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new dorp new york

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Member, from new dorp new york

is it possible to get a setback from having the hiccups......asking for a friend of course Jun 3, 2024

Foamearplugssuck was last seen:
Jun 4, 2024
    1. Foamearplugssuck
      is it possible to get a setback from having the hiccups......asking for a friend of course
    2. Foamearplugssuck
      theres a breeze today which is causing dappled shadows to dance on my windowpane. I miss being able to go outside with the wind on my face.
      1. _Shoto_ likes this.
    3. Foamearplugssuck
      5 year anniversary of getting tinnitus, woohoo! Going to celebrate by bashing my head against a wall repeatedly!!!
      1. tpj, streifzug and _Shoto_ like this.
    4. Foamearplugssuck
      so pissed that I have to miss out on the greatest rap beef of all time because my ears are whiny little cry babies
    5. Foamearplugssuck
      my mom is so loud I can hear her talking while wearing ear muffs on top of earplugs. lol.
      1. Sansa, _Shoto_, Kiyomi and 1 other person like this.
      2. ZFire
        Question about your recent dentist visit, @Foamearplugssuck

        How was the occlusion effect with your earplugs on?

        Did you take frequent breaks? Curious about your gameplan
        Apr 24, 2024
        tpj likes this.
      3. Foamearplugssuck
        @ZFire The occlusion didn't bother me. I asked for a manual cleaning which was fine except for when they polished my teeth. it was really uncomfortable when they did my molars, so I just had them do my front few teeth quickly which was tolerable. I tried taking my plugs out to lessen occlusion but it made the sound worse for me.
        May 4, 2024
    6. Foamearplugssuck
      does anyone know if Ketaconazole is safe for tinnitus/hyperacusis?
    7. Foamearplugssuck
      does anyone have experience using a walking pad/wfh treadmill? I want to get one but idk how quiet they are in reality.....
      1. cjbhab
        my actually treadmill is approx 67-68 db when operating running . the ones at the gym are quieter but much more expensive. a walking pad i cannot see being louder than a running treadmill.
        Apr 3, 2024
      2. Foamearplugssuck
        @cjbhab helpful, thanks. I feel like a lot of times it depends on the frequency too...I guess the only way to know if it will bother my ears is to test one out.
        Apr 9, 2024
    8. Foamearplugssuck
      I just wish I could do what I love
      1. L along the way and tpj like this.
    9. Foamearplugssuck
      FUCK foam earplugs its insane how I'm forced to endure severe excruciating pain in my ear canals just for a decent amount of protection
      1. Kiyomi and ZFire like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Foamearplugssuck
        @ZFire yeah sorry you can relate. taking them out is even worse, and a lot of time my ears throb for a while afterwards. there's no escape.
        Mar 14, 2024
      4. Foamearplugssuck
        Mar 14, 2024
        gameover and AnthonyMcDonald like this.
      5. MadeleineHope
        Howard Leight Laser Lite work well for me & interestingly, I also find them A LOT more effective than Mack's ear plugs. They also have a green version that's apparently even slimmer. Maybe worth a shot!
        Mar 19, 2024
        Foamearplugssuck likes this.
    10. Foamearplugssuck
      I miss taking showers so much. I'm so fucking sick of having to clean the tub every day for a bath. Hyperacusis so fucking annoying lol.
      1. _Shoto_ and aab like this.
      2. HighleyTall
        I fill my bath with the spray-head in a washcloth and i put this in the bath. Can't stand the noise of water spraying in the bath.
        Feb 25, 2024
        Foamearplugssuck and _Shoto_ like this.
    11. Foamearplugssuck
      I think the real win though is that my dentist knew what hyperacusis was and told me it would be no problem to work around it
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Marshall
