Loud Tone for a Few Seconds — Fleeting / Transient Spontaneous Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Cher69, Aug 5, 2013.


Have You Experienced Fleeting Tinnitus?

  1. Yes, even before I got chronic tinnitus

  2. Yes, only after I got chronic tinnitus

  3. No

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    1. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:

      It's quite interesting this fleeting T.

      When I got temporarily T in the past from noise accidents at work, this fleeting T came by and faded out my T completely.
      After that, I had no T at all. It has happened every time.
      Thats why I always got happy and knew my T (this high pitched hissing) would resolve when this fleeting T arrived.

      I think its the ear calibrating/healing or something. Hard to say.. I know that perfectly healthy people without constant T also have this once in a while. I even had it myself before the onset of my T. It appears to be very common.

      But it kinda puzzles me why my hissing T always resolved when this fleeting T came by for a few secs...
    2. carol kane

      carol kane Member

      Lincolnshire united kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Me too, just got it a minute ago in my left ear, very loud and very high pitched ... it lasted about 5 seconds and then faded thank goodness, this has been happening since the onset of my chronic t, but i do remember getting it before i got permanent t but in those days didn't think that much about it...
    3. Andrew_89

      Andrew_89 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey guys I found my tinnitus is being weird lately. Just wondering if you guys could give me some Insite . I find that there is some other sounds like a completely different sound coming through for abit ?
    4. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Andrew :)

      I hope you are doing well.

      You mean a sound that is higher in volume and fades away after a few seconds to minutes?
    5. Andrew_89

      Andrew_89 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yeah that's it I think .
    6. Andrew_89

      Andrew_89 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I went to the pub and had a win on the pokies but the noise from the bastard just rang huge . Since them which was yesterday my left ear aches sucks
    7. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yeah.. Its hopefully just temporarily :) Probably a good idea to avoid very loud sounds for a little while :)
    8. DanielJP

      DanielJP Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Is it a high volume high pitch that comes suddenly and goes away after half a minute or so? Someone called it "fleeting T". Happens to me daily. Sometimes it's so high pitched it hurts...
    9. Penelope33

      Penelope33 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 2013
      Aside from my usual tinnitus, twice this week and just now I been sat down and one of my ears has made a sudden high pitched eeeeee noise really loud lasting about 13 seconds then going. However my ear seems a bit stuffy after this too.
      Any idea what it is or what causes that?
      • Agree Agree x 1
    10. Valentin

      Valentin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Fleeting tinnitus ;-) most of us get it on a daily basis.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    11. michela

      michela Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      yes.fleeting tinnitus
      • Agree Agree x 1
    12. Penelope33

      Penelope33 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 2013
      My husband dosent have t, but he said that now and again he'll be bending down to turn the lamp of or something and he gets a high pitch ring then it stops. Seems anyone can get it then t or not but wondered what that mechanism was?
    13. Valentin

      Valentin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      everyone can hear something when playing with their jaw, nothing abnormal.

      the T we get from the jaw can be felt/heard close to the outside while our regular T is heard at the deepest place into our inner ear, for some it's even in the head...
      • Like Like x 1
    14. applewine

      applewine Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      ME/CFS, Dysautonomia
      You may be describing normal tinnitus reactions which are called somatic tinnitus. These are the most common form of tinnitus.

      I think most people get these, but I have gotten them all my life. They are the loudest kind of tinnitus too, but perfectly harmless.

      If this is the cause you will most likely notice a quick onset with a slight reduction in hearing and then a loud tinnitus sound that may last for fifteen seconds or so at most. At least that is normal for me.

      If you are getting a lot of these and they are truly somatic (muscle induced) that may signify you are prone to trigger points or have trigger points in a lot of your muscles in your head and neck or upper and mid back.

      The trigger points known to cause tinnitus are the lateral pterygoid, SCM and masseter. I would suspect the SCM because when I got these loud noises it would always be from posture of my neck.

      I would simply move my neck around and it would go away. I told a neuro-otologist this once and maybe even my ENT and they looked at me like they had no idea what I was talking about.

      Yet, according to what I've read this is supposed to be the most common form of tinnitus that you should learn about in tinnitus 101 class. I have no idea why no matter what medical condition I have the therapist or doctors always seem to know less than what I can learn from a simple google search. That is why I often feel helpless or hopeless, because how am I supposed to pay these people to help me when what I hear from them is often wrong or they aren't even familiar with my condition or know what it is.
    15. ashley

      ashley Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey all,

      So my tinnitus is constant. Before, I would get fleeting tinnitus every once in a while (like once, twice a year) for a few seconds. So, I just got a tiny bout of fleeting tinnitus. Usually, it is high pitch, but since my constant tinnitus is high pitched my fleeting tinnitus was mid pitched. Anyway... my question I pose is this: Does anyone with constant tinnitus ever get afraid when they hear fleeting tinnitus? I immediately took half of a Valium just because I was worried it was going to be constant and I did not want to stress out about it (however, luckily it fleeted!)
    16. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I don't get as worried as having to take a benzo, but sometimes I do dread the thought of my tinnitus becoming as loud and intrusive as what the fleeting tinnitus I experience is.

