Acupuncture for Tinnitus


Nov 13, 2011
Tinnitus Since
Oct 2011
I found this and thought someone might find it useful if they are seeing or considering seeing an acupuncturist.

Acupuncture for Tinnitus - Treatment Protocols

Below you will find some of the more common tcm diagnoses and acupuncture treatment protocols for tinnitus. There are many ways to treat this condition with Eastern Medicine and our presentation is only one of many possible options.
  • Differentiation:
    • Excess Patterns:
      • LV/GB Fire Rising
      • Phlegm Fire Rising Upwards
    • Deficiency Patterns:
      • KD Jing Deficiency
      • Upper Burner Deficiency
      • Heart Blood Deficiency
  • LV/GB Fire Rising
    • Signs & Symptoms:
      • Sudden onset, can be loud, related to emotional stress
      • Signs of heat, thirst, red face, constipation, bitter taste
      • Possibly headache, dizziness, irritability
      • Tongue: red w/yellow coat, red sides
      • Pulse: wiry, fast
    • Treatment Protocol:
      • Drain the LV Fire
      • Ease the ears
      • Calm the mind
      • Settle the ethereal soul
    • Treatment Points:
      • LV 2 - drain the LV Fire
      • GB 20 - LV Yang, ease the ear, calm the mind
      • GB 8 - LV Yang, ease the ear
      • TH 3 a/or TH 5 - LV Yang
      • GB 43 - water point of GB, bring energy down, ease the ear
  • Phlegm Fire Rising Upwards
    • Signs & Symptoms:
      • Signs of phlegm, chest oppression, fuzzy head, sputum in chest a/or postnasal drip, thirst
      • Sound that resembles crickets, possible hearing loss
      • Tongue: red, swollen, greasy yellow coat
      • Pulse: rapid, slippery
    • Treatment Protocol:
      • Resolve phlegm
      • Drain Fire
      • Subdue LV Yang
      • Regulate the ascending of the clear Qi and the descending of the turbid Qi
    • Treatment Points:
      • ST 40 - resolve phlegm
      • CV 12 - resolve phlegm, tonify ST/SP
      • CV 9 - remove dampness
      • SP 9 - remove dampness
      • UB 20 - SP Mu, tonify ST/SP
      • ** You may not want to strongly tonify SP until the acute phlegm excess is resolved
      • GB 20 - descend Qi and Fire
      • TH 3 a/or TH 5 - clear ear area
      • LI 4 - if fuzzy a/or heavy head present
      • TH 21, SI 19, GB 2 - benefit ear
  • KD Jing Deficiency
    • Signs & Symptoms:
      • Common in elderly people, combination of hearing loss w/ringing, gradual onset, low pitched sound (can be high pitched)
      • Dizziness, poor memory, head feels light/empty, possibly blurred vision
      • Sore back/knees, diminished sexual desire/performance
      • May also see some HT symptoms - mental restlessness, insomnia a/or LV Yang rising signs - irritability, dizziness
      • Can be from KD Yin Deficiency or KD Yang Deficiency - tongue and pulse will reflect this
      • Tongue: if KD Yang - pale
        if KD Yin - red
      • Pulse: if KD Yang - deep, weak
        if KD Yin - floating, empty
    • Treatment Protocol:
      • Tonify KD
    • Treatment Points:
      • KD 3 - tonify KD & Jing
      • CV 4 - tonify KD & Jing
      • UB 23 - KD Shu, tonify KD & Jing
      • GB 2 - benefit ear
      • GV 4 - moxa to tonify yang
      • if insomnia add - SP 6, HT 6, KD 7 - nourish yin, calm liver, benefit heart
      • if LV Yang rising add - LV 3
  • Upper Burner Deficiency
    • Signs & Symptoms:
      • LU a/or HT deficiencies, fatigue, SOB w/exertion, pale face, spontaneous sweating
      • Intermittent ringing, mild, gradual onset
      • Tongue: pale w/teethmarks
      • Pulse: empty esp. in LU position
    • Treatment Protocol:
      • Tonify LU Qi
      • Promote rising of clear Qi to the head
    • Treatment Points:
      • CV 17 - tonify upper warmer
      • LU 9 - tonify LU
      • UB 13 - LU Shu, tonify LU
      • CV 6 - tonify Qi
      • GV 20 - raise Qi to the head
      • TH 16 - window of sky, sudden deafness, tinnitus
      • SI 19 - benefit ear
  • Heart Blood Deficiency
    • Signs & Symptoms:
      • Intermittent ringing, gradual onset, low pitch/volume
      • Dull/pale face (Blood def.)
      • HT signs possible, palpitations, insomnia, poor memory, anxiety
      • Tongue: pale, likely thin (could be swollen if Qi def. is leading towards Blood def.)
      • Pulse: weak or choppy esp. in first position
    • Treatment Protocol:
      • Tonify HT
      • Nourish Blood
    • Treatment Points:
      • HT 5 - tonify HT
      • UB 15 - HT Shu, tonify HT
      • CV 17 - effects HT Qi and to a lesser extent Blood
      • CV 14 - HT Mu, tonify HT
      • PC 6 - tonify HT Blood
      • SP 6 - tonify HT Blood
      • SI 19 - benefit ear
Shelley --- I have tried both acupuncturists (I've been to three) and chiropractors. The acupuncture is calming, but it did not really lessen my tinnitus. I've also been to three chiropractors. The first one helped my back, but not my tinnitus. The second one was specialized in the upper cervical area. He performed two Atlas adjustments on me, and tried heat, etc., but nothing really helped my tinnitus. The chiropractor I'm currently going to is specialized in functional neurology; he has helped me get rid of some vertigo and out-of-balance feelings I've had, and is working with me on the tinnitus. So far, I'm sleeping again, but the tinnitus remains. I'm still hopeful that he will be able to lessen my tinnitus somewhat.

