Cymbalta (Duloxetine)

Discussion in 'Support' started by RicoS, Nov 28, 2014.

    1. RicoS

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      Hi just a quick question.
      I just went to the doctor because of the pain that stayed after I went to the dentist. Not realy pain but the left side of my face feels like it's heavy or something and he does not think it comes from the dentist. It's feels like I'm totaly aware of the left side of my face. When I swallow , when I blink, ....... I drives me nuts. .... could just be stress and perhaps all in my head....but still the feeling is real.

      The doctor prescribed Cymbalta but before I take anything I always check if it can make your T worse.
      Anybody got any experience with it???
    2. drox

      drox Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sudden hearing loss/music/stress
      A psychiatrist wanted to prescribe it to me to alleviate Tinnitus so I presume it would most probably help with the tinnitus as well...
    3. AUTHOR

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      Thanks!! I still have it hear in my desk. Did you use it as well?
    4. drox

      drox Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sudden hearing loss/music/stress
      No I never used it...
    5. AUTHOR

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      That was my intention also ;-) I don't want to use anything only in extreme conditions and I do not want my T to get worse because I can live with it how it is now.
    6. kevin b

      kevin b Member

      Hope well junction, NY
      Tinnitus Since:
      I beleive I got T from coming off Cymbalta. But my advice to you after being on AD's for 25 years is they react differntly in everybody, so if your doctor says try it, don't go by what youread here, even though it give me T. The best advice I can give you is start slowly and if you do come off DO NOT come off cold turkey, you need to taper off these meds very slowly and the side effects will be much more tolerable. Good luck
      • Agree Agree x 2
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    7. tomm

      tomm Member Benefactor

      London, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma (club drumming)
      Cymbalta fixed a bout of depression I had 5 years ago. It's very strong though - takes a few weeks to get used to it. Slow taper is extremely important.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    8. walkthroughwalls

      walkthroughwalls Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      It's mainly prescribed as an anti-depressant. There's some more information in the AD-thread.

      You can't just take it when you need it, you have to use it for a couple of weeks before the side-effects go away and you may get some benefit from them. When you want to quit, it's the reverse process.

      I was on it for half a year. First 30mg, then 60mg. I believe it's ototoxic, but I didn't know that because I was encouraged not to read the information leaflet. The same psychiatrist instructed me to quit by going from 60mg to none in only four days. Definitely not recommended.

      Overall, it made my depression much worse and things only got better once I quit taking it. I did not notice any change in my T. Please try to have quick access to the person who prescribed it to you, in case you want to discuss the (side-)effects or want to quit.
    9. AUTHOR

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      I have talked to my doctor and I'm not going to take it. Day by day I feel a little bit better without using any meds. So I just sit it out while it lasts....
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    10. Viking
      No Mood

      Viking Member Benefactor

      He given to you a SNRI andtideprassant without do never a brain scan of MRI or examinating temporomandibular joint (TMJ)? I understand you correctly?
    11. AUTHOR

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      Yes he gave against anxiety which does not went away and also panic attacks, but the first thing I did was check if it does not worsen my T. When I saw it might do that I did not take it. I hate meds!
    12. Viking
      No Mood

      Viking Member Benefactor

      Don't take it and change Doctor urgently!
    13. sol sober365

      sol sober365 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      it made my tinnitus worse and hyperacusis worse this week.
      and theres more than enough info all over the web about how taking it or getting off it can make tinnitus worse.
      if you have tinnitus, b=dont let your dr prescribe you cymbalta.
      its a horro show.
      just say no, ask questions later, HOWEVER...
      if youre already on it, you have to taper off very slowly.
      i tried going straight from 60 to 30 and it was a killer
    14. ruben ruiz

      ruben ruiz Member

      Tucson, AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I believe it was meds and stress
      What anti-depressant do you prescribe?
      • Friendly Friendly x 1
    15. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      Anyone else have good results with Cymbalta? I have a prescription, but am a bit leary of SSRI type meds because of side effects. I see it's used for Neuropathy as well. No meds are working for me lately.
    16. Peat_Fairmud

      Peat_Fairmud Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      explosion near left ear, resulting in torn ear drum
      Hi Kevin,
      I came off Cymbalta abruptly (over a month-long taper) and boom! my tinnitus, quiescent for 50 years, spiked deep into the intrusive zone.
      3 months later, after habituating to a certain extent, I compounded folly with stupidity by reducing my dose of Clonazepam (Klonopin) with resultant spike (and accompanying panic attacks with suicidal ideation, thrown in for free) which persists to this day, and means I cannot even put my head down on the pillow without white-noise streaming constantly from youtube.

      Has yours settled down?
      Did you resume Cymbalta?

      (I recently consulted an ENT who tentatively suggested that, after consulting a psychiatrist to be sure, I should consider resumption of Cymbalta.)
    17. kevin b

      kevin b Member

      Hope well junction, NY
      Tinnitus Since:
      No, I never went back on. I eventually went back on a higher dose of the Lexapro I was on and got better. I no longer take Klonopin and now that my depression is under control I have habituated to my T just fine. I usually only hear it going to sleep at night. I consider myself very lucky because 2 years ago I was a mess. Depression has been a 30 year battle for me so I believe in staying on the medicine.
      • Funny Funny x 1
    18. ruben ruiz

      ruben ruiz Member

      Tucson, AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I believe it was meds and stress
      kevin how do you sleep. do you need a med?
    19. ruben ruiz

      ruben ruiz Member

      Tucson, AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I believe it was meds and stress
      SSRIs have been the worst for me. No messing around with them. Tapering up and down slowly is a must...

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