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  • This is not advice, just my personal experience: going part-time at work was the best decision. With tinnitus, there is no "Powering through". Not possible. Full time no longer an option. Not a loss I grieve, I have to obey my limitations. This feels right for me. Not saying it's right for anyone else but my personal story.
    I'm glad you are taking control of what you can control. Its tough working a full time job while juggling this nasty problem. Kinda wish I had that option. Best of luck.
    Does your tinnitus worsen with autumn and cold dark season? Mine seems to do
    I think mine tends to do better, because in the midwest, cold season means no mowers and motorcycles, less sportscars and less people tend to be out in general it seems.

    But, damn, I miss the desert, beach, and mountains 😢
    Juliane yes my tinnitus gets worse with this cooler weather and will get even worse when's it gets cold here.
    If I have said in the past that I'd rather have cancer than tinnitus, I did not mean that. Tinnitus is horrible but I do not want cancer
    Often, but not always. Both my parents had cancer in 2019. They got an operation. No chemo. Chemo is usually the last resort these days. For those who are in life-threatening condition.
    We can surely understand the sentiment when it was first said. Depending how bad someone has it ….
    Thank you for your understanding. Tinnitus has definitely made me despair and wish for bad things. But lately it has made me feel guilty to do so. It is not easy.
    I need to go get a CT scan and my anxiety is spiraling. Will the radiation make T worse?
    No immediate difference? Did it come later?
    I had a CT scan in July. It was very quiet and didn't affect T or H at all. I know it's a lot of radiation, but for me, it was the lesser of two evils, the other evil being the amount of noise that an MRI would make.
    No, no difference at all, at least that I could directly correlate to the CT Scan.
    Does anyone know if CT scans are noisy? I never had one before. Thank you in advance!
    I got one last year. It wasn't particularly noisy although there is some noise. It had no effects on my T.
    There is a lot of controversy about the chemical they inject if they do a "contrast" CT
    It's not noisy. You can do it with or without the contrast.
    One year ago, I had tinnitus. Now I have tinnitus, eye floaters and irritable bowel syndrome. What is happening? Rapid decline.
    I've had IBS since I was 14. Psyllium husk (metamucil) is magical. If you have IBS-C, Magnesium Glycinate (Qunol Extra Strength is very affordable) is very helpful and easy on the stomach. Ask your doc about pelvic floor therapy. IBS and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction are closely related.
    @kingsfan How do you manage with both tinnitus, IBS and eye floaters? I can't believe we are this cursed. We do not deserve this :-(
    Love you all. We deserve to be happy
    Yes. Agree. We also deserve to be at peace. Just peace. The other day I saw a homeless man sitting under a tree. Reading a book. He had a massive tent. Set up in a park. That can't be easy, I might be naive in saying this… I felt he was much better off than me. Is that sad? Is that wrong? That's what I feel like. No money is worth health.
    Nothing wrong about thinking. That's all you do. Reflecting over life. We all do. Some more than others. Especially when we are going through the dark night of the soul, which these years are for me. Hope this dark journey ends very soon and will be replaced with light.
    I used to be resourceful, creative, optimistic and resilient. You would think those traits led to a good life. What the hell happened?
    Feel I am entering a new phase of deep anxiety and sorrow. It manifests physically. I have lost all hope and faith in this life.
    I know it's easier said than done when struggling but if you have a clear vision with no floaters, please appreciate it
    I used to be the most active person. Now I prefer to stay in my bed with closed curtains most of the time
    @4Grace I know :-( when I stay in I do feel a bit more at ease but also incredibly lonely. I love my boyfriend dearly and he listens to me but I cannot talk to my family about my problems. They all more or less ignore me at this stage.
    I understand. I wish you better days.
    Me too.
    Too scared to quit. Is it better to keep working as long as I can? Will the stress from unemployment be worse?
    In my humble opinion. Please try to keep working. If you don't you will have nothing to do but get up and stress about T. I do understand you wanting to leave. I have been home close to 2 years. I cannot work with this.
    Yes. I agree with @4Grace. Not working made it worse.. for me at least. Are you able to take some time off instead if you need a break?
    I almost quit in the first 6 months, but stayed on and talked to my manager. I told him I needed time to adjust to this horrid Tinnitus. He gave it to me.
    All the Covid nonsense put us all on high alert for years and messed with our nervous systems. We should all sue the government
    @4Grace I am sorry :-( Do you think the shots may have caused all this?
    @Juliane - I would be guessing. I know for me it was something else but maybe the shots caused some damage. Some people did claim to get T just after the shots but who knows. So complicated a condition. Yours seems to be directly related to your ears due to noise trauma.
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