Tinnitus Related Projects, Funding and Funding Period for Center for Hearing and Deafness

Discussion in 'Research News' started by calin, Apr 11, 2013.

    1. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      http://wings.buffalo.edu/faculty/research/chd/External Funding.html

      The primary mission of the Center for Hearing and Deafness is to conduct research. This mission is funded in large part by grants and contracts from government and private sources, as well as through support from the University.

      The Center is available to execute contracts for specific research projects, to serve as a training and research facilityfor personnel from industry, and to provide consultants for legal matters pertaining to hearing loss.

      The Center actively collaborates with clinicians, scientists, and researchers from other institutions in the U.S.and abroad. These affiliated scientists provide a unique and important resource, bringingnew skills and ideas to the laboratory and expanding the scope of the research programs. Collaborations, whichrange from sharing projects to hosting international symposia, have been undertaken with visitors from China, France, Italy, India,
      and Japan, as well as other centers in the U.S.

      Genetics of Age-Related Hearing Loss
      This project is aimed at identifying genes and their modifiers that cause age related hearingloss.​
      12/01/06 to 11/30/16

      Contribution of Stress to Tinnitus Generation: Role of GABAergic Inhibition
      The goal of this research project is to investigate the relationship between chronic stress and tinnitus in an animal model. The major aims of this project are to (1) determine if chronic stress increases susceptibility to noise-induced tinnitus and (2) determine the ability of chronic stress to alter GABAergic inhibition along the auditory pathway as a potential mechanism by which stress may contribute to auditory dysfunction. Determining factors that contribute to the generation of tinnitus may lead to novel preventative strategies and therapeutic treatments for tinnitus.
      09/01/12 to 11/30/13

      Noise-Induced Acute Hair Cell Death
      The objective of this research is to determine the role of membrane disruption in the generation of acute hair cell death. Thefollowing 3 aims will be addressed: (1) determine the role ofmembrane permeabilization in the regulation of acute hair cell death andevaluate the effect of a membrane repair strategy on the hair cell'sresponse to mechanical stress, (2) determine the effect of thedisruptionof membrane adhesion on the cytoskeletalstructure of apoptotic hair cells,and (3) identify theapoptosis-related molecules that are involved in thegeneration of acute cochlear damage.
      07/01/10 to 06/30/15

      Role of Protein Nitration in Cisplatin Mediated Ototoxicity
      This project investigates the nitration of cochlear proteins, which is considered as an oxidative posttranslational modification that can lead to catastrophic consequences. Determination of cisplatin-induced nitration of cochlear proteins and its correlation with hearing loss, Identification of the nitrated cochlear proteins and evaluation of the role of protein nitration in cisplatin mediated ototoxicity, using inhibitors, are some of the important aims of this study.
      07/01/09 to 06/30/13

      Occupational Exposure to Manganese and Noise Potentiate Hearing Loss
      The goals of this project are to test the hypotheses that: (1) high doses of manganese alone cause hearing loss or cochlea pathology and (2) that high doses of manganese plus moderate noise exposure cause more hearing loss and cochlear pathology than either manganese alone or noise alone.
      09/01/12 to 11/30/16

      Animal Models of Tinnitus, Brain Imaging & Therapy
      The goal of this project is to identify the neural correlates of tinnitus in the auditory cortex using animal models with behavioral evidence oftinnitus, image brain metabolic function associated with tinnitus, andassess therapeutic compounds that may suppress tinnitus.
      09/01/07 to 08/31/13

      Neural Aspects of Tinnitus
      The primary goals of this project are to evaluate the physiological changes that occur in the auditory cortex in animal models that can report on the presence of tinnitus and to evaluate two different drug therapies to suppress tinnitus.
      03/01/08 to 02/28/13

      The Role of Mitochondria in Age-Related Hearing Loss
      The goal of this subcontract is to evaluate the degree of age-related hearing impairment and cochlear pathology in mice in which (1) the Bak gene has been manipulated and (2) whether calorie restriction prevents age-related hearing loss and cochlear pathology in mice in which the Bak-gene has been altered.
      03/01/12 to 02/28/17

      Tinnitus Susceptibility, Chronic Stress and Drug Therapy
      The goals of this project are to test the hypotheses that (1) stress increases the risk of developing noise induced or blast wave induced tinnitus, (2) that tinnitus is associated with cortical hyperactivity, (3) that potassium channel modulators reduce the risk of developing noise or blast wave induced tinnitus and (4) that potassium channel modulators reduce noise or blast wave induced cortical hyperactivity.
      06/01/12 to 12/31/14

      Blast Wave Effects: Hearing, Memory, Therapy
      The goals of this project are to determine: (1) if blast wave injury induces necrotic and/or apoptotic cell death in the cochlea, (2) if blast wave exposure leads to cell death in the hippocampus, suppresses neurogenesis and lead to memory impairments, (3) if anti-oxidant therapy can prevent cell death in the cochlea and preserve hearing function and (4) if antioxidant therapy can prevent cell death in the hippocampus and prevent memory impairments.
      07/01/12 to 06/30/17

      Auditory Cortex Reorganization Related to Tinnitus and Hyperacusis
      The goal of this grant is to study how central reorganization is related to tinnitus and hyperacusis. We will use tinnitus animal model induced by salicylate and noise exposure in this project.
      10/01/08 to 02/28/13

      The Link Between Tinnitus and Synaptic Changes in the Hippocampus
      07/01/11 to 06/28/14
      • Like Like x 1
    2. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I formatted it better... looks nicer now.

      Thanks for the post (y)
    3. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Appreciate the clean up job. I was in a hurry this morning and was going to try to clean it up when I had more time.

      I added back the dates ...

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