The Positivity Thread

Discussion in 'Support' started by demi, Jan 16, 2014.

    1. Sam Bridge

      Sam Bridge Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music/gigs probably
      I dunno man, i think this is becoming increasingly common. Gaming headsets have caused t in a few people i know for example, not concerts/loud noise exposure.
    2. Life4U

      Life4U Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      To talk about your point....if i dint have tinnitus i wouldnt know what it is....generally or know how bothersome it is....
      The intelligent guy ...will definately not have the drive to do this...mars rover might drive him it is his life... :)

      Cant help it... we must find the cure...or pay money to drive it...lure them into doing it...

      Im not that intelligent but I feel blaming them will not solve the issue...
      But some work around like manipulating them...
    3. Life4U

      Life4U Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Also daily noises may or may not effect differs from person to person and their life style and their immunity and stress levels....and stuff like that...
    4. Tom Cnyc

      Tom Cnyc Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Warehouse event after years of enjoying music.
      I'm a skeptic by nature, so I'm surprised to be writing this - but I've been using the general fuzz site pretty religiously at work for about 2 weeks (3 hours or so a day, when not on calls or in meetings). I have two different sets of symptoms. I think it has really helped one of them.

      I have a pure tone that I used to be able to hear no matter what pending it was really quiet. Typically it would come out if I had my head to the pillow, or if I had my plugs in (which I really only use on the train). These days, that pure tone is just about gone. I can barely hear it at all in my right ear, and I have to be plugged in a quiet room to be able to "tune" the ACRN slider.

      Currently I'm tuned to 2300 hz. My audiogram shows a 20db dip at 3k and a 10db dip at 4k. I used to find the tone closer to 3k. Maybe there really is something to the "lowers volume and frequency" claim.

      Other potential factors:

      - I go for medical massage (neck, TMJ, shoulders) 2x a month. This causes a spike every time that lasts until the morning. WORTH IT.
      I started taking tebonin (60mg, mornings) about a week ago. Highly unlikely its having any effect.

      While this is the positivity thread, I'll reluctantly say that this is by far the less annoying of my two symptoms sets - the other is a super high pitched metallic hiss in the forehead that I'm convinced / am amazed tickles my teeth, but I'm hoping it means progress of some kind. I'll happily say that I've had a break during the day from this symptom set on Sunday, Tuesday, and Weds of this week pretty much all day. It always returns at 1:30 AM when I wake up after an hour or two sleep though, and fades again when I wake up pending I get back to sleep.

      Overall I've regained 65% of my ability to function at work (good thing it's the slow season). Now if only I could sleep. Open to suggestions that are not benzos. 25mg benadryl works most nights for a solid 4.5 hours. Last night not so much. Had one of those "I might have slept, not really sure" nights.
    5. Alexf9454

      Alexf9454 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Still investigating. TMJ maybe
      @Tom Cnyc We are close with our T began in may too (22th). Pure tone 13 khz, on the left, then on the right...depends on days.

      Nevertheless, I've the feeling it improves overall. Yes, I still have bad days with very piercing T, but I've absolutely no problem to sleep, and it looks like I'm able to mute it when I go to bed. As if when I lay down relaxed, it disappears almost completely.
      This way, I've had a period of pure silent last saturday So unexpected I got up to enjoy it. Knowing it won't last, I also have some spikes when I wake up. Sometimes it stays, sometimes not.

      Anyway, my T is changing. Don't know if it's good or bad, if it's the beginning of some healing, or just habituation (don't believe it at all, too much different states of my T, it changes volume, absolutely no doubt), but feeling more optimistic...deserved a post in this thread, I assume :)
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
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    6. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      The Olympics Rio 2616 is on. Did you all watch the opening ceremony and enjoy the competitions? I have absorbed myself in celebrating the human spirit of excellence in sports and friendship across the globe via the peaceful symbol of the Olympics. It is only 1 in 4 years. Enjoy it before it is over.