Some people have had success with acupuncture and chiropractic. It's worth a try, and you might be one of the people for whom it works.
I have seen a chiropractor for the past few months. I definitely have lower T overall but not sure I can attribute that to the chiropractor. I think it may be a combination of things and time.
hey erik, if you don't mind me asking, what else have you been doing?
Also did you have back problems? I don't think I do so am a little apprehensive about seeing a chiropractor and them wondering why I'm even there..
Like Karen, I tried Acupuncture to no avail but that was in the beginning. I also tried massage, cranial massage, bowen and others but no real results. I am 6 months into this and currently still see the Chirpractor, take a few supplements but that is really about it. Not sure if the Chiropractor has helped my T but my neck and shoulders feel better. They used to be real stiff and sore all the time. I now have much better range of motion. Other than that, I just been trying to get back to as much normal as I can.
I think I may give them both a go, I have found a place not too far from me that does both acupuncture and has a chiropractor. I may email them to see if they have had any experience in dealing with someone with tinnitus. Did you mention the tinnitus to your chiropractor? I want to give them a go, just a least so I know I tried.. then if they don't have any affect I can move on knowing at least I did everthing I could.
Yes, I did mention I had tinnitus. My Chiro said he was successful at helping people reduce or alleviate their T especially if it was due to a somatic reason.
Shelley --- I found something that explains somatic tinnitus. See link below:
It has to do with your tinnitus being changeable/influenced by other systems in your body.

Let us know what happens if you do decide to try the acupuncture and/or chiropractor. I hope it helps you!

My tinnitus has gotten calmer since I've been going to the chiro I'm seeing now. Don't know if that has had an effect or not. I take various vitamins and supplements, too, like Erik.
Thanks Karen. I cant manipulate it by touching anywhere on my face, but I have found like the author mentions if I push my jaw out a different sound appears, also when I yawn or cletch my teeth the noise becomes louder and a solid note (normally it flikers, thats the best way I can describe it!) It is also only in one ear.

It's odd because when I lay down for a while and don't move my head the tinnitus calms right down, as soon as I move my head again, that seems to set it off. Weird.

I also take different vitamins, but havn't noticed a change. Except for a few days about a month ago where the noise stopped. I didn't do anything differently on those days, it was strange because the noise came back again, when I put my ear plugs in to dry my hair.. it was as if I had knocked something inside my ear that started it off again.

