Universal Sound Therapy (UST)

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by calin, Nov 13, 2011.

    1. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Hey Karen!

      Today for about 10 hours I have had no T or just miniscule (like hearing a pin drop). Nothing in the right ear and minimal in the left.

      All day today I would catch myself feeling really good... light and smiling when I found the T to be not noticeable or as it is now... like hearing a pin drop level.

      I feel ecstatic. Usually when I get joyful about the low level I hear it coming back... like I shouldn't have paid any attention to it! It has not increased much however today when I smile inside and think YES YES YES!!!

      I am now remembering what it is like NOT to hear the T constantly. what it feels like to be T free. Joyful - absolutely joyful! The "pin drop" level today reminds me to continue my OMM. I also now am closing my right ear off and focusing on the silence and actually feeling and thinking YES YES YES and thinking that my left ear matches that silence. Since thoughts combined with feelings are stronger than just thoughts, I know my body will respond. I get the sense that I am healing as this pace is definitely slow but going the right direction.

      The test will be in the morning when I wake. Hopefully it will be even softer than this morning when I woke.

      I sure wish someone would try the DE. I have increased my daily amount to 2 Tbs in the last day or so. I do feel more energetic and my knee is feeling better (had knee surgery in 1990) as it can get a bit temperamental! ;) I can't swear about the DE or the UST or the supplements, but something is definitely helping me out - or ALL things! I sure can't rule out self healing either!

      Oh, forgot about this until I just felt it. For the past week or so, I get the sense that I am going to get an earache. I goes away in a minute or so. It's very light, but noticeable.

      My T sound is a teenie tiny bit stronger right now. ,,maybe because it is my focus on it.

      Thanks for listening Karen! My best intentions for your recovery. ;)
    2. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Since I get up sometimes 1 to 2 times night I am able to take note of the T sounds. Last night I had a mix of very low and pin drop to quiet during the night. This morning it is also varying. I prefer the pin drop level of sound.

      I keep a mental picture of the brain images from the MRi and MEG scans that we see as I try to imagine the lit areas diminishing and when i think about how to describe the T. ...

      PET-Scan.jpg MEG-Scan.jpg

      This morning it seemed that while the volume was lower than most mornings, it was more prevalent in both hemispheres of my brain. Like a swarm of neural activity. When the T is in the pin drop level, it is more local in the left ear area which means the T is in the right hemisphere of my brain(based on the research studies). I imagine the left and right matching with the quiet area.
    3. erik

      erik Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Washington State, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      04/15/2012 or earlier?
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Most likely hearing loss
      I think these updates are great. Keep up good work and posts Calin and Karen!
    4. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Thanks, Erik! Calin is the amazing one --- not me. I really look forward to her posts! She has provided so much great information for us on so many topics. Keep it up, Calin!

      Cain -- That is exciting news. It sounds like you have found a formula that really works for you, and I am so happy for you. Wonder why you get that "earache" feeling every so often? That's interesting....

      I'm too chicken to try the DE right now (sorry!), but I seem to have a found a formula that is working for me, too! My tinnitus and pulsating are still there, but are finally at a bearable level. Why? Well, I'm not sure; I've been taking a lot of supplements for the past 6 months, and I think they are really working. Plus, I've been using the UST now for 4 months; that seems to help. Also, I am now going to a chiropractor who specializes in neurology; he is working with me to kind of retrain my brain. Not just for the tinnitus, but also for an imbalance I've been experiencing along with all of this. I've felt that my head was out of balance ever since I took the first blood pressure drug, and it is just now beginning to feel normal. What a wonderful feeling!

      I also believe in the power of the mind and healing. We can heal ourselves with the right mind-set. I've been trying some meditation practices, too, and they really help, as does a focus on silence. Someone suggested to me that I try concentrating on the silence in my other ear, and try to transfer that to my bad ear. Does it work? Don't know, but it seems to help.

      Calin --- keep those posts coming. I hope to hear very soon that your tinnitus is a thing of the past!
    5. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      How kind! thanks Erik and Karen!