        Huge uptick in T with Dentist @kingsfan They sell earplugs for dentists for hearing loss. Hopefully they realize that if they are getting hearing damage so are patients.
        Feb 22, 2024
      3. Foamearplugssuck
        @kingsfan from what I've heard is that manual cleanings for noise sensitivity is a pretty common request so most dentists are used to it
        Feb 23, 2024
      4. Foamearplugssuck
        @Marshall yeah I've had a couple of dentists who had tinnitus from their job. I read an article that came out recently saying that earplugs should be part of dental PPE so I think it's an issue that is slowly gaining more attention
        Feb 23, 2024
        Marshall likes this.
    12. Foamearplugssuck
      good news: I don't need a filling! bad news: they don't know why I have tooth pain and need to do a cleaning!
      1. ZFire and tpj like this.
      2. ZFire
        I have question about your dentist visit. Were you wearing ear protection during the whole thing. How was the occlusion effect for you?
        Apr 9, 2024
    13. Foamearplugssuck
      update: dentist appointment is canceled due to weather. I'm equal parts relieved and pissed because I wanted to get it over with.
    14. Foamearplugssuck
      dentist tomorrow and accidentally worsened my setback by clinking a glass. hahahahhahahaha (if I don't laugh I will start violently sobbing)
      1. Mark F. and tpj like this.
    15. Foamearplugssuck
      likely need a root canal soon and my nox is pretty bad rn. torn between taking nitrous oxide or 1 mg of clonazepam beforehand. any input?
      1. _Shoto_ and ZFire like this.
      2. ZFire
        Have no input on this, but it nice to see you pop back in here again.
        Feb 5, 2024
      3. Foamearplugssuck
        @ZFire thanks man.....been a little absent because I was so preoccupied with work and everything, but I've missed it on here and know I can always find people who understand
        Feb 5, 2024
        ZFire and tpj like this.
      4. kingsfan
        I think you can ask them for both valium and nitrous oxide.
        Feb 5, 2024
        Foamearplugssuck, ZFire and _Shoto_ like this.
    16. Tryn2BHopeful
      This hyperacusis seems to be the worst part... If I have earplugs in its pretty quiet overall... I hear a static hisssssssssss... Ear plugs out...... HISSSSS, EEEEEEEE, HISSSSSS..... Hell it gets louder even when I talk its like its in a fight with me on who can be louder...
      1. kingsfan
        I've never dealt with hyperacusis, but when my tinnitus became a problem it would turn into a hiss with earplugs in. Sometimes I would just sit with earplugs in to get away from the ringing. Makes no difference now.
        Jun 22, 2023
    17. Foamearplugssuck
      my hyperacusis is the worst its ever been and my boss is demanding to have a work meeting HA I'm so fucked lol
      1. KoolKat and tpj like this.
      2. KoolKat
        @Foamearplugssuck yep and the fact your easily replaceable with a person with no T or H, just adds a whole new level of stupid pressure. same goes with relationships. "wHy u dOnT eVer wanna go nowHere ur bOring," n the painful thing is, is that u cant even be mad. everything is just a blur. im ashamed 2 tell women i have this so i just disappear. my dad tells me everybody thinks im on drugs ROFL. they have no idea.
        Jun 26, 2023
      3. KoolKat
        @Foamearplugssuck but anyway back to your employment and job issues lol, you should try learning programing, medical coder or try customer service from a AAA company remote. that way you can be in the comfort in ur own home but even sometimes that wont save u smh. and the reason i said programing instead of typical i.t, is cause u got to do internships and do helpdesk 4 years b4 u can do remote.
        Jun 26, 2023
    18. Foamearplugssuck
      walked into the kitchen RIGHT as my dad slammed a ceramic plate on the counter. impeccable timing!
    19. ZFire
      Foam ear plugs do suck.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ZFire
        Taking them out is a pain in the ass when they are deeply inserted. I need to use damn tweezers.

