Is my life even worth living anymore?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Raul, Feb 7, 2014.

    1. Raul

      Raul Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      that thoughts keeps coming on my mind over and over and it pushes me to the edge i feel that im gonna do it soon! i don't ask for a cure for T but how at least to make those thoughts go away :(
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    2. citigirl13

      citigirl13 Member

      North Yorkshire, England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Your life is different than before. But that doesn't mean that it won't be good.

      T is a very hard thing to adjust to. I myself am still struggling - I've had it for three weeks. But from reading all these threads I know that T does not have to control your life. Most people manage to ignore it. There are therapies, such as retraining your brain so you don't acknowledge the sound.

      Perhaps you should talk to your doctor about how you're feeling - they should be able to give you some antidepressants, though I would suggest you see a therapist as antidepressants do not solve the problem. Please don't do anything rash - look at other threads and they will prove you can have a life with T
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    3. kenji

      kenji Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      yes T can go away over time ,though its good to seek professional help and stay close and kindle with family , be patient , and have fun
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    4. Grace
      No Mood

      Grace Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Dont do anything stupid! I know this is hard to get use too.. In some ways i feel like this condition would be better if it was life threatening cause its hell.. But you will get better and your whole attitude will change towards it.. And you will not be stuck with this for life as we all wont.. Give it some years and a cure will be on its way and pills and treatments are already on the move for helpin T.. New things are coming out and bein discovered every year .. Its just a matter of time and patience until it happens.. Stay positive and tell yourself you will be okay.. And remember your NOT the only one who is goin through this.. Alot of people understand here! :)
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    5. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      When a new T sufferer get very stressed and depressed, the brain can feel this way as it sees no way out. I was like that during the darkest days a few years back. Luckily, for most of us, that is only a fleeting thought and very rarely people will do the unthinkable for tinnitus sake alone. Millions of people have tinnitus. Celebrities have tinnitus (google celebrities with tinnitus and be surprised). Our friends and aquaintances in our social circle have years of tinnitus and yet not talking about it publically. So it must be rare for people to end their life strictly for tinnitus. So check over your thought and your circumstances to see if there are other factors for this kind of thought. Talk with counsellor or crisis line to get yourself the professional help. You may need meds to help cut off the sharp edges of anxiety and/or depression. If you can, do some exercises like simple walking or jogging around the house. Get some masking going so you don't get too stressed out by the ringing. Doing something concrete to solve the problem will help you feel better. All the best.
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    6. FireT

      FireT Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      there are ear"plugs" u can stick in the ear to produce masking sound constantly. thinking about how it get better when I once get one of those helps me allot. also, seek a christian "healer" for prayer regularly, dont give up. Ive heard about quite a few that have gotten totally healed. most dont, but it gives u hope! a prophetic one can get guidance from god what may be blocking the healing, or read books urself on hearing gods voice, such as those from mark virkler.
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    7. Grace
      No Mood

      Grace Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Totally love the christian healing idea.. I got lots of hope in that kind of stuff.. If your a spiritual person.. Keep prayin and you never know ;)
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    8. mick1987
      No Mood

      mick1987 Member

      UK (England)
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      Raul, don't think to yourself how you feel now will be forever, all your thoughts are depression, sort out the depression and you are left with a noise in your head...that's it! Don't think to yourself you will never be happy again because you will!

      I was depressed about tinnitus for quite awhile, had dark thoughts, thought there was no way I could get better.....well guess what?..the depression has gone and I'm happy again! I don't notice my tinnitus a lot of the time now, even when I do it doesn't bother me....I have recovered my life. I'm not the minority, this is habituation, this is typical for almost everyone.

      Depression is temporary.... Death is permanent! Hang in there, thinks will improve.
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    9. Magpie

      Magpie Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      Those thoughts are cognitive distortions and they are very common when somebody has tinnitus, depression or disorders that affect their well being. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is one treatment that endeavours to change a persons thinking processes from negative to positive. There is an excellent book available if you can find a copy: A Self Management Guide for the Ringing in Your Ears Henry/Wilson. Many if not most T people at some time feel as you do but in time as their tinnitus becomes less of a problem those thoughts diminish. I can tell ya I was a basket case and I was pushed to the edge many times. My advice is get hold of the book, think about talking to a psychologist or CBT specialist and understand it will get better as time goes by. Be proactive in your recovery so use masking/distraction techniques, keep busy, throw yourself into your hobbies/interests or take up new ones, go for a walk, run, ride, swim because while your brain is thinking about something else it isn't thinking about tinnitus.
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    10. Theophilassie

      Theophilassie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello Raul,

      Here is something just to uplift you. It's just a beautiful song, nothing more, but I hope it will bring you a moment of joy.

      Lou Fellingham - I Will Say

      For myself, a singer, tinnitus and hearing loss have been a double blow, taking away one of the most precious things I do. After six months away from the band my voice was deteriorating badly and I knew if I didn't sing again soon I would lose it. On Sunday morning I re- joined the band (against medical advice...) and the song in this video from Lou Fellingham was the first one I sang on my return. It's about rest and comfort, in silence or in noise.

      To be completely open about it, I listen to this song from a place of faith, but if that's not your place it's just a beautiful song anyway.
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    11. DebS

      DebS Member

      Ohio, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      That was absolutely beautiful...made me cry like a baby. I too turn to my faith to help me be strong, but it is still hard at times. Thanks so much for posting this song...I will listen to it often.
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    12. AUTHOR

      Raul Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      thank you all for your support it's really helpful i appreciate it and i will do my best to cope again.
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    13. sword&shield

      sword&shield Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Life is always worth living, no matter what condition may afflict it.
      I perfectly understand your pain since I'm a Tinnitus sufferer too and it made me reflect and sometimes tackle negative ideas as well.
      But life itself is the realm of possibilities, the very space where hope can constantly flourish. It's our precious gift of being able to do all sorts of wonderful things and sharing the company of all sorts of wonderful people.
      There is always some treasure to find in life and there's always a positive prospective to embrace, regardless of any current fears or any current mental and physical limitation we might bear. :)

      Always keep fighting for that!
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    14. I who love music

      I who love music Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      mid seventies
      Hey Raul
      I'm not a professional anything.
      But I've had T for over 40 years and I've learned more coping skills on this forum in the last couple months than 40 years of trial and error.
      Like you, I find it damn hard to ignore. But someone here said to measure you reaction to it instead of measuring IT.
      That's made a big difference for me.
      Man, you're young and you have recuperative healing powers that at 55 years old, I wish I had.
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    15. AUTHOR

      Raul Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      i completely agree with you i have never thought that being here would help me but actually it helps me a lot
      at least we understand each other's suffering cause if we complained about it to other people they just do get it at all which is really sad!
    16. I who love music

      I who love music Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      mid seventies
      No doubt, it's a serious condition. And you gotta have it to understand it, as you know.
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