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Member, Female

Flu has made my tinnitus so much worse again. It is pretty interesting why it happens. May 20, 2024

Sointu was last seen:
May 21, 2024
    1. Sointu
      More dental work and drilling. :(
    2. Sointu
      I wonder what part benzo tapering plays in my weird symptoms such as metallic sound distortions and reactivity :(
    3. Sointu
      I feel like metallic sound distortions and reactive tinnitus have come to stay. The distortions used to fluctuate.
      1. gameover and tpj like this.
    4. Sointu
      I feel like reactive tinnitus and distortions are driving me nuts. I can't concentrate
      1. tpj and Damocles like this.
    5. Sointu
      I got tinnitus spike because of dentist appointment. My tinnitus feels so loud and I hear metallic reactive zing sounds.
      1. brixenbrixen likes this.
    6. Sointu
      Dentist drilled my tooth for a long time today and it did not help my reactive tinnitus or distortions. Today has been a bad day:(
      1. brixenbrixen and tpj like this.
      2. TheCapybara
        I'm sorry Sointu :( I have a dentist appointment soon too and I am not looking forward to the noise. I hope you didnt get any worsenings from this.
        May 30, 2023
        Sointu and tpj like this.
      3. Sointu
        I am sorry. Hopefully your dentist appointment goes well. I have managed to avoid any dental drilling after my T started but unfortunately my luck did not continue. I am experiencing some sort of spike in my symptoms after that. I hope my T spike will calm down soon
        May 31, 2023
    7. Sointu
      Tinnitus masking doesn't help as much anymore because I hear these weird reactive annoying metallic zing sounds on top of the masking sound
      1. tpj and Strawberryblonde like this.
    8. Sointu
      Today is a good day. Tinnitus is tolerable and music sounds good.
      1. ZFire
        ‘Music sounds good’. I resonate with this statement a lot. Some days my distorted hearing and reactivity will make music difficult to comprehend. Glad to hear (no pun intended) ur having a good day.
        Apr 14, 2023
        Sointu and tpj like this.
    9. Sointu
      My hyperacusis/tinnitus spike lasted a month and it has showed signs of calming down finally. I believe I have TTTS.
      1. PennyCat likes this.
    10. Sointu
      Don´t experience acoustic trauma during benzo taper. The combination sucks so badly.
      1. stacey
        Wow, hang in there! Hoping you heal quickly
        Apr 5, 2023
        Sointu and Strawberryblonde like this.
      2. Sointu
        My ear symptoms started 1,5 years ago when I got acoustic trauma during benzo taper. After it I have not tapered benzos a lot because I fear it would make tinnitus even worse. I would have already tapered off the medication without this tinnitus/hyperacusis part.
        Apr 13, 2023
    11. Sointu
      Today is not good day at all. The ear that is my better ear has this really nasty ear piercing reactive "eeeee" sound.
      1. sakrt and tpj like this.
      2. TheCapybara
        Hope your distortions and other symptoms are easing up a bit after the setback.
        Apr 1, 2023
        Strawberryblonde, Sointu and tpj like this.
      3. Sointu
        Thanks @TheCapybara My setback had lasted for almost 3 weeks but I hope my symptoms don't continue like this.
        Apr 4, 2023
    12. Sointu
      I heard this loud popping sound in my ear before my latest setback started. I have no idea what it was.
    13. Sointu
      This seems to be again setback that lasts longer. The ear burning sensation doesn't stop.
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
    14. Sointu
      Metallic sound distortions and ear burning sensation. Increased sensitivity to sound. Nice.
    15. Sointu
      I pushed my limits too much and now going through a hyperacusis spike. Positive thing is I had some time in between when things were stable
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
    16. Wrfortiscue
      How are you
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Wrfortiscue
        @Sointu glad to hear you are pulling through. I don’t sleep much anymore but adjusting as much as I can to worsening
        Mar 19, 2023
        Sointu likes this.
      4. Sointu
        @Wrfortiscue I hope your sleep improves. It is so important.
        Mar 22, 2023
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      5. Wrfortiscue
        Mar 23, 2023
        Sointu likes this.
    17. SaraK18
      Hey did you ever end up getting another dog?
      1. Sointu likes this.
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      3. Sointu
        I have a bordercollie, my previous one also was bc. Active breed, needs a lot of mental stimulation. Some people say they do bark and are vocal but my dogs are quiet ones. My friend has also quiet dog that is a whippet. But many dogs do bark and some of them has barking sound that hurts my ears.
        Mar 18, 2023
      4. SaraK18
        I’m really happy for you, it’s great that you got a non-barker. I did some research and found that Japanese chins are supposed to be more cat-like and quiet so I’m looking into that breed. Thanks for the info!
        Mar 24, 2023
        Sointu likes this.
      5. Sointu
        I hope you find a dog that is right one for you. :)
        Mar 25, 2023
        SaraK18 likes this.
    18. Sointu
      Every time I feel like yay I am making progress my symptoms suddenly get worse and I get spike. Habituation feels impossible.
      1. Wrfortiscue and tracyNYC like this.
    19. Sointu
      I feel like I can't take anymore tinnitus/hyperacusis spikes. It has been a spike after spike after spike for months.Really hard emotionally
      1. Sammy0225 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. GG_Ear
        @Sointu It's really encouraging to know that you have improved in time. No doubt it has been a difficult and challenging journey for you.