      Karen, that's what I wrote about above... I focus on the silence in the one ear - which ever it is at the time - and mentally intend for the other side to match. the key is that one must not hold expectations. Release the resistance and let the body work through it. That takes time. Better if it is a shorter time! lol

      Bummer Karen... I would not like to have an imbalance on top it the T. Geez! so sorry! But the good news is you are getting some relief.

      haha - too chicken! I know that trying to get the right thing to work and experimenting can be a it on the dodgy side. One feels edgy about making something worse or picking up anther weird ailment! That happened to me with the rife machine... I got an added bonus of another tone. It did go away, so something was going on. It did frighten me though at first.

      I think my next experiment will be the electro-acupuncture machine. If it doesn't work for the T, it may be of use for something else that my body wants to experience that is unpleasant! haha Before the months end I will probably go for it. Of course the FDA could block that too!

      My T was a bit more "present" with me today. I did have a cease of the T for minutes. I will have to stop looking for patterns as it is unpredictable. I am settling for the slow and steady healing. I may not be psychologically ready for an abrupt ending for the T. I am good with fading out!

      It is soooooo good to see you write "it's a wonderful feeling!" Nice! I am happy for you.
    6. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      update entry for my journey ....

      I am surrounded by stuff that generates negative ions now... Ki flow on wrist, germanium bracelet on wrist, USB negative ion generator for computer, negative ion generator combination night light in bedroom. Getting my germanium and tourmaline shower head soon. I am rolling the wand with germanium on hands neck and ear area for negative ion release to skin as many times as I can during the day.

      Doubled my food grade diatomaceous earth (DE) dosage to 2 Tbs per day.

      Feeling a general sense of well being. Not as achy. Sleep well and for longer periods. T is measurably lower upon awakening and diminishes more as usual during day periods.

      Before the last couple of days using negative ion products, I was finding my T to be variable and getting a bit louder than I was comfortable with. The neg ions seems to be helping keep the T down .

      For the periods when I have no T (brief) I try to just notice and recognize changes are occurring and to be patient. Healing (or normalcy in the brain) is at work.

      I can now sense that this T is not generating from my ears. I get the sense it is little brain neurons lighting up in my cortex.... more so on the left side - which means my right cortex is probably generating the feedback loop.

      Verixon wanted to install a free wifi modem in my store and I said no. I have too many EMFs around me all the time and it certainly may be contributing to this neuronal activity causing T. She said that was the first she heard of that. Hahahahaha!

      I think I am smiling more... happier! However, even with the low T, it can get on one's nerves - for sure!
    7. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Calin ,are you still using those universal sound therapy tape?

      I went mad and covered all bases.

      Inflamation ,ostearthritis and TMJ all for TMJ.

      Tinnitus ,hearing loss ,hyperacus .

      Ive played them for 2 months ,the y said it took 4 months for the owneres Tinnitus to go.

      All the best.Pete
    8. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      I responded to your PM.

      Also, there are some reviews where people's T cleared. Did you read the Amazon reviews? I haven't looked there in some time.

      I wouldn't count on a time period. what you want to watch for is a decrease in the volume. Has that occurred?
    9. Alex O

      Alex O Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sept 16th 2012
      Just joining this web site, but not so new to T... I have had it since Sept 19th 2012 and as of Oct 29th I started the Universal Sound Therapy. The T has not gone away BUT it has lowered the intensity and I have the certainty it will go away, or at least I will be able to simply ignore it... I actually found Calin's blog here and read thru all the pages and decided to give USTherapy a try... I am happy with the therapy and I gave them my very positive review just a couple of days ago. I am on my 3rd week and I feel so much better... So thanks for your updates and info!!!
    10. DezDog

      DezDog Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Alex, nice to meet you! You'll stand a better chance of meeting everyone else if you tell us your story in "Introduce Yourself". Glad UST is looking good for you.
    11. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Hi Alex O!

      How is it going for you? Any updates that you care to share?

    12. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      If anyone is still following this thread on UST, I'd like to share another UST experience with you.

      My sister was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and has months to live. (they gave her maximum 5-6 months with treatment). I have been getting her to do various "alternative" methods to ease her pain, help her emotionally and try ways to slow the cancer growth with things she can handle and won't interfere with her chemo drugs. BTW, the chemo is only to extend her days and or weeks to live. The docs gave her months to live some months ago. (I am thinking sometime in October) It is in-operable. She weighs about 90 lbs - 5'7''..... younger than me.

