Loud Tone for a Few Seconds — Fleeting / Transient Spontaneous Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Cher69, Aug 5, 2013.


Have You Experienced Fleeting Tinnitus?

  1. Yes, even before I got chronic tinnitus

  2. Yes, only after I got chronic tinnitus

  3. No

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    1. TuneOut

      TuneOut Member

      El Dorado Hills, CA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Worsened 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I don't know. It feels like one of my ears suddenly "goes out." Not sure quite how to describe it.
    2. james00

      james00 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Headphones, Virus, Who knows?
      I had a similar experience recently. Ear sort of switched off for a second, the louder ring for a few seconds (fleeting T) then back to normal.
    3. TuneOut

      TuneOut Member

      El Dorado Hills, CA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Worsened 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      @Tinker Bell

      Hi. So you do get an actual feeling of sudden deafness/muffling with increased tinnitus? How long do these last?
    4. Tinker Bell

      Tinker Bell Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      SSHL from virus
      I do, but it only lasts a few seconds. It's very quick. If I wasn't paying attention, I likely wouldn't even notice.

      It happened more in the beginning, not long after I finished up the intratympanic injections.
    5. Bobbie7

      Bobbie7 Member Benefactor

      United States
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Extreme stress, sinus infection
      For many years prior to my getting tinnitus I have been and still occasionally experience hearing this loud, shrill, piercing sound in one ear which lasts only seconds. I often wondered if something somewhere was occurring which only I could hear as I questioned my husband at the time and he never heard it (he now also has tinnitus). At first when I began to experience these bursts of sound I became alarmed but no longer do. I wonder if they were a prelude to my developing tinnitus. My son told me he experiences this from time and time and thankfully he does not have tinnitus and, hopefully, never will.
    6. TuneOut

      TuneOut Member

      El Dorado Hills, CA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Worsened 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Now this seems to be two different phenomena: one, fleeting tinnitus and two, sudden fleeting deafness. Can someone please clarify??
    7. Philososound541

      Philososound541 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      It was 5:30 am approx. I was scared. Before this I was dreaming of hanging out with my friends at Starbucks, and then all of a sudden I hear eeeeeeeeee super high pitched ringing as if someone had instantly blazed the volume in my dream. It woke me up, and then it was gone!

      It must have been at least 5 sec of intense fleeting tinnitus. This is the first time this ever happened to me, and hopefully the last. Maybe it was just a dream, idk.

      Anyways I hope you all are doing well managing this tinnitus journey
    8. Raphael7713

      Raphael7713 Member

      Stockholm, Sweden.
      Tinnitus Since:
      January 14, 2017.
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      So ever since I got tinnitus back in January one thing I've noticed is that I get these normal tinnitus sounds which lasts for some seconds, more often? So I have my tinnitus, on top of that I get new tinnitus sounds that last for some seconds more often? Anyone might know a reason behind this?

      Today I woke up, I was lying on bed..got tinnitus on left ear...went away after 10 secs. And this has so far happened 3 times only today. Anyone with any good guesses?
    9. Susan98

      Susan98 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey everyone,

      I often hear beside my tinnitus another very short ringing. After hearing that I notice often I hear everything a bit softer and it does not change. It is the 2 seconds tinnitus I'm talking about.

      I sometimes hear it after I have had a busy day. Further I've been stressing a lot about it. Do the frequent short ringing means that something like a hair cell is damaged? Can it also regenerate after it took place.
    10. sven1987

      sven1987 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music at concert
      Recently I have been experiencing fleeting tinnitus quite often. Sometimes several times a day. It fluctuates between ears. What is the cause of fleeting T? Is it my Eustachian Tube? When I swallow I hear popping and something else which is very weird to me is also happening. Whenever I eat or chew on something, a clear fluid comes out of my ears, especially when eating breakfast. Could these things be related, like fluid in my ears causing the fleeting T?
    11. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      The fleeting tinnitus that you are experiencing is typical with "noise trauma" to the auditory system. In time this should calm down so try to be patient. I advise you not to use headphones even at low volume. It would be a good idea to keep away from other loud sounds, particularly clubs and concerts. If you must go then use noise reducing earplugs but I don't recommend you go to these venues for a while. Please click on the links below and read my articles on tinnitus that might find helpful. Try to read them in full and not skim through them.