      Go tell T to take a ticket and wait in line as you are busy living and enjoying life, and now it is time to enjoy Rio 2016. A few years back my ultra high pitch T hit and soon after severe H joined in the misery. Everyday was a struggle and I never thought that I would ever enjoy life again. But never say never. I learned from other kind members how to live life after T and I apply some helpful strategies. Given time and some patience, the tyranny of T over me is over. These days I live a normal and absolutely enjoyable life. The heck with T. Live life and enjoy the moment.

      Forget to worry about the future and the past. The future is not yet a reality and the past is history. The only moment in front of us is the present, right in front of us, which we can do something positively to enhance the quality of our lives. I am dancing and celebrating the human excellence in sports, watching and enjoying the big 'Zumba' show in Rio. I hope you are enjoying it too. Try your best to focus on other positive aspects of life than T. There is much beauty in life besides T. The less we give attention to T, the less power it has to impact our lives. Enjoy Rio 2016 or whatever you choose to spend time to live it positively. Tell T to go to hell while you enjoy a bit of heaven. Take care all. God bless.
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    7. Tom Cnyc

      Tom Cnyc Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Warehouse event after years of enjoying music.
      I slept without masking for the first time in 10 weeks last night. Sober - no Benadryl too. Chalk a win for the good guys.
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    8. hartje5

      hartje5 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      4 december 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Verapamil, Flecainide, Apixaban, stress
      I'm off Valium and Xanax! As from this Sunday I'm off anxiety meds! I slowly but steadily tapered and Saturday evening took my last dose of Valium. Hurray!
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    9. Alexf9454

      Alexf9454 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Still investigating. TMJ maybe
      Things are really getting better. Even if I'm always looking for my T by regularly plugging my ears, and spending way too much time on this site, which I know are two BAD things, it has slowly decreased almost every day since 2 weeks. Low hiss in the background, sometimes completely absent even when I'm hard trying to find it : the noise of my tragus put on my ear canal to plug it and to check my T is most of the time way louder.

      11.5 weeks so far, so I'm in the end of the so-called acute phase, still have to see some TMJ specialist as there's still something on my jaw (but it gets way better too).

      I don't know if I'll dive again with spikes / original T or if I'll be able to post something in the success stories section, but right now, I'm really really optimistic :)
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    10. xXHotelCrazyXx

      xXHotelCrazyXx Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      November 2005
      I need your support! I've been taking prilosec for the past month and just a couple days ago my t went through the roof. I was told by several doctors that it isn't ototoxic....please give me some insight
      • Hug Hug x 1
    11. linearb

      linearb Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      beliefs are makyo and reality ignores them
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      beautiful day that I spent being lazy and playing games. Nice! Tomorrow I think will be hiking...
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    12. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      I have a great time enjoying watching Olympics Rio 2016. It is too bad the game is over now. But next up is the Paralympics in Rio. If you think the legends and the immortals of the regular Olympics such as Usaine Bolt and Michael Phelps are awe inspiring with their hard work, wait till you witness those heroes and heroines of the Paralympics athletes, who have to overcome such odds and huge mountains of obstacles in life to come to this year's Paralympics. Some of them and their performances of excellence despite their physical challenges can bring us tears. They are every bit excellent examples of using positivity to battle the negatives in life and to turn it into a life force to fuel their zest for life. These folks can be our guiding lights in not giving up on life due to T. We may face a different challenge than theirs, but the positivity and fortitude of perseverance is an attitude we can emulate in our battle with T.
      • Funny Funny x 1
    13. Zora

      Zora Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      1st time: Megaphone ;2nd time: headphones too loud
      I feel amazing!!! I have a full time job. Awesome friends, loving family and a bright future ahead. i am feeling really good. I do a lot in my freetime, always staying busy like they tell me :) I am Happy. Although my T still bugs me sometimes...
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    14. Philip

      Philip Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sinus infection or noise exposure or both
      It grinds you down, it's relentless, pitiless, robs you of your sleep, your joy, your sense of hope . It leaves you a shattered shell cowering in a bottomless pit of despair. seems a lot easier than staring at that ceiling all night long with your ears screaming at you, chipping away at any sense of rational judgement.

      You're so anxious and terrified your nerves are wound up so tight that they feel like piano wire.

      Everyone is bored listening to your erratic complaints.. your never ending suppositions about its cause and possible cure.

      The doctors have no answers and hope you don't return next week with your annoying questions.