      My sister would tear up, groan and cry out with pain when she got cancer "break through" pain from her chest - maybe 5-10 times a day. I couldn't stand to see that so I would do some energy work right at that moment on her and the pain faded faster. However, I couldn't be with her all day and everyday to help. She would rely on oral doses of morphine when that happened, but it was not helpful when she had the sudden "baseball bat to the ribs" feeling as it was after the fact dosage.

      So...... I was blessed to have Magg and Dick over at UST send me a special UST CD for Lung issues (I already had the pain one) and a custom one for her specific issues (chemo toxicity, etc). Welllllll..... she has been free of the nasty breakthrough pain for 4 1/2 days!!!!! She used the 3 cds daily. Her hair hasn't fallen out and she has mild bouts of nausea and infrequent vomiting for a few days after a chemo treatment.

      I have her taking baking soda to keep her cell and blood levels in the healthy alkaline levels. Cancer patients always have very acidic levels. This will help her cells stay healthy.

      I also do energy healing for her. I waited on that though to see how her body reacted to the UST protocols before I did any more energy work. It seems a miracle to me that the tones worked so well and fast for her. I still am amazed. I am truly blessed - as is also my sister - to have such support an assistance with UST and the lovely people there - Magg and Dick. They are true angels to me. Oh, and I never speak about people being angels either. However, that is the only expression I can say about them in words. I am appreciative wholeheartedly for them in my life. Never met them, but I feel like they are my family. Such wonderful people!

      OK! So, that is my sharing for now. I will stop in now and then when I have a few moments.

      Love to you all.

    13. Louise

      Louise Member Benefactor

      Yorkshire, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      29/06/2012 worsened Jan 2017 & Dec 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      So sorry Calin. Thoughts to you and your sister. Take care.
    14. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      You are so kind...thank you.
    15. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Calin -- I just got home from work, and read this. I'm so sorry, and my prayers go out to your sister, and to you, as her healing support during this time. That is great that the UST tones are working so well for her. Take care, and do check in with us when you have a time. We care about you!!
    16. Alibaba2013

      Alibaba2013 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
    17. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Yes. Correct

      Use headphones... earplugs not as effective.

      Best wishes
    18. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD

      This is the first time I've seen these scans. They are GREAT. Are they yours or from a research study? I truly believe everyone should have these done at least 2x a year (Wonder what the cost would be? Of course, my hearing aids just put me back $3600, ouch!! No big vacation this year!). BTW, are you in the US? Just curious.
    19. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Hi jazz!

      No, those aren't my scans. I was given a disk when I got my MRI of the brain, but there is no way that I know of to copy them and post. Those images were from the internet.
    20. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD

      Well, at least you have MRI scans! I do think we need an objective measure of our tinnitus. It's good that you envision the active/quiet areas. Do you also do this while you meditate? Do you meditate? I recently got an iPad app that teaches you how to meditate. I've tried meditation a few times, but never got to the meditative state. I'm hoping to achieve better results with this guided program. The author says it takes a while to train your brain.

      If I can actually meditate, it will open up new therapeutic areas. You've undoubtedly read how alpha waves are induced through mediation, and how they calm our brains. At its core, tinnitus is all about hyperactivity. Even when I'm low, I can "feel" things and usually "hear" things--but the hearing aids have helped me! Do you have hearing loss? I'd really recommend them. But they are only part of the solution.

      I'm still doing magnesium, zinc, GABA, and vitamins A, C, and E. I had to quite Alpha Lipoic Acid as it became too excitatory. I tried taurine, but it didn't work. But I didn't try it at therapeutic doses. I'm just a bit cautious of overloading my brain with supplements unless there's scientific evidence--on humans with actual dosages--of efficacy. I recently tried green tea. The tea is great if it's prepared at the correct temperature. It has l-theanine, which used to work for me. But after two months it also became too excitatory. (There's something here about supplements that work for a while then become excitatory. But I don't know what! Perhaps they just build up too much.)

      Still, I think green tea is beneficial for overall health, including brain. So now I'm thinking matcha...like matcha smoothies, brownies, etc. Yummy!!

      What are you taking? Drinking?
    21. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Hope I don't miss any questions!