      All the best





      • Like Like x 1
    12. sven1987

      sven1987 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music at concert
      Thank you Michael. I no longer use headphones and don't go to loud places such as clubs anymore. At work I sometimes get exposed to loud sounds, but it never exceeds 85db. I use earplugs in those cases though.
      • Like Like x 1
    13. GamingT

      GamingT Member

      Northwest Ohio
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hearing loss due to loud headphones, possibly depression
      I have been having short spikes of less than 2 minutes ever since got T 5 months ago and was wondering if anyone else gets them? Cannot figure out reason why; seem random. Sitting at beach then all of a sudden slight increase for 1 minute, meeting at work, sitting at desk at work, watching tv, etc. Seems to happen at least 1 a week. They are very scary. I asked my ENT and she said it most likely due to muscle spasms.
    14. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      HI @GamingT

      Your ENT doctor will know about the anatomy of the ear and will be able to treat it medically or surgically. When it comes to tinnitus she won't know much about it the same as many other ENT doctors, because the majority of them have never experienced it. Hearing Therapists and Audiologists that work with tinnitus patients are the people that know about the condition. The reason being, many were either born with tinnitus or acquired it at sometime in their life.

      If you are still using headphones for Gaming or listening to music even at low volume, this is the likely reason for "spikes". If you are using headphones then I advise you to stop but it's your choice. Using headphones can make tinnitus worse even at low volume. However, it is true some people with tinnitus are not affected by headphone use but I believe it's still risky.

    15. pytajnick

      pytajnick Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hello there.

      I am 7 months into tinnitus (gradually evolving to reactive one) and about 3-4 months into hyperacusis.

      Just three weeks ago I started to experience frequent episodes (3-4 times a day) of fleeting tinnitus. I wasn't worried at first because I was aware that this phenomenon is quite common even among "normals", but the fact that it happens that often seems a bit alarming.

      What's more distressing - from time to time this fleeting is very unusual: I experience sudden deafness/muffled sound lasting second or two then fleeting tinnitus appears and slowly dissipates after some time (30 sec to minute or two).

      The best way to describe it is to compare it to the effect of granade thrown into a room (but without an initial blow and with muffled sound lasting only one second).

      Does it sound familiar to anyone in here?

      Thanks for any help!
    16. Dmitriy

      Dmitriy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Gunshot Exposure
      Sometimes, in an instant, my right ear get muted like someone put heavy cloth over it, and starts ringing. Usually, passes within 1-2 minutes, but still pretty spooky. Is that the fleeting T or something else?
    17. Bill Bauer
      No Mood

      Bill Bauer Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      February, 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      Sounds like fleeting T.
    18. Taylorslay

      Taylorslay Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Years of excessively loud headphone use
      Out of nowhere my tinnitus sometimes just gets loud (even when it's quiet) and then dies down after a few minutes to a few hours.

      Sometimes it gets so loud I can't hear for a few seconds.

      Sometimes it just gets a little louder and a little higher in pitch and dies down.

      Is this a sign my normal tinnitus is getting worse?
    19. hans799

      hans799 Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Born with it
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Worsened Dec 2016 by headphones
      Does anyone else get a much quieter, but still audible "residue" of the fleeting tinnitus sound for a few minutes/hours after the main blast has faded away?
    20. blacklabel

      blacklabel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2013
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise / Stress

      I find on days that I’m not tuned into my tinnitus, I get fleeting tinnitus more frequently. Days I’m focused on my tinnitus, I rarely get fleeting tinnitus.

      Anyone else experience this phenomenon?