      The internet is a friend and an foe. There're the dank and hallow horror stories too morbid to repeat...but we all know how they end.

      The mind blowing number of amino-acids, vitamins and drugs you're told will help just empty out your bank account and your belief in ever attaining the mirage of silence.

      Then the lure of narcotic induced oblivion. The temptation to drink yourself stupid, snort yourself obnoxious or simply fall into the socially acceptable benzo trap is irresistible.

      All of it is only a temporary respite with a painful smack in the face after all the booze has hit the wall and "dust" has settled.

      The fear..the nerve shattering fear robs you of your empathy for anyone but yourself. You become a self-obsessed neurotic prick. This dark metamorphosis erodes all your relationships. Whether family or friends.

      The isolation creeps in...slowly but surely. And through this sense of abandonment a terrible resentfulness is born. Poor me! Poor fucking me!Why did the world have to take a shit on me?

      And what follows for most people is months and years of very private and personal emotional pain.

      Myself personally, I didn't deal with it well. I became a shadow of the man I was. After many ups and downs I finally habituated. It took about 18 months...long months.

      I had an awful spike around that time that was equivalent to the tinnitus I believe someone would get if a bomb went off near their ear.

      It was so loud I could hear it beside a lawnmower. But when it subsided to my usually soul crushing level I felt a powerful sense of relief that had me in tears.

      After that I slowly pushed it to the periphery of my consciousness. It's still here 3.5years on, but it doesn't own me or torture me anymore. It's like any ailment annoying but you get on with.
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    15. Tom Cnyc

      Tom Cnyc Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Warehouse event after years of enjoying music.
      @Philip this is so well written and accurate I'm tempted to copy and paste it and send it to family members if not for
      • Hug Hug x 1
    16. Zora

      Zora Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      1st time: Megaphone ;2nd time: headphones too loud
      Starting to feel better. I went to a football training camp for the weekend with my Team. 6 hours training each day. lots of fun. I am starting to care less about my T.
    17. linearb

      linearb Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      beliefs are makyo and reality ignores them
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      it was beautiful here this weekend and I spent most of yesterday with my wife hiking around Catoctin Mountain State Park, we saw this vista:
      Thurmont-Vista-IMG_2792d.jpg (not my picture but you get the idea).
      • Like Like x 1
    18. dudeguywithstuff

      dudeguywithstuff Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      If it wasn't your T, it would be whatever capital letter you chose to assign to the problem du jour of your life.

      If you want to tell me you were 100% happy before T, go right ahead and try.

      You say your problems pre-T weren't as bad? Well then how did they prevent you from having complete, 100% satisfaction with your life, knowing now how much tinnitus puts life in perspective?

      You're alive. The kid whom I'm named after, who died when he was 6 months old, would tell you the same. As he would tell anyone who was alive for more than a mere 6 months.
    19. Zora

      Zora Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      1st time: Megaphone ;2nd time: headphones too loud
      What? I dont understand what you are trying to say? Sorry im not a native speaker
    20. Kar4
      Not worthy

      Kar4 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      I was on a birthday party last weekend: drunk alcohol and listening to a loud rock music (not dangerous volume level i guess).
      I went to bed early - just wanted not to be too drunk and feel fresh next morning.
      I put my ear plugs in.
      Guess what... SILENCE. It was wonderful.
      Fallen asleep pretty quickly, so I had no chance to enjoy it for too long. And in the morning T was as usual... but in the evening, it was really great feeling.
      • Like Like x 1
    21. Indigo Sea

      Indigo Sea Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi I am looking for someone who wants to chat with me via this site about the progress we
      can make each day. I do meditation and CBT--but I want to write to someone who is on the
      same path--with lots of positive support. I think this would help us both. Willing to work
      with several people. We need all the kindness and good feelings we can get. Thanks
    22. Gin

      Gin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2015
      My positive thought for the day... My football team won a big game over the weekend, go Vols! No T in over a month and a half. Had some bad dizzy spells and diagnosed with Meniere's but my T has gone into remission for a little while and for that I'm grateful for the quiet days.
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    23. Tom Cnyc

      Tom Cnyc Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Warehouse event after years of enjoying music.
      I wont post a success story b/c i still have 2 hours or so a week of torture... but i have to say that my tinnitus is 80% gone. its a low tape hiss mostly, save for when it decides to ruin my evening with loud as fuck oscillating noise for 2-3 hours. I can consume caffeine again. I sleep 7 hours a night. Alcohol causes no issues. I can work. I even play my electric guitar, plugged in - at very moderate volume.

      to most people that'd sound awful but if you told me a month ago that'd be the scenario I'd have taken it happily.