I'll be sure to let you know how it goes, thats for the info. I also tried to look up a chiropractor that specialises in functional neurology, but couldn't find one, is someone who does this partically hard to come by?
Hi, Shelley,
Yours may be somatic tinnitus, since you can change the tone when you move your jaw.

Like you, I have tinnitus in only one ear. Also, like you, mine sort of vibrates, and some things set it off. It used to "crash" when I moved my head, but that has gotten a lot better lately. I wonder if you have a pulsating undertone, like I do?

It's great that yours actually went away for a short while; that could mean that it will get better with time, and who knows, maybe it will go away.

Yes, chiropractic neurology is a relatively new field, and there aren't many chiros who practice it, as yet. But, if you find a good chiropractor or acupuncturist, you might still have good luck. The acupuncturist I was going to said he had cured more than one person with ringing in the ears. I just wasn't one of them!
Sorry if there is a thread about this already, I couldn't find it. I was just wondering if anyone here has tried acupunture or seen a chiropractor?

I've tried Zak Han in Clapham (SW11) ( and for me it didn't work, but that's not to say it wouldn't work for someone else. One thing I would say is Zak really digs into your muscles to start with. I've had massage and Chiropractic, but this was VERY painful. I can understand the need to relax muscles, but I wasn't sure if the manual manipulation prior to acupuncture was really needed to that extent. Acupuncture is designed to release the muscles, vs. having to work on them manually first.

Either way, I tried Zak twice and stopped my treatment there. I would be interested if there is a recommendation for someone in London.
I Have seen a few different acup. over the years ,all have theirown interpretations and it hasnt touched my T.
..and with respect Tom having just 2 treatments is not really going to work ,maybe after a dozen you have a real idea on its effectiveness,but that is expensive!!!!!
Good Luck,Pete
Yes, I did mention I had tinnitus. My Chiro said he was successful at helping people reduce or alleviate their T especially if it was due to a somatic reason.
Hey Erik, I also Just Started Seeing a chiropractor, I've read many testimonys of how it helped many people. So i gave it a go, i hope this really works! Hows your chiro treatment going so far? Good luck!
I hope the chiro is able to help you! I'm currently going to a chiropractic neurologist, and he has just begun working with me on my pulsatile tinnitus. He already helped me with some vertigo and balance issues that I was having along with all this, so I'm hoping he's able to reduce my tinnitus a little bit. Good luck to you; it will most likely take a series of treatments for you to be able to tell if it will work. Please update us on how you're doing!
I've tried Zak Han in Clapham and for me it didn't work, but that's not to say it wouldn't work for someone else. One thing I would say is Zak really digs into your muscles to start with. I've had massage and Chiropractic, but this was VERY painful. I can understand the need to relax muscles, but I wasn't sure if the manual manipulation prior to acupuncture was really needed to that extent. Acupuncture is designed to release the muscles, vs. having to work on them manually first.

Either way, I tried Zak twice and stopped my treatment there. I would be interested if there is a recommendation for someone in London.

Hi tom, nice to know you had visited Zak acupuncture clinic last year.My current job is singer. I have been a sufferer of tinnitus for months and found them debilitating, to the extent of having to take time off work and cancel many events. Dr Zak Han Acupuncture worked immediately for me, and I wish I had tried it sooner. My tinnitus are a rare occurrence now, and have reduced by 80% I would whole heartedly recommend Zak acupuncture. Yes, his treatment quite strong,but it works.....As a practitioner, he is confident and knowledgable.
Hi, I am in the US and looking to try acupuncture. I don't think it will do anything for my T, I just want to try it. But, I want to make sure I go somewhere that is clean and safe. Any advice on how to find a good (or even great) acupuncturist?
Cant help you in the US Job ,but if you do it be prepared to do it properly ,I would say at least a 12 treatments.
In china they go at least 3 times a week,in the west that is expensive!!!!!!
Hi, Job,
I've had acupuncture before, and one of the best acupuncturists I have been to was one recommended to me by a friend. Word-of-mouth reputation is one way to find a good acupuncturist. I also found an acupuncturist through a naturopath that I sometimes go to. Also, there are some professional organizations that good acupuncturists are members of. You could start with one of those, and try to get some recommendations. And, yes, I'm in the U.S.
I've tried Zak Han in Clapham (SW11) and for me it didn't work, but that's not to say it wouldn't work for someone else. One thing I would say is Zak really digs into your muscles to start with. I've had massage and Chiropractic, but this was VERY painful. I can understand the need to relax muscles, but I wasn't sure if the manual manipulation prior to acupuncture was really needed to that extent. Acupuncture is designed to release the muscles, vs. having to work on them manually first.

