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Jul 27, 2024 at 5:55 AM
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So much eye pain Jul 27, 2024 at 4:57 AM

Juliane was last seen:
Viewing thread Vision Problems / Floaters?, Jul 27, 2024 at 5:55 AM
    1. Juliane
      So much eye pain
    2. Juliane
      I am a horrible person, I do not deserve forgiveness, I deserve only suffering
      1. BB23 likes this.
      2. BB23
        Not this kind of suffering.
        Jul 26, 2024 at 2:04 PM
        Juliane likes this.
      3. MiaVIL
        You don’t deserve this, nobody does. This never should have happened to you, me or any of us.
        Jul 26, 2024 at 5:31 PM
        tpj, Juliane and aab like this.
      4. 4Grace
        Jul 26, 2024 at 6:45 PM
        tpj and Juliane like this.
    3. Juliane
      Ruining everything all the time. I don't want to live, I don't want to live, I don't want to live
      1. kingsfan
        You're just trying to survive
        Jul 26, 2024 at 4:35 PM
        tpj and Juliane like this.
    4. Juliane
      I think my eye floaters are due to taking vitamin B3. It can cause eye issues. So incredibly stupid
    5. Juliane
      Feeling more cursed than ever. Can't seem to do anything right.
      1. RunningMan and tpj like this.
      2. tpj
        Jul 25, 2024 at 3:00 PM
        Juliane likes this.
      3. Juliane
        @tpj ❤️ I am sorry you know
        Jul 25, 2024 at 10:02 PM
        tpj likes this.
    6. Juliane
      Seeing and hearing the world through a shitshow
      1. RunningMan and 4Grace like this.
    7. Juliane
      What a shitshow of the senses
      1. tpj, 4Grace and BB23 like this.
    8. Juliane
    9. Juliane
      by gradually desensitize the brain? My eye floater onset started after illness and stress. The brain is working too hard
      1. 4Grace and L along the way like this.
    10. Juliane
      I am thinking out loud, not wanting to offend anyone: if the brain is overstimulated (e.g. I now suddenly see eye floaters), could we heal
      1. L along the way likes this.
    11. Juliane
      T and H so much more than "ear issues"! This is the brain that is impacted!
      1. aab, BB23, 4Grace and 1 other person like this.
      2. 4Grace
        100 percent
        Jul 23, 2024 at 11:57 AM
        Juliane likes this.
    12. Juliane
      If I had the talent and energy, I would study medicine. Why so many of us have eye floaters? Clearly this is an illness of the senses
    13. Juliane
      This world does not want me anymore. Constantly ill. Constantly suffering. Never a break
      1. tpj and L along the way like this.
    14. Juliane
      And that's why we are told "live with it". It is not MS or Parkinsons but our brains are ill in a way no doctors truly understand
      1. L along the way and LukeYoung like this.
      2. gameover
        I think there is more similarity to MS or Parkinson's than the doctors know. Some researchers may be finally getting some clue, but it is a long road ahead.
        Jul 21, 2024 at 12:19 AM
        Juliane and Karolina like this.
    15. Juliane
      I wonder if we, sufferers on TT, are somehow stuck between not having a full blown neurological disease (thank God) but at the level before
      1. L along the way and gameover like this.
      2. gameover
        @Juliane. In my case it seems it is full blown neurological disease, and it is progressing with noise input.
        Jul 21, 2024 at 12:18 AM
        Juliane likes this.
      3. kingsfan
        I'd rather have a terminal illness. Maybe I secretly have Prions disease slowly unfolding the proteins in my brain.
        Jul 21, 2024 at 5:20 AM
        Juliane likes this.
    16. Juliane
      I have come to a realization: healing is natural. Not healing is abnormal. Why are we being kept in this abnormal state?
      1. L along the way, Ngo13 and gameover like this.
      2. L along the way
        L along the way
        In my case, i know it has been caused by acoustic harm. This scares me, because i know how much off limits the volume was, it shivers my spine when i think back about that event.
        Jul 21, 2024 at 1:15 PM
        Juliane likes this.
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        I've come to realize, our natural bodies have to operate within natural limits. It's like.. natural harmony is just ahh, and everything that's not that is.. uff.. still i try to believe in healing with time, it's basically the only thing i got regarding to t.
        Jul 21, 2024 at 1:16 PM
        Juliane likes this.
      4. L along the way
        L along the way
        But i have no guarantees, which can be frightening. But then, there are basically no guarantees in life at all.. i just try to find hope, calmth, spiritual inspiration, untense, healthy lifestyle, and go with the day. Nice to read from you again btw
        Jul 21, 2024 at 1:17 PM
        Juliane likes this.
    17. Juliane
      Do y'all have loving harmonic relationships with your families? I don't. I wonder if disharmony predisposes you for illness...
      1. snizzleberry likes this.
      2. L along the way
        L along the way
        I also grew up in a broken family, sadly enough. I've seen how complicated life can be, and i think that harmony is something we all naturally long for. Disease, dis-ease, something not at ease, i mean.. we feel something is not right, and just naturally wish to find harmony again i feel like.
        Jul 21, 2024 at 1:02 PM
        Juliane likes this.
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        I would love to feel like life is a gift, but most of it has felt like something to endure, sadly enough. Maybe a next life may be better, or i hope we can find healing in this life
        Jul 21, 2024 at 1:03 PM
        Juliane and streifzug like this.
    18. Juliane
      Do any of you guys have eye floaters? Any connection with T?
      1. gameover and RunningMan like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. gameover
        Thalamic dysrhythmia. Inhibition gets fucked up. I always get minor floaters (since maybe late teen years), got immediately worse with T. Visual Snow is the next stage of brain collapse that some have.
        Jul 21, 2024 at 12:24 AM
      4. kingsfan
        They get annoying from time to time, but I am so used to them I don't notice unless I'm in really bright light or looking at a bright screen.