      I drink rooibus tea. It is more antioxidant and does not have to be decaffeinated as it is naturally caffeine free. I won't do decaf anything anymore. I try to not do any caffeine, not even the little bit left in decaf process.

      I used to meditate a lot before I learned QE (Quantum Entraiment). I had to stop QE when the T first popped up for me as it irritated me that I heard sounds where before there was quiet. Now I can do QE (or brief meditation) when my T is very quiet or for as long as I don't focus on the T.

      Tell me more about hearing things and feeling things that you mentioned. I will probably understand.

      I have had lots of brain training over the years. Holosync, brain balancing etc. I can tell you what may help with quieting your mind for meditation - other than watching your breath. You can do it with your eyes open too. Although alpha waves are nice!

      I think I got through everything! ;)
    22. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD
      Hi calin,

      I just looked up QE. It looks interesting, but I want to learn mediation. There are several research studies on meditation and tinnitus. I’d love any suggestions on clearing my mind, or any other information that would help me mediate. So far, I tried two CDs with Dr. Weil. He is a wonderful, educational lecturer. After you listen to him, you want to grab a rug and roll! But the instructional part of the CD—the part that really counts—Weil passed off to his associates. Yeah, they have Ph.D.s. But they were not informative. I recall some professors like this, but I digress....

      How do you experience your tinnitus? Do your sensations vary? And sounds? Have the sensations/sounds changed since you developed tinnitus? Do they vary in intensity?

      Below is my information. While I usually don't share this information, I will reveal it to you in the spirit of the vet who loved to hear about other people's ailments. (Loved that guy; what a dry wit!)

      On experiencing tinnitus sensations, I’m surprised everyone doesn’t feel their tinnitus. For years—until I started magnesium, actually—I got several migraines a month. After a migraine, my brain always hurt. It was sore. Tinnitus is similar, but different. Although I don’t get sore, my brain does experience irritation. Sometimes, it feels like a person is pulling my hair. Other times, I feel a sharp pain in my head, like drill—but not as intense. I believe the pain is correlated with my sounds. My brain feels worse and the pain is more intense, for instance, when my sounds are louder. I know an fMRI would reveal the increased activity that correlates with the sound. Or, as the researchers often note, those "neural correlates of tinnitus" would reveal my hyperactivity.

      Along with differing intensity, the tinnitus varies in location. When my tinnitus first migrated to my brain, I felt a weird sensation at the base of my skull, probably at my dorsal cochlear nucleus. (The infamous DCN that's responsible for "gating" the tinnitus precept.) This sensation lasted about two weeks. On my birthday (what a gift!) I awoke with a new location—this time on top of my head, but more in the left hemisphere. Finally, my auditory cortex often feels unusual sensations. It’s generally an oscillatory sensation that varies in intensity. (BTW, I've never experienced a sensation at the base of my skull again. Perhaps, this reveals there's no going back once tinnitus has infected your consciousness.)

      And my sounds are as variable as my sensations. I usually hear a tone daily. (It’s not loud, thank goodness.) There’s also a hissing or churning sound. That noise is only in my auditory cortex . Sometimes the hissing is soft, like seashells; other times, it’s harsher and louder. When I’m spiking, finally, I’ll hear a loud whistle or buzz sound. Those sounds always feel more centralized, but they seem to be more focused in my left hemisphere.

      Well, that was strangely cathartic (like the vet!) I hope that wasn’t TMI (too much information!) I will not succumb to this illness, but I do seek to understand it.

      It’ll be interesting to read your experiences! :cat: Hope you'll have a wonderful Easter!

      (I might not respond for a few days; I'm trying to catch up on my work, but I will read your answer.)
    23. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Hi Jazz! Hope you had a pleasant holiday, as well as got caught up on your work!!!

      How do you experience your tinnitus? Do your sensations vary? And sounds? Have the sensations/sounds changed since you developed tinnitus? Do they vary in intensity?