Either way, I tried Zak twice and stopped my treatment there. I would be interested if there is a recommendation for someone in London.

Hi Tom

My tinnius became loud and constant in April this year after a 10 hour Plane flight. I had all the MRI scans and hearing tests cleared and the ENT doctor told me i was going to have to live with it.

I started seeing Zak and didn't notice any change until after about 4 treatments. Since then i have been gradually improving and the constant high pitched noise has stopped so that i can sleep again and start working again.

Zak's treatments are very different to traditional acupunture for tinnitus as they focus on dealing with the root cause of inflammation in the cervical ligaments usually as a result of chronic injury. Yes i agree that it is intense but the manual manipulation prior to needling is important to treat the soft tissues surrounding the original injury site, and to identify where it is. With time the treatments do become less painful.

I have seen many acupuncturists in the UK before and Zak is by far the most qualified i have come across. The treatment speaks for itself.... all other's i tried haven't even managed to scracth the surface!

I just realized that my drummer's husband is the best acupuncturist in my neighborhood. I went in yesterday for a session. It didn't do anything to lower the ringing but now my left hand is like butter. I have carpal tunnel from years of playing the bass. Now I'm ready to play some Jazz/Latin fusion stuff. :)

I signed up for 6 more sessions. I will let you guys know if it does anything for my T.

On another subject. Today I met a guy who use to be in the Army. He told me that he was in artillery. He also suffers from Tinnitus. He told me it took him 4 years to habituate. That's a long time but he said that he doesn't even notice it's there now. He has significant hearing loss. I can tell because he kept on going, "huh?" and turning his head to make his left ear face me.
Hey Alxtan: I also am getting started on acupuncture next week, so we will have to compare notes. My acupuncturist was an "MD" in China and teaches at the University of Miami. He told me upfront he couldn't "cure" my tinnitus but that I "might" get some noise reduction. Also hoping it may help with the anxiety although (finally!) that's getting better.

As for tinnitus and the military: Tinnitus is now the number one reason for disability claims to the US Dept of Veterans Affairs, amounting to almost $1 billion in payments annually. Most served in recent conflicts in the Middle East. You would think that statistic would get some research moving!
Did about 12 weeks in a row of acupuncture after the onset of my T.....I must say very relaxing... It didn't reduce my T but it helped me with my higher stress levels because of it and I think anything that can do that, especially in the frantic beginning is good.
Thanks Erik. I always really value your opinion, as you seem to also have gone down the anxiety path and now are doing very well. By the way: I am going to post on the supplements thread later, asking for advice, and this seems another area you are well-versed in. Already have ordered the most recent magnesium compound you talked about.
My acupuncturist said the same thing about not being able to cure it and also that some people have it reduced. I hope we both fall into that category.

Erik, Good to know that at least it made you relaxed and sorry to hear it didn't help you out with the T. I'm a bit pessimistic about it but my ENT pushed me to getting it done. I also had Transcranial Therapy thing done while I was there. It didn't do anything for the ringing either. I'm actually habituating to it quickly. This morning I had a moment where my brain actually faded it out for a several seconds a few times in and out. To me it's a good sign that it starting to blend into the background. Has that ever happen to you? I ask because I'm not sure if I was just imagining it or if it is real. Another thing T has done to me is question myself if I'm hallucinating about it being reduced or not.

Anyhow on my first session the acupuncturist didn't even go near my ears. He said something about getting my liver all cleaned up to clear up all the liquids. It didn't hurt at all until he poked a needle on my right shin. It was so bad I had to ask him to take it out.

LadyDi, I'll keep you posted here. Please keep me posted about your experience as well.

Thanks guys!

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