Since you have become totally bonkers, off your head, turned into the Cheshire Cat please tell me which way I ought to go to leave this hell? You see, hell hurts my ears and head, I never felt so bad.
You really shouldn't be asking a crazy cat on the Internet about importent stuff like that, because the answers you will get will seem just as weird as its smile. But since you DO ask, I'm more than happy to tell you that I'm on my way out of Hell as we speak. You see, life is built up by decades, who are built up by years, who are built up by months, who are built up by days, who are built up by minutes, who are built up by seconds, and every second dwindling by is a second you'll never have to put up with ever again.
Yes, the long road out of hell is a painfull one, but it has two good points. First of all, it's unfailable. Eventually you will die, and there's nothing you can do to stop that moment from coming closer and closer, regardless if you long for it or resent it. Second and even more importent: it's a death without guilt. I don't look down on suicide, but it's hard to pull off without at least some remorse. There's always someone who will be sorry, some good moment left, something more to smile about, something more that you could accomplish, and some hope that couldn't be written off completely. Like you wrote in a post above, some kind of implant sending off the missing stimuli through the cochlea nerves would be a good bet. There's no such research going on, but if T-sufferers get enough well organized through, say a platform like Tinnitus Talk, who knows?
I admit that my path out of Hell is a terrifying one, but the death it will eventually give me will be
the best death ever, so for now I have no regrets. We could even walk the road together for a while. I'm not much of a company I'm afraid, but hey, what do you think you can expect in Hell?
Save for what I've stated above, I don't have much to contribute with. It would probably do you some good to get yourself one of those universal painkilling tools
@svintegrity has, but you'll need a lot of savings on your Karma account for the divine powers to process such a valuable order. If your good fortune is already on red digits you must try to find some way to get a break on your own, and if you can't even take a shower or eat a cookie you're pretty damn bad off. Maybe drinking bear while you take a hot bath? Walks in the nature? If you have no bathtube or no nature nearby, I'd probably find some calming music who doesn't mask the T, but makes sure it's not the only thing in my sound universe. Then I'd listen to that music while I was lying flat on my back and drunk bear. After a week of drinking or so, I'd probably try to do Tai-Chi or Qi-Gong with the music in the background, and then fallow up with some Yoga Nidra. (As cheesy as these methods might seem, they're popular for a reason.)
You see, no matter what you do or tell yourself, you'll still be in a bad, bad fix, just like you've stated ever since you started out here on TT. One reincarnation is no big deal in the larger scale of things, so you can live on just as well as not. While you know you're in a fix, perhaps there's more you can do to figure out just
how bad of a fix it is. This is to say, since you can't get away from the pain, you can explore if there are different degrees or kinds of pain, and if anyone of them are less hard to put up with. Unless you actually go ahead and kill yourself, this is probably your best chance to pull through, and saying this is as much honesty as anyone ever will get out of me.