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Member, Female

Ent told me that it can take 1 year for the ear to restore or come back. Even in the high frequencies. Is this possible? Jul 24, 2022

Esra47 was last seen:
Jan 12, 2023
    1. Zigs
      Hey @Esra47 how are you doing now? I have reactive T and have been given prednisolone but am scared to take it
      1. makeyourownluck likes this.
    2. Esra47
      Ent told me that it can take 1 year for the ear to restore or come back. Even in the high frequencies. Is this possible?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. makeyourownluck
        I look forward to these improvements :). Baby steps.
        Jul 27, 2022
        Esra47 likes this.
      3. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        I hope that’s true. I had steroids 2 yrs ago and I really do believe it restored my hearing. And then my T resolved in that ear.

        Now I foolishly exposed myself to noise damage going to an outdoor 1.5 hr concert with ear protection. I don’t know if I have hearing loss but I can tell you that my tinnitus has spiked appreciably and worsened in my left ear.
        Sep 19, 2022
      4. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        Now I’m canceling my trip to Nashville for my son’s hockey tournament. I can’t go down to the noisiest city in the country. Bummer too because I always wanted to see Nashville. Not interested so much in a loud music but of the country music history.
        Sep 19, 2022
    3. Esra47
      I didnt taper prednisolone slowly (just three days) after taking it 2 weeks (maybe longer). Now my distortions feel like hell. What can I do
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
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      3. blamingeverything
        I had loud morse code tinnitus for a good 4-6 weeks, it started sometime after prednisone, but it went away. I can sometimes barely hear it at night with my ear on the pillow. I suspect it might come back someday but at least I can be assured it will likely fade again.
        Jul 19, 2022
        Esra47 likes this.
      4. Esra47
        @blamingeverything This gives me hope. Did your Morse Code tinnitus react to sounds as well? Because mine is reacting to every sound at the moment (especially fan etc.).
        Jul 19, 2022
      5. blamingeverything
        No I don't recall that being the case. It was just constant. I found that alcohol interestingly quieted the beeping the next day, a little.
        Jul 20, 2022
        Esra47 likes this.
    4. Esra47
      Then there are people who have hearing loss without tinnitus. I really don't understand this system.
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      2. Esra47
        Yes you're right. Its like people who have hearing loss without tinnitus really strange. I hope that we can get a cure with frequency or otonomy.
        Jul 15, 2022
        Joe Cuber and JPGL like this.
      3. makeyourownluck
        I hope so too man.
        Jul 15, 2022
        Joe Cuber and JPGL like this.
      4. kingsfan
        It's possibly some sort of gaiting problem, where the brain's ability to filter out unwanted noise is broken. Some with hearing loss don't have this broken gaiting while others do and, hence, tinnitus.
        Jul 18, 2022
    5. Esra47
      Hearing loss can cause Distortions/(reactive) Tinnitus but there are people who dont have hearing loss but distortions.
      1. Aschenherz and JPGL like this.
      2. Aschenherz
        so geht es mir gerade. Wir sind alle im gleichen Boot. Es wird besser werden <3
        Sep 8, 2022
        Esra47 likes this.
    6. Esra47
      I'll fly to Istanbul in a few weeks. Its a really loud city which earplugs are the best for these kind of situation?
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