        Oct 21, 2023
      4. Sointu
        @GG_Ear I am sorry that you are going through all of that. The things how you describe your hyperacusis sound really familiar. How things seem louder, how certain sounds are horrible, whistle sounds over certain sounds, ear fatigue and aching sensations.. But hyperacusis can improve significantly. There can be setbacks but slowly hyperacusis can settle down over time.
        Oct 21, 2023
        GG_Ear likes this.
      5. GG_Ear
        @Sointu Thanks for your reply. The hope of things improving is all that is keeping me sane right now. It has all been such a shock to my system. I had no idea that hyperacusis existed until now. My doctor thought I had an ear infection.... then my ENT told me it might be hyperacusis but that I will be fine, just go live a normal life.... there is so little knowledge and understanding. Glad I found TinnitusTalk.
        Oct 22, 2023
    20. Sointu
      I got COVID after concussion. What next. My tinnitus is really weird at the moment and COVID has definitely made me more sensitive to sound
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. Sointu
        Today I have experienced some ear pain, also COVID has triggered vertigo. I lost my sense of taste and smell almost completely two days ago and I just hope they return soon :(
        Oct 8, 2022
    21. Sointu
      Just when my last spike was showing some kind of signs of calming down(it took weeks) I get another one. Life with tinnitus....
    22. Sointu
      Reactive tinnitus is worse and my ears are making weird seashell sounds and whistling sounds again.
      1. Wrfortiscue, KP26, JPGL and 1 other person like this.
    23. Sointu
      I had made so much progress before it I thought I could just try to live my life. But Nope. Thankfully my hyperacusis did not get worse
      1. Wrfortiscue, JPGL and NYCGuy like this.
      2. Wrfortiscue
        Yeah be careful that gets me every time
        Sep 14, 2022
        Sointu and Steph1710 like this.
    24. Sointu
      Now I have a sensation of clogged ear, I also have had muffled hearing after it and tinnitus spike that has lasted for weeks.
      1. JPGL and NYCGuy like this.
    25. Sointu
      I made a huge mistake going to friends party a month ago. I haven't gone to any events like that for a year. I thought earplugs would help
      1. JPGL, NYCGuy and Nadia231 like this.
    26. Sointu
      I have made progress with my hyperacusis after my long lasting setback.
      1. Leila
        That's wonderful to hear, hopefully your hyperacusis will continue to improve!
        Aug 15, 2022
      2. Sointu
        Thanks, @Leila. Yes I really hope it does.
        Aug 16, 2022
        Leila likes this.
    27. Sointu
      Someone was listening to music in the car so loudly that the bass tortured my hyperacusis ears when I walked to my car from grocery store.
      1. Wrfortiscue and NYCGuy like this.
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      3. DimLeb
        I used to be that guy too and I am a music producer. If you told me that there were such disorders, I would think that you're crazy or just "too easily annoyed" by normal things. Tragically ironic how things can change. I got no hyperacusis tho, only some TTTS so I can't really speak.
        Aug 15, 2022
        Sointu and NYCGuy like this.
      4. DimLeb
        @Sointu Funny thing is most people never get ear problems, no matter how much torturous blasting they do. Personally I have done it with headphones, live gigs, car etc, but it never affected me tbh. My T came about with minor balance issues, so I believe noise isn't always the reason. That doesn't mean that people shouldn't be careful with noise and there must not be more regulations for noise pollution!
        Aug 15, 2022
        Sointu, Gabriel5050 and NYCGuy like this.
      5. Sointu
        Aug 16, 2022
    28. TheCapybara
      Hi Sointu, I hope you're doing better lately. Have you had any improvements in distortions and the typical seashell/whistling/metallic sounds?
      1. Sointu likes this.
      2. Mal25
        I haven't had much I go up then come back crashing down . Any suggestions?
        Aug 4, 2022
      3. TheCapybara
        I cant say I've had much or any improvement in a month yet unfortunately. But hoping time will make it better
        Aug 4, 2022
      4. Sointu
        I am doing a bit better but I get setbacks easily if there is any louder sound. Yes, there have been a bit of improvements with my distortions.
        Aug 8, 2022
    29. Sointu
      My symptoms were improving until I experienced another setback again. The burning pain in my ear feels awful. I am so tired of this :(
      1. NYCGuy and Wrfortiscue like this.
    30. Sointu
      This can be my new baseline instead of just my symptoms spiking temporarily. I have not experienced improvement in 2,5 weeks.
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. Alycat
        I just joined this board and Im wondering if you tapered off benzos and how that affected your tinnitus? Im struggling with that now.
        Jul 1, 2022
      3. Sointu
        @Alycat I got acoustic trauma while tapering benzos. I decided to take a break in tapering while my symptoms (hyperacusis especially) were really bad. And then I continued tapering few months ago but have took another break after I got setback. It has been hard, I must say.
        Jul 2, 2022
        Alycat likes this.
      4. Sointu
        I am not sure how benzo tapering has affected my tinnitus. I haven´t recovered from my tinnitus after my acoustic trauma. But I am pretty certain benzo taper made me more vulnerable to get worse hyperacusis and tinnitus because of acoustic trauma.
        Jul 2, 2022
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Acoustic trauma (also maybe med withdrawal)