      I laugh because I feel it’s the tinnitus way of pulling me back in, because well, what else do you do :)
    21. Karam

      Karam Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I'm panicking right now, I was just listening to music through my speakers (low volume) then all of a sudden my ear rings for 30 seconds, 40 seconds later tinnitus in my right ear becomes louder with a feeling of numbness and full ear then it's rings louder than usual and it is still like this now.

      I have never had this sort of spike before it is also reacting with other sounds :(((((((( I'm 16 btw.

      What is happening? I have gone months through this horror and I got through it a year later I don't want to go through it again!!
    22. Karam

      Karam Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      It's going down.
    23. Tinker Bell

      Tinker Bell Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      SSHL from virus
      Likely it was fleeting tinnitus if it’s already going down. Fleeting T is not uncommon, even for those without tinnitus.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    24. Karam

      Karam Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I don't know, it probably is fleeting but it's still louder then usual so it is a spike but the reactivity is going down (thank god) it stayed like this for a full 10-15 minutes I honestly thought it was permanent, one of the scariest experiences of my life (trying not to jinx it). I've been through alot of shit already man, thankfully things are getting better...
      • Like Like x 1
    25. Matt9

      Matt9 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi guys!

      Last days I noticed my ears became even more muffled and I also experienced fleeting tinnitus like 6-7 times a day.

      I'm kinda worried this could mean a worsening in my tinnitus is right behind the corner.

      What do you think?
    26. Artur

      Artur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      29/06/2017 or 30/06/2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise Exposure
      Have you been exposing yourself to loud sounds or using headphones? @Michael Leigh advises not to use headphones at all and I agree that It might cause further damage. On a personal note, I've had fleeting tinnitus which was getting worse everyday 2 months ago and then it started to get better and now I haven't had one of those fleeting episodes in almost a month, this might happen to you too.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    27. Bill Bauer
      No Mood

      Bill Bauer Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      February, 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      Ear fullness might be a sign of something bad being around the corner. I wouldn't worry about fleeting tinnitus. I like to think of it as my brain trying to recalibrate itself, to get rid of tinnitus...
    28. Matt9

      Matt9 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      What do you mean by something bad?
    29. Bill Bauer
      No Mood

      Bill Bauer Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      February, 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      Ear fullness might be a sign that your middle or inner ear got injured. After my first acoustic trauma, initially my only symptom was ear fullness. Tinnitus began 10 days later. Having said this, I never heard of someone suffering from T get a second acoustic trauma, experience ear fullness for several days and THEN get a spike in T.
    30. Jon Moore

      Jon Moore Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      I was wondering if anyone has experienced the variant of fleeting tinnitus I have. About 6 months ago I had a bad fever (flu? not really sure). About a week following the fever I experienced multiple bouts of fleeting T, which at worst would happen multiple times an hour. The worst fleeting T events left my ears with a feeling of fullness, and left them ringing for months. For me, a few particularly bad fleeting T events caused ear fullness for a week or two and gave me tinnitus that gradually diminished over about 4 to 6 months. As of now i'm lucky, and my T is only perceptible in a silent room.

      However this past weekend I again had a fever, and I am noticing that the frequency of fleeting T events has significantly increased. None of them have been the big damaging events like last time, but for me there seems to be some link between this fever/unknown sickness and fleeting T. I've come to fear these fleeting T events because I've found out that there's a chance they won't be fleeting at all.

      I'm wondering if anyone has seen this sort of pattern before, where a flu or sickness caused fleeting or permanent T. I was prescribed Methylprednisolone 4mg as a last ditch effort to stop the fleeting t events 6 months ago, but I was too late making the connections and did not start taking it until the most damaging events happened. It felt like the drugs helped, but it was hard to tell. One of my theories is that whatever infection I had made its way up into my inner ears over the week between the fever and the fleeting t events, potentially causing inflammation that triggered the fleeting and not-so-fleeting T.

      I feel like my case is very strange, as their must be a link between the flu/fever/disease I had and the fleeting/not-so-fleeting T. If anyone has heard of something similar I'd really appreciate any info you might be able to share.

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