      The regular T is n the left side - pulsing with my heartbeat. The sound doesn't really vary - high pitch like in the video "The Noise". When I get the different T sound in my right ear these days it is a solid pitch - high- that I can stop by pressing the ear flap area at the acupressure spot. Nice to have that kind of control. My T was very prominent when it first came up. Like a zillion crickets all at once. Not anymore now. I will get a slightly lhigher T sound on the rare occasion now. It is mostly very calm and quiet. If I had to live the rest of my life with this current level, I would not commit suicide! ;)

      Yes, I bet the fMRI would indeed show what your are experiencing. I understand about the whistle sound. I get that in the right ear. For that T, I can stop it with the acupressure technique. Geez.... I can not even imagine the type of experience you are going through. It really makes you focus on it when it changes I would imagine.

      I hope you can benefit from the mediation practice. It is calming and centering. To quiet my mind I watch my thoughts until I have no thoughts. They will quiet very quickly once you practice. Don't try to judge them. Just observe them. Your mind will stop. Stay there as long as you can. You will feel a rest...deep rest. When other thoughts come back in - which will - just observe them again. Don't try to resist them or criticize yourself... just be aware of them. The thoughts will stop or quiet down. I find these exercises are very relaxing and they are guided. Free! http://www.kinslowsystem.com/downloads.html

      "I will not succumb to this illness, but I do seek to understand it." Love it!!!! I hear you!!!
    24. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD
      Hi calin,

      Yes, I'm caught up! My Easter was great; hope yours was also!

      It's interesting that you can modulate your tinnitus by acupressure points. I will try this with mine. I can modulate one sound by moving my jaw. Many people can do this.

      Thanks for the information on meditation. Besides having problems clearing my mind, I just want to "be" in the meditative state--not "get" into it. It's elusive, really. But I will continue to try.

      And thanks for the kinslowsystem download! :)

      BTW, I did get a cool app for sleep. I put in on my iPad, and it looks like you're traveling in space. Has a 3D look! :p
    25. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      That sounds interesting... traveling in space. What is the app?
    26. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD

      I had a hard time finding it on the app store. The icon says "Deep Sleep DM." But this isn't the name on the iTunes store. The actual name is Sleep Deeply DM. He has an iPhone and iPad app. You can also type his name, "Darren Marks." He similar apps.

      The app has several scenes. The first is the space scene, and I like it best. But there's two cool cloud ones too along with other scenes.

      Have fun! Think I might post this under "Support," for other people might also think it's cool.
    27. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Ok thanks jazz. Can I get it on my android?
    28. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD
      Hi calin,

      I just uploaded the video by the author on the "Support" thread. It shows you what the app looks like, but the video is a bit cheesy. And yes, it does come in an Android version. I just went to the youtube site and found the following:

      Published on Mar 7, 2012
      http://www.hypnosisappstore.com Sleep Deeply, a hypnosis app, created by Darren Marks, won Best Medical App at the Best App Ever Awards 2011. Darren is one of the UKs leading hypnotherapists and trainers helping clients with insonia and sleep dissorders via his ground breaking hypnosis apps. Sleep Deeply has received rave reviews world wide and is currently available on iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android, Windows 7 and Nokia.
      You can download a free trial of my total relaxation app here:http://www.facebook.com/DarrenMarksHy...

      • Like Like x 1
    29. Frances Lynn
      Question it

      Frances Lynn Member Benefactor

      Dallas, TX
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music and alarms at formerjob
      I guess this thread has gotten out of date as no one has responded for over two years so I wonder how the UST turned out for those that used it. In spite of the warnings after reading through all the posts twice, I phoned them and asked
      Dick a lot of questions. He recommended cheap swivel Sony headphones from Walmart and they needn't be worn on your ears but your neck or cheekbones or where ever. I did order the CD. He seemed quite honest and it is obviously a family run business.
      Two and a half months in I tried three steroid shots a week apart in my one impaired ear and that got rid of two of the tones and brought the volume down. I've also tried the Oasis which didn't work.
      So, now I'm going to try the UST. Any updates from @Karen and @calin? Thanks!
    30. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, @Frances Lynn,

      I tried using UST back when my tinnitus was quite severe, and used it for several months. It did seem to have a calming influence on me, but didn't really directly help my tinnitus. I finally stopped using it after several months.

      However, my tinnitus has gotten easier to live with since then. I would attribute that mostly to habituation, but it could also be due to some of the supplements I am currently taking.

      For some people, it might work. Frances Lynn, I'll be interested to hear how the UST therapy works for you.

      Please do update us after you've been using it for awhile. Good luck!!


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