkshire, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      29/06/2012 worsened Jan 2017 & Dec 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      I'm glad you've adjusted somewhat Karen. I'm not adjusting at all. Mine keeps getting worse. How much worse is it going to get? Cant think about anything else. I think I'm going to try that ear-ringing formula you mention.
    18. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Louise,

      It seems to take some time, plus a lot of trial and error, to find some things that will work for you. As for me, I've tried a number of supplements, and am now taking only the ones that seem to help me. The ear ringing formula is one of them.

      The key is to get your body to relax a bit; then, everything seems to get a little better. Magnesium has helped me with relaxation and sleep; so has a supplement called moringa oliefera. Find some things that work for you --- it seems to be no one thing, but a combination of therapies, that works. It has taken me awhile to figure that out, and I wish you the same. It WILL get better!!
    19. Louise

      Louise Member Benefactor

      Yorkshire, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      29/06/2012 worsened Jan 2017 & Dec 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      Thanks Karen. Which brand of ear-ringing formula do you use? I check on the net and there seem to be a lot of brands with that same name.
    20. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      It's the Newton Labs' formula. The link is on another thread. :)
      • Like Like x 1
    21. AUTHOR

      Niko Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      When I googled the name I just received a couple of hits, one from Amazon and one from Dragonherbs.
      But sure try the one from Newton Labs first, works very well, and the others I don't know if they are just herbs or homeopathic.

      Regarding the ototoxity, scary that there are in so many medications, good that I always stay out of this things and look for alternative ways. Yesterday I fast read about ototoxity, and got the sense that even if some drugs are ototoxic they wont cause permanent damage, for example like aspirin, so you shouldn't probably worry that much, but please consult with a doctor...

      One good natural remedy against depression is nutmeg, it did wonders for me. Of course it doesn't work as an anti-depressive medicine but it has qualities that will raise your mood and life quality. I pour some of it in hot coffee or milk sometimes. I haven't read about complications mixing nutmeg and taking other drugs, so be careful to see if they go along with what you take for the moment, right now I didn't feel good mixing nutmeg and the homeopathic medicine I take.

      As mentioned homeopathic medicine can work wonders instantly, as I have experienced, getting better just after some days. But chronic treatment should probably take many months to treat.

      Hope it works for you Luise and Karen.

    22. Louise

      Louise Member Benefactor

      Yorkshire, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      29/06/2012 worsened Jan 2017 & Dec 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      Thanks Niko :)
    23. click

      click Member Benefactor

      West Cornwall, England, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure

      I ordered mine from NEWTON Homeopathics in the USA and they charged me $51.57 which included shipping to UK. Before it arrived I had a phone call from customs because they were about to charge a huge amount for import duties. They asked what it was for (they'd opened the parcel) and when I explained they didn't charge me any import duty.

      Hope this helps.

    24. Louise

      Louise Member Benefactor

      Yorkshire, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      29/06/2012 worsened Jan 2017 & Dec 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      Thanks Click x

      Sounds a bit tricky to get in the UK then if that's what happens. Lucky they had your phone number.

      Have you taken it yet?
    25. click

      click Member Benefactor

      West Cornwall, England, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      They only had it because they opened the parcel and looked at the invoice inside. I suppose they are allowed to do this.

      No - haven't taken it yet... it's just part of my unopened collection - just in case :)
    26. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      My personal opinion is that homeopathy as a whole is a scam, and I'd urge everybody to think twice before buying homeopathic products - which in turn supports these shady companies behind them. And if you can't help but buy and try, then at least set your expectations between very low and non-existent.

      I do believe that homeopathic products might help some conditions, but that's purely because of the placebo effect. So they might help tinnitus (reduce stress, anxiety, reaction) if you think the stuff you are taking is potent and possibly helpful.

      Some previous discussions:®-herbal-temporary-remedy.188/#post-756

      Anyway, Jim's quote from the above Clear Tinnitus discussion sums it up nicely:

    27. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Now that I think more about it, maybe it was a mistake for me to come shouting what my thoughts on homeopathy is. I sincerely hope I didn't ruin anyone's potential placebo effect if you are going to try these homeopathic products advertised for tinnitus (there are quite a few of them).

      I'm going to create a new discussion based on this... (New thread about this here.)

      Happy week to all of us! :X3: And strength.
    28. Karen H

      Karen H Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I understand your thoughts on homeopathic remedy's. They haven't helped me at all. God bless those who get results from them.. I'm envious!
    29. AUTHOR

      Niko Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      A quick update: Since I started three weeks ago, I have had two occasions lasting about 36 hours with high pitch T. The pitch is just as I had before starting the treatment.
      I don't know what is causing this, although it scared me.

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