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Member, Male, from Netherlands

from staying home all day with earmuffs to living live again. Apr 20, 2024

Jsm_Joestar was last seen:
Jul 15, 2024
    1. Jsm_Joestar
      from staying home all day with earmuffs to living live again.
      1. HopeForAll96, Ngo13, Kiyomi and 2 others like this.
    2. Jsm_Joestar
      just came back from a 10 day vacation in japan it was amazing. Did moderatly loud stuff and it didnt effect me. i flew 4 times in total
      1. weehiru, cjbhab and Kiyomi like this.
    3. Jsm_Joestar
      ben registered here for 2 years wow time really flies
      1. Kiyomi likes this.
    4. Jsm_Joestar
      Doing great, my life is back to normal. Hope yall are hanging in there. Remember that most people leave the forum after recovering
      1. Joe Cuber, tpj and Utdmad89 like this.
      2. TheCapybara
        Glad to hear it man. If you end up leaving entirely, I hope you'll stay fine and won't have any more hearing issues in the future :)
        Oct 31, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      3. Jsm_Joestar
        thx for the nice words Capy. Knowing myself i might come back here and there just to raise morals. hope you are doing and are going to be doing great
        Nov 1, 2023
    5. Jsm_Joestar
      largely recovered but so scared of sounds. im conditioned to feel lots of anxiety around digital noise that i dont control.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mo8409
        Do you still have T or is it gone?
        Aug 2, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      3. Jsm_Joestar
        @Joshua Macleod i definetly understand why thats the case. this was really mental and withouth a doubt the worst time in my life. i believe i can get over the fear with time
        Aug 2, 2023
      4. Jsm_Joestar
        @Mo8409 Stil have T just less tones and its way more stable. i honestly dont care about my T 90% of the time. I had decently bad nox and thats almost gone or gone. hard to tell because im afraid of exposure
        Aug 2, 2023
    6. Jsm_Joestar
      I keep getting better and i feel very good regarding my ear problems.
      1. JeffToob, Mo8409, Jupiterman and 7 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jupiterman
        Keep this up and you won't want to come back here.