      For some reason I have periods (probably a month max?) when I don't experience fleeting tinnitus, but then there are periods when I have it a couple of times a week.

      Nothing abnormal about your fear though.
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    17. Grace
      No Mood

      Grace Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Im just like you.. I get it alot and at first when it would happen with my continuous T id freak out in panic
      And pop a kpin... But then id realize it would always go away so ive got a bit better then before but one night i was layin in bed and i usually get the high pitched loud fleeting T and this one time instead i got the lowest hum ever and loud and it scared me so bad i didnt like it lol i prefer the high pitch anyday
      • Like Like x 1
    18. SoulStation
      No Mood

      SoulStation Member

      New York
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise / Possible Medication
      I have noticed since I started taking, magnesium, zinc, garlic, and ginko, my fleeting tinnitus is about 1/10th as loud as it used to be. I am ultra sensitive to my ears and I'll notice it happen maybe once every few days where it sounds like it's trying to be loud but somethings blocking it . ("it" being the sound).
    19. Kathi

      Kathi Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      HFHL and stress
      I've had fleeting t for as long as I can remember--not really very often before I developed chronic t. Now I get it a couple of times a week. It freaked me out at first because it seemed to last longer and also occurs in my ear without t.
    20. Asian

      Asian Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      4 weeks
      Fleeting T- it's frightening although it's harmless I know. Usually it lasts for max 20 seconds for me. But it's been 10 minutes now and it doesn't seem to go away. The sharpness, suddenness and uncertainty of it is scary. T somehow seems to be a bit louder after the fleeting T goes away. I feel my left ear is kinda plugged now :(

      Please share your experiences
    21. washashore

      washashore Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes, I know how you feel. I have the same experience of always thinking its louder even after the fleeting T has stopped. However, I think it's really just mental, because my mind has been refocused on my T.
      • Agree Agree x 1
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    22. citigirl13

      citigirl13 Member

      North Yorkshire, England
      Tinnitus Since:
      My fleeting T has been weird lately. A few days ago I had it about three times in one day, once like about three minutes after the other. Has anyone else had this?
      • Agree Agree x 2
    23. Asian

      Asian Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      4 weeks
      It really has no pattern for me. It can come anytime for no obvious reason. I however noticed that just maybe the frequency increases if I have done some cardio in a day. For instance, I walked 5 miles today and I had it thrice in an hour. Otherwise it may not come at all if I stay at home and not do any exercise. Maybe it has something to do with circulation/ear muscle spasms ? Just a guess

      One thing that really makes me panicky is the sudden deafness that comes along with it for a few seconds until it lasts. It covers all the environment sounds for a while and that sucks !
    24. Valentin

      Valentin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      my longest fleeting T was 1h30 :)
      • Hug Hug x 1
    25. @citigirl13 yes that just happened to me a few days ago as well and my t has been worse lately..it's causing me anxiety and now my ears are worse. .tts, h..
    26. Martin69

      Martin69 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      (Health) Anxiety
      Had fleeting T today. Was the first time after some months. That was really loud. Lasted 15 seconds.
      Nevertheless my standard T is also loud, but this fleeting T was much louder. Maybe I should be lucky with my standard T. Scary.

      Cannot remember I had fleeting T before T onset. But maybe I never noticed.
    27. derpytia

      derpytia Member Benefactor

      Rescue, California
      Tinnitus Since:
      04/2014 (many increases since then)
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Progressive hearing loss / noise / ETD
      How often do you guys have fleeting T? Cause for me it's like every hour or so in addition to my constant T tones. Sometimes twice an hour. I'm worried that one day the fleeting T will start and will stick and wont go away... I've never had this much fleeting T ever. And I've been protecting my ears and everything for the past three months since I've had this. It's making me terrified that my T will get worse instead of better as time goes on.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    28. Sjoerd

      Sjoerd Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I had fleeting T a couple of times per day in the first couple of months ....for me it was 100% anxiety related...!
    29. yonkapin

      yonkapin Member Benefactor

      Melbourne, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2012
      Probably completely anxiety related, when I was at my worst I was getting multiple instances of fleeting tinnitus on the daily. I was pretty scared too, but realized that like many of the other symptoms I have to deal with that it has mostly to do with how anxious and stressed I am.

      Hope things get better!
    30. citigirl13

      citigirl13 Member

      North Yorkshire, England
      Tinnitus Since:
      My fleeting T is really random. I remember I barely had it the first month, but when I did have it would happen like twice in an hour. I remember I had it once and then about a minute later had it again. Bizarre. But as far as I'm aware it shouldn't affect your T. It is scary because you're now afraid that the sound won't go away - but it will. Try to ignore it. Who knows? It might be a sign your ears are trying to change things, perhaps get rid of the T.
      • Agree Agree x 2

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