Terrible Spike Today

Discussion in 'Support' started by dochoppy, Feb 23, 2015.

    1. dochoppy
      No Mood

      dochoppy Member Benefactor

      United States
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure, drug combo?
      I am having a terrible spike today, T has been bad all week but I have been dealing with it, have been couped up in the house all day by myself today all day because of bad weather with just me and my T and it is really starting to kick my ass, just waiting for 1.5 more hours until my fiance gets home from work finally. I have noticed that my T is always better when I am around people and always much worse when I am by myself. I have had this since 2010, but sometimes still can't believe it is real. Most of all I really can't believe that there is not really an effective medication for on the market yet. I am hopeful that tomorrow will be a better day, at least I have work, which is somewhat distracting from the T. Sorry , but just need to rant a little bit. I have had worse days, but the T is really driving me insane today.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. I who love music

      I who love music Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      mid seventies
      I hear ya. I used to get agoraphobic and claustrophobic and I give T all the credit.
    3. geg1992

      geg1992 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure + Antibiotics
      We're in the same boat. Mine is also very bad and I am struggling to sleep and have been sick out of worry. Just got to stay calm and think positive.
    4. AUTHOR
      No Mood

      dochoppy Member Benefactor

      United States
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure, drug combo?
      I try to tell myself that tomorrow will be a better day, or that my brain will eventually harden to this sound, or that a pill for Tinnitus is just around the corner.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. SoulStation
      No Mood

      SoulStation Member

      New York
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise / Possible Medication
      You will harden. You know it.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    6. Leah

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Yikes, me too!
    7. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Either your spikes will settle to baseline or your body will gradually harden to it provided you don't put in a painful resistance to it. Spikes are common and setbacks are common. It is better for us to mentally prepare for them than to be knocked back into a mental blackhole every time they happen.
    8. Harold

      Harold Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello People...So Mr DO CHOPPY you are a writer Author ? The T as you describe , since you said you stayed home all day till your fiance comes home .. i sense the T was bothering you more because you were alone and concentrating on the T... Yes alone in a quiet place makes the T seem louder when it really may not be.
      What you should do is get out of the house and walk an hour . If your freezing you dress appropriately , or
      if you drive a car you should go to a mall or shopping center for an hour or two....Its all about distracting your thinking away from the T and keeping busy... being with lots of people is what i like to engage time with..I know
      its more difficult in the winter with snow and ice and below freezing temperatures .... Some people on here say their Tinnitus was started by NOISE and DRUGS.......can i ask what type of drugs you think was a cause? and i don't know if you read my article of last night , about ear plugs and a portable radio.... listening to the radio ,like music on a comfortable level for you is comforting for your T , when you are alone in the HOUSE. if you can.t get out...I watch TV as my relaxing time only in the evening after i pick my wife up from work...It happens that we are married over 40 years , since i finished my tour of WAR service in Vietnam in 1968....That's where i my Tinnitus.. IT was noise induced with mild hearing loss from firing the weapons on my right side., I've had the bad T since i returned in 1968.....I can report , that ive been told the T gets worse and worse over time , and im telling you that its NONSENSE ... i basically have the same T all those years....Yes there are better days when the T
      seems to lower to be more tolerable and there a few days here and there that it gets a bit higher.... i think the higher days is because of some loud noise in some places , that i did not pay attention to nor have control over.I notice many younger people here In New York listen to i pod music while traveling with white wire ear plugs.
      I wonder how many of them may have Tinnitus....Hearing aids i think , can make the T get worse over time , since you have to adjust the sound , a bit louder to hear better... by adjusting the sound louder for hearing it will make the T louder and your hearing with out hearing aids even worse....Ofcorse thats just my opinion from being there and trying that etc etc.... Make sure you stay away from any form of ASPIRIN products as Aspirin elevates Tinnitus......I can tell you that you are younger than my 68 years going on 69.....and over the years you learn to some extent to TUNE out or get used to the T. it just happens and you worry less and less....i soppose its a natural adjustment process. For those that believe that have falling to sleep issues from the T , you should ask your Doctor for a sleeping aid that is not addicting I heard of some people with issues from T , that try accupuncture , that helps the mind regulate the sleep against the T.. you explain to the MD your T issues and the accupuncture my help after several visits....I used it years ago to reduce my anxiety from the T and to be relaxed ...It worked well till the place moved away. Heres a funny thing to know ive been taking Ativan 10 mg in the early evening and later an Ambian low dose to get to sleep.....I found out that ive been on that dose for 30 years or so.....Ive been told ..lol by the VA Md not long ago who is giving me the same dose from the VA pharmacy , that the 2 meds im taking are placebos by now.... so the T and sleep issues i am living with i would do better weening off the placebos , as im falling to sleep sometimes on the couch lol with out any meds.....good luck ya.ll

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