        Give it two more months then post in the success stories.
        Jul 31, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      4. Jsm_Joestar
        @TheCapybara never had distortions. Just things sounding louder, burning/stabbing pain and T spiking. Dw im very carefull and those loud things were hard to avoid
        Jul 31, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      5. Jsm_Joestar
        @Jupiterman i already dont feel the need to comeback but i sometimes want to check on some people and i wanted to share this progress to give people strenght
        Jul 31, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and Jupiterman like this.
    7. Jsm_Joestar
      (3/3) Most of the time i realise that im just afraid at this point and the pain im expecting isnt coming. Did very loud things these weeks
    8. Jsm_Joestar
      (2/3) I think i can handle way more than i do right now. Its hard to put myself in some situations because my phonophobia blocks me
    9. Jsm_Joestar
      (1/3) An update on my situation. My nox is largely gone and my T is pretty stable. I watch videos every day, listen to music. Hangout again
      1. Ondine, SarahMLFlemmer, NTV and 4 others like this.
    10. Jsm_Joestar
      Do we need to make an introduction post before we make other posts? i want to make a postive update and post a succes story of someone here.
      1. gameover, SarahMLFlemmer and Ngo13 like this.
      2. Ngo13
        No need for an intro, post whatever you need
        Jul 16, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar and gameover like this.
      3. gameover
        Do it.
        Jul 16, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      4. Jsm_Joestar
        @Ngo13 thats great ill try to post the succes story today.
        Jul 16, 2023
    11. Christiaan
      Hoe gaat het trouwens met jou? Is jouw tinnitus mild of heb je er vrij veel last van?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Christiaan
        Nee hoor, dat vind ik niet erg om toe te lichten. Ik heb zeker pijn ervaren toen ik hyperacusis had.
        Jul 6, 2023
      3. Christiaan
        Ik weet nog dat ik in het begin niet op straat wilde zijn, want elke voorbijrijdende auto maakte zo'n geluid waarbij mijn oren brandden en het net voelde alsof er een dolk door mijn trommelvlies werd gestoken. Daarna werd het gelukkig gaandeweg minder en bleven de symptomen vrij mild. Sinds 10 maanden heb ik geen symptomen meer.
        Jul 6, 2023
      4. Jsm_Joestar
        @Christiaan Basiccaly i said i wanted to become a good psychologist because of this and im happy that your symtoms are gone now in regards to Hyperacusis
        Jul 15, 2023
    12. tiniturk
      Hi, fellow Nederlander! Your profile posts really gave me hope, thanks for posting!
      1. SarahMLFlemmer and Jsm_Joestar like this.
      2. Jsm_Joestar
        ah you come from the land of kaas aswell. np stay strong @tiniturk. If it keeps improving and stays well ill write a success story
        Jun 26, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    13. Jsm_Joestar
      (2/2) Feeling great these months. T is alot more stable and idk if it even spikes these days. I do alot of stuf withouth protection now
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mo8409
        That's awesome! How long have you had T for?
        Jun 25, 2023
      3. Jsm_Joestar
        @DeanD I would say all 3. i think it was mostly time but gradual exposure with rest helped after a certain point
        Jun 25, 2023
        DeanD likes this.
      4. Jsm_Joestar
        @Mo8409 i have it since 2020 but it got bad at the end of 2021 then worsend in march 2022
        Jun 25, 2023
    14. Jsm_Joestar
      (1/2)Feeling way better. Nox feels 90% healed. I listnen to music everyday. I have started to watch videos again and everything.
      1. Hardwell, Ngo13, cjbhab and 5 others like this.
    15. Jsm_Joestar
      got white earwax in both ears. my doctor said that my left ear(the bad one with nox) was red but not infected. anyone know what this is?
      1. Sammy0225 likes this.
    16. Jsm_Joestar
      (2/2) i felt some liqued that seemed to be draining out of my ear while sleeping. Gonna let someone else check this out
      1. Sammy0225 likes this.
    17. Jsm_Joestar
      (1/2)Test results were in. My gp said they found nothing odd in my ear. I do have white discharge coming out Im skeptical about the results
      1. Sammy0225 likes this.
    18. Jsm_Joestar
      Found a pamflet from a T and H lecture i went to. It said: Hyperacusis (always subjective). This is why Ents dont take us serieus
      1. Sammy0225, stacey, ECP and 1 other person like this.
      2. stacey
        Apr 2, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
    19. Jsm_Joestar
      Went to the gym today but left after 5 min. Music was way to loud even with peltor optime 3s on. Not gonna risk it
      1. BrOKeN_1
        I've been looking into maybe getting a bowflex. Get away from the free weights for a time
        Mar 31, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      2. Jsm_Joestar
        @BrOKeN_1 That would be amazing if you have room for that. It also saves money in the long term because you dont have to pay for a membership
        Mar 31, 2023
    20. Jsm_Joestar
      anything i should watchout for when getting eardrops? like the contents
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Damocles
        I have never once syringed my ears, during, or after, using eardrops.
        Mar 31, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      3. EternalRinging
        I had an infection too a few weeks ago. As long as you don’t have any perforated ear drum, you should be good and ear drops won’t cause any ototoxic effect.
        Mar 31, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar and Damocles like this.
      4. Jsm_Joestar
        Apr 1, 2023
        EternalRinging and Damocles like this.
    21. Jsm_Joestar
      Went to my GP again. My ear canal and drum are still red and she sent a sample to test for bacteria. I might get eardrops.
      1. stacey
        What caused your ear canal and drum to get red? What caused the inflammation I mean
        Mar 30, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      2. Jsm_Joestar
        @stacey i wore alot of foam earplugs and i think that irritated my ear to much and even cut it a bit.
        Mar 31, 2023
        Damocles likes this.
    22. Jsm_Joestar
      1. Sammy0225 and Strawberryblonde like this.
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      3. Damocles
        Well, Triamcinolone is just a topical corticosteroid.

        People with T may rightly be suspcicious (or in some cases over-zealous) where taking corticosteroids are concerned, but this is just a topical solution we're talking about.