        They're just clumped up pieces of collagen. If you move your eyes up or down or from side to side they will scoot out of the way.
        Jul 21, 2024 at 5:16 AM
        Juliane likes this.
      5. Calapsodis
        Always had minor but visible floaters before and after T first came around. I ran a course of oral prednisone a few weeks ago and ever since then I’ve noticed more floaters. I guess it’s a possible side effect.
        Jul 23, 2024 at 10:06 AM
        Juliane likes this.
    19. Juliane
      Haven't been on here for a while. Missed you guys.
    20. gameover
      @Juliane. Hope you are still holding on.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Juliane
        @gameover So so sorry. How are you handling work? Can you go on sick leave? Thinking of you. Hugs
        Jul 20, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      3. gameover
        Not too well for the past two weeks. Took some days off. I was doing okay before, but the couple "traumas", especially the last audiogram fucked me. The brain is disintegrating. This is not tinnitus, it is a form of a brain cancer.
        Jul 21, 2024 at 12:16 AM
        Juliane likes this.
      4. 2049v
        Jul 26, 2024 at 2:37 PM
    21. Juliane
      4/4 friends to pity me. But they should be empathetic. I understand if they get confused by this. I hate it so much.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. L along the way
        L along the way
        I've gotten interested in mindfulness.. but the thing with this is.. if there is actual harm to the physical auditory nerves, like... how to find ease & stillness with this condition. The inspiration i've found for natural wellbeing.. feels so disturbed by this one.
        Jun 21, 2024
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        Also, if it were just 'annoying sound'.. but it's painful too, something has been truly harmed.. and it may be safe to say, it has a negative effect on our cognitive & emotional wellbeing states. I notice that i get a lot of thoughts around t.. and i feel like.. if i try to stop, and be with the actual experience & sensations, it's just painful and distressing, and i feel the want to escape that.
        Jun 21, 2024
      4. L along the way
        L along the way
        That's why i maybe always crave for a better tomorrow, because the actual experience with this.. i find it hard to just be and settle within.. because it's just so discomfortable and it feels like it's disturbing more than it just is an 'annoying sound'. I guess.. i say again.. a better day.. i don't really know another way. Wishing it to get well and that we be okay.. pppffffttttt stay strong guys..
        Jun 21, 2024
        ECP likes this.
    22. Juliane
      3/4 becomes a burden socially. I don't want to be labelled "the sad one". Fuck that! But I am indeed the sad one. But I don't want my
    23. Juliane
      2/4 Then people say "Great to see you are better!" But it's a Lie. I'm not. Then I feel bad for being a fake. The thing is: being miserable
    24. Juliane
      1/4 Sometimes I get embarrassed by all my suffering. It's so miserable. Then I act as if things are better than they are. Out of pride
    25. Juliane
      The media running their stupid fear mongering campaign about war etc. So what if nuclear disaster strikes. I don't care !
      1. crescentsky, 4Grace, tpj and 2 others like this.
      2. gameover
        Yeah, blow this place up.
        Jun 23, 2024
        tpj likes this.
    26. Juliane
      No, adversity does not make you stronger. It breaks you. That’s the only thing it does.
      1. Pinhead, 4Grace, tpj and 5 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. beefling
        I like to think of the sentiment as muscle building. You workout to fatigue, then rest your muscles to get stronger. But you *need* to rest. Tinnitus and its adjacent auditory related conditions do not relent. There is no rest period.
        Jun 20, 2024
      4. L along the way
        L along the way
        Well, if I ever heal from this, then I guess I can say I've learned a lot and became stronger. That's only if it heals though. If not, then I'd rather never had to go through all this. There has to be a better day awaiting us.
        Jun 20, 2024
        beefling likes this.
      5. Pinhead
        Medical fact: stress makes you die sooner. Tinnitus causes catastrophic amounts of indominable stress. Therefore...
        Jun 20, 2024
        L along the way and crescentsky like this.
    27. Juliane
      The stupidity of this condition is beyond understanding
    28. Juliane
      Why did this happen to me? It does not make any sense
      1. 4Grace, tpj, streifzug and 1 other person like this.
    29. Juliane
      Can reflexology make tinnitus worse?
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        Prob not. ❤️
        Jun 19, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
    30. Juliane
      Has anyone had any good experience with hearing aids? Or are they all crap?
      1. RunningMan likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. BlueMoon86
        I tried two hearing aids, neither worked for me. I have the rare reverse slope which is the 1% of hearing loss, while they are made for the 99% high frequency loss. If you have high frequency loss and tinnitus they could help.
        Jun 13, 2024
        Juliane and RunningMan like this.
      4. Juliane
        Thanks all! As I have reactive T, I guess this is out of the question for me.
        Jun 14, 2024
      5. 4Grace
        @Juliane - if you truly have bad reactive T please continue to be careful. Don’t mean to scare you. I wish I listened but I think mentally I just could not endure.
        Jun 15, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
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  • About

    February 28
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Noise /acoustic trauma
    Tinnitus and hearing loss. New damage made my "old" T so much worse. Life is forever changed. I am still struggling with the trauma of it all. I have become indifferent to so many things. And for that I feel guilty. I don't see a possible happy future anymore. I am sorry.