      My left ear still needs an earplug in most environments (-15 db, fitted). the fucker is tender, always. but my ears are down to a gentle hiss that I can truly forget about most of the time. Considering how intense the ringing was I'm pretty pleased. I was able to hear it over my TV, AC, Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher all at once in a NYC apt (not huge).

      Keep hope.
      • Like Like x 1
    24. Kazue

      Kazue Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Can someone post their success story from noise induced tinnitus? I'm 3 weeks in with T but it's fairly quiet. I'm hoping to goes away permanently.
    25. Candice

      Candice Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      15 September 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Yeast infection
      I must say how God has helped me with the initial anxiety of T. I am so grateful even though the Ringing is still there, not focusing on it, or waiting to hear it everytime it goes quiet makes it so much easier. I believe that I am in the healing process and that Jesus can do what the doctors cannot. Changing your mind and being grateful for all we have, there are so many people who have it worse than us, the real battle is in your mind. As Jesus is in the world so are we and he does not have ringing in his ears or any type of disease. I really feel for those people whom T has made anxious as I know how terrifying and hopeless it feels, however I put my trust in Jesus and that paralysing fear has gone and the peace that replaces it is amazing . My best wishes and prayers to all people suffering with T, it is annoying and scary at first but is not a death sentence. Please if you do have time listen to some Joseph Prince on YouTube, really inspires faith in Jesus and healing. Remember God did not give us a spirit of fear. Anxiety is caused by fear, which is caused by wrong thinking and believing!! T will not get the best of you.
      • Hug Hug x 1
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    26. Coyotesheaven

      Coyotesheaven Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I found out how to make the ring volume of the house phone(s) decrease my a significant fraction. No more being tormented by the phone sounding like a smoke alarm every time it goes off and me not being able to answer important messages!

      One small step for ear comfort, one giant leap for making my house ear accessible!
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    27. Viktor

      Viktor Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Last night I had one of my worst nights with T, it was deafeningly loud, my head hurt, my ear hurt, and I couldn't sleep. But posted a thread, talked to some people, and read through the positive words on this thread and it really helped. I can beat this, I won't let it drag me down, it's just a noise, that's all. No more will I let it ruin my nights, my days. It will NOT define me.
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
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    28. snow47

      snow47 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I think pressure to jaw. I don't know.
      You are my hero man. Well done
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    29. Aroha

      Aroha Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I am new here and new to this. As probably almost everyone, I have spent the first three weeks feeling anxious. Crying. Stressed out. Angry. Frustrated. Why me? Me who has been to a club/concert less than 10 times in my life? I get a sinus infection and visit a bar for an hour - and I get this? And actually we don't even know if that is it. What if it is something else, something serious?

      And then I found this forum. And I found hope! I have hope, people! I will beat this. This will not define me. It may even go away still! I am focusing on sleeping well, and enjoying tastes, feelings, sights, smells, and sounds. Because I CAN still hear. I can still heal. And I can learn how to live with this.

      You people have probably saved me from months of agony. What a blessing to find the great tips and encouragement at such an early stage of this experience. Two weeks ago I felt lonely and desperate - today I look forward to bedtime, the relaxing lavender scent and white noise, I look forward to tomorrow's nice walk and lunch with a friend, I look forward to next week when I go back to work and back to normal.

      Of course my emotions are still up and down every other minute. I'm not there yet, it's only been three weeks. But I found hope here and can never thank you all enough.
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    30. Dominic1955

      Dominic1955 Member Benefactor

      Waverly, Pennsylvania
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Idiopathic hearing loss
      Any positive stories from anyone with severe hearing loss and tinnitus????
      Send me some positivity if you are around!!!

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