        The 0.00001% of the solution that makes it beyond the skin of the affected ear canal is unlikely to make a noticeable (or unnoticeable for that matter) change to your tinnitus.
        Mar 16, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar and Strawberryblonde like this.
      4. Damocles
        To give you some perspective, I've used Neomycin (a highly ototoxic anti-biotic) ear drops for several ear infections over the last 14 years, and my tinnitus is no worse (not as a result of them, anyway).
        Mar 16, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      5. Jsm_Joestar
        @Strawberryblonde @Damocles thx for the replies. Yea i wasnt taking any risks and thought it would be best to ask people here before taking anything. Im going to take it this sunday and i only have to take it for a week.
        Mar 16, 2023
        Damocles likes this.
    23. Jsm_Joestar
      My GP looked into my ear and said that my ear canal and drum are inflammed. She prescribed some eardrops. Could this possibly worsen my T/H?
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
      2. Strawberryblonde
        What are these drops called? You can always check on here to see others experiences. But remember everyone will react differently.
        Mar 16, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      3. Jsm_Joestar
        I only got the dutch name. But they are Acid drops with TRIAMCINOLONACETONIDE. I put the ingredients in another post on my page. I wil pick it up today and see if i got a name then
        Mar 16, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
    24. KoolKat
      also the whole What If stuff, has plagued my mind for the past decade. its the story of my new life. i Also didnt know you got this very recently in 2020 and so im very sorry man. i wish we could of met on a forum talking about DBZ or something cool. Hopefully you dont have to deal with this for a decade like me. but i do think about What id accomplished or where would I be if tinnitus never existed.
      1. sakrt likes this.
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      3. Jsm_Joestar
        @KoolKat i cant imagine having it for a decade. My t started in 2020 but it was a 1/10 i did have H but only experienced pain from noises above 80 db and really bad audio. It got really bad 1 year ago (exactly today). It did get alot better and i hope ill be able to keep recovering
        Mar 11, 2023
        KoolKat and sakrt like this.
      4. KoolKat
        @Jsm_Joestar Yep so much. i cant believe my own freaking brain is holding me or should i say US hostage like this. I hope too buddy we all get cured from this very soon, cause this aint the way to live. Life is already hard WITHOUT TINNITUS smh
        Mar 15, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      5. KoolKat
        @Jsm_Joestar I hope you dont ever have to live having it for a decade and i hope i dont have 2 have it for 2,3,4 decades. i had a very very brief thing with H / acoustic shock. but that was a decade ago, so im lucky in that department. the thing with this condition however is its always 1 step forward 5 backwards.
        Mar 15, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
    25. Jsm_Joestar
      Anyone else get pain from foam earplugs?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jsm_Joestar
        @Strawberryblonde I hope you are doing oke with your earpain. I have been there (inserting alpine plugs to deep) that really stings.
        Mar 9, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        Sounds like it's more the plugs causing you the pain rather than H sound. If it only happens when you use them then itll be that.
        Im doing ok today its eased off but not fully, ive kept them out my ears for 2 days. @Jsm_Joestar
        Mar 9, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      4. Jsm_Joestar
        @Strawberryblonde Im happy to hear that it has eased off. I hope it continues to diminish. I took a gap year and need to work until may to have enough money for my bills. After that ill go withouth plugs and see if my earpain goes away.
        Mar 10, 2023
    26. Jsm_Joestar
      (2/2) lights and some neon speakers drove by us blasting the loudest music i have heard in a while. That was a crazy encounter.
      1. Ryan Scott likes this.
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      3. Jsm_Joestar
        @Ken219 He might with what he is doing. I told my other friends about this ecounter and they said that he is well known in my city. I thought it was a one time thing but he patrolled infront of my flat yesterday.
        Mar 5, 2023
      4. Ken219
        @Jsm_Joestar I have that in my neighborhood as soon as I hear them coming my index fingers go quickly in my ears! As soon as I hear a loud sound from the distance fingers in the ears! It works!
        Mar 5, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      5. Jsm_Joestar
        @Ken219 Its the most simple yet effective technique. No wonder most people do it on reflex when loud noises occur.
        Mar 6, 2023
        Ken219 likes this.
    27. Jsm_Joestar
      (1/2)5 min ago i was chilling with a friend who wanted to hangout today. We went outside a bit when suddenly a guy on a bike with Neon
      1. Ryan Scott likes this.
    28. Jsm_Joestar
      (2/2) I got advised to buy a digital to analog converter to improve the sound quality of the speaker i want to buy. Im excited to try it out
      1. Sammy0225, NYCGuy and Joe Cuber like this.
    29. Jsm_Joestar
      (1/2 )Went to a hifi speaker shop today and got a whole lesson on speakers and audio quality.
      1. Sammy0225, NYCGuy and Joe Cuber like this.
    30. Jsm_Joestar
      Sometimes i hear a thud in my left ear (bad one). Afterwards it feels like i have a bit of fluid inside. Anyone know what this might be?
      1. Sammy0225
        Baffled about this one bud
        Feb 23, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      2. Jsm_Joestar
        yea its pretty strange. It happens once in a while and it might have something to do with my H and T so ill look into it
        Feb 24, 2023
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    ear infection followed by fireworks a year later
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