        Need to get a new pair of custom plugs ASAP
        Jun 8, 2023
      3. sakrt
        I used to get that pain w/ badly done hearing aid molds. Certain materials, like pliable soft silicone made all the difference.
        Jun 9, 2023
      4. ZFire
        I’ll take a look into silicone
        Jun 9, 2023
        tpj likes this.
    20. Foamearplugssuck
      god. every day I wish I had normal problems. not that life would be easier, but it'd be nice to fucking leave the house once in a while
      1. View previous comments...
      2. KoolKat
        @Foamearplugssuck sorry for the late response but yeah i totally get you. in retrospect seeing that i got tinnitus in my early 20s, technically i too peaked in elementary middle and high school. I didnt even have a chance to truly enjoy my adult life. i wasnt even out of fcking H.S for that long. lets just pray n hope shore works.
        Jun 16, 2023
        Foamearplugssuck likes this.
      3. Foamearplugssuck
        @KoolKat I think Shore will help a lot of us, and I hope it'll give you some relief. When we get over t/h, I think we'll be able to truly hit our peak.
        Jun 16, 2023
        KoolKat likes this.
      4. KoolKat
        Jun 26, 2023
    21. KoolKat
      @Foamearplugssuck i already know thats daria as your pic, and that just brought back sweet memories of the good times in New york in the 90s commuting with mom around the city, coming home n watching MTV beavis and butthead the simpsons, daria and a slew of other things. does this bring u back I hope one day soon if we get cured we can relive moments our past
      1. Damocles and Foamearplugssuck like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. KoolKat
        @Foamearplugssuck word but the way music is going now i dont know. im more of a mid 90s type of guy. early 90s is a bit 80s for me. mid 90s to me is where things started to kick off. but to each is own. i want to explore the hip hop scene, the house club scene, the nu metal scene, i wish i could be a high schooler back in 1999 or early 2000s. btw were u into video games?
        Jun 26, 2023
      4. KoolKat
        Jun 26, 2023
      5. KoolKat
        Jun 26, 2023
    22. KoolKat
      New yawk new yawk Baby, What borough? Always cool to see a fellow new yorker or tri state area brethren on here. @Foamearplugssuck sucks we not living our best lives or taking advantage of being next to or living in the GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD
      1. Foamearplugssuck likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. KoolKat
        @Foamearplugssuck thats why i hope susan shore device works cause i miss no i NEED MY OLD LIFE BACK. im actually about to head back to work so i can save and buy a crib in NJ. I would go to L.I but its 2 dam expensive. If i was rich id get a crib in Hoboken NJ or somewhere in the hudson county area
        Jun 6, 2023
        Foamearplugssuck likes this.
      4. Foamearplugssuck
        @KoolKat lol midtown has always been a crowded mess. I avoided it at all costs. LES now is very gentrified and overrun with bars and college kids. It's still fun, but I know it's not the same as it was which sucks.
        Jun 6, 2023
        KoolKat likes this.
      5. Foamearplugssuck
        @KoolKat Yeah NJ isn't too bad but the property taxes here are insane. Still cheaper than NYC/LI though
        Jun 6, 2023
        KoolKat likes this.
    23. Foamearplugssuck
      I've officially hit the four year mark of having tinnitus. Time flies when you're being fucked!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Foamearplugssuck
        @KoolKat It also sucks comparing myself to my friends. Got H right after I graduated college. Last summer they travelled to Europe together and have new, exciting jobs and opportunities. I stayed home in my room because of my ears.
        May 30, 2023
        Bimmerboy and KoolKat like this.
      3. KoolKat
        @Foamearplugssuck Oh just wait until all your exes /old high school sweet hearts start having babies and Moving on. Time waits on no man which i understand but god dammit. oh just wait until your friends who went 2 europe move on from each other then ull be even more sad. cause now they all went their separate ways so u kno they not thinking bout you.
        Jun 6, 2023
        Bimmerboy likes this.
      4. KoolKat
        @Foamearplugssuck i remember back in 2015 i thought am101 was gonna cure me n i was going to make my epic return, and run NYC...yep and that was in 2015.....the women i vibed with b4 tinnitus are either married, or with kids. some washed some not. either way my high standards are now super low. just accept my tinnitus n my lack of ambition. im bout to get a hillbilly druggie chick a dog n call it a life.
        Jun 6, 2023
    24. Foamearplugssuck
      I need to let out a scream of agony so badly but I know that would cause a terrible tinnitus spike lol! ahhhhhghghgjdhfgjdhfg!
    25. Foamearplugssuck
      what bothers me most about t/h is knowing I will never reach my full potential. I will never become the musician I know I could be.
      1. Bimmerboy, Ngo13, Ryan Scott and 4 others like this.
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      3. ECP
        Maybe you're not able to right now, but who's to say you can't become a better musician in the future? I hope you will continue to try, despite the difficulties caused by your ears.
        Apr 30, 2023
        Foamearplugssuck likes this.
      4. Foamearplugssuck
        @ECP thank you. I hope you're right. really that's what keeps me going - the thought being able to pursue music. It's my whole self and I can't give it up.
        Apr 30, 2023
        ECP and yeezysqueezy like this.
      5. ECP
        @Foamearplugssuck I totally feel what you're saying. I had certain goals and hopes for the future that were waylaid by T & H. What keeps me going is the hope that I can get to a place where I can pick up exactly where I left off and make up for lost time. For now, the number one goal is healing.
        Apr 30, 2023
        Foamearplugssuck likes this.
    26. Foamearplugssuck
      "move to the suburbs! it's quieter than the city!" *massive eye roll*
      1. tpj, PennyCat, Damocles and 1 other person like this.
      2. ZFire
        Noise, noise everywhere - Toy Story meme
        Apr 28, 2023
      3. PennyCat
        I live in the midwest, which is generally quieter than a lot of other parts of the US. However, near my house is a priv airport where people keep their small airplanes. I’m currently sitting outside trying to read, and no exaggeration, I have heard airplanes fly by at least 30 times within an hour. So much for quiet suburbs!!
        Apr 28, 2023
    27. Foamearplugssuck
      my neighbors are tearing down a tree and it is so loud that my entire house is TREMBLING.
      1. Tom Okay, tpj, yeezysqueezy and 2 others like this.
    28. Foamearplugssuck
      lawnmower season has started. I'm going to kill myself.
      1. Ryan Scott, sakrt, Damocles and 2 others like this.
      2. Damocles
        Apr 14, 2023
        sakrt, Foamearplugssuck and tpj like this.
      3. Foamearplugssuck
        Apr 15, 2023
        sakrt, Damocles and tpj like this.
      4. sakrt
        LOL! ewww
        Apr 15, 2023
        tpj, Foamearplugssuck and Damocles like this.
    29. Foamearplugssuck
      I miss being able to multitask. Wish I could listen to something while doing something else instead of staring at captions.
      1. ECP and yeezysqueezy like this.
    30. Foamearplugssuck
      ugh. have had such a craving to listen to music for the past week. i hate how sad my life has become.
      1. PlasticAH, NYCGuy, Damocles and 2 others like this.
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  • About

    new dorp new york
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Doing concert photography
    there are many things I could say about myself, but I will tell you this: I was not born, nor was I raised, in west philadelphia.