
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Sailboardman, Jan 6, 2015.

    1. Sailboardman

      Sailboardman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sensorineural hearing loss right ear.
      Hello gang of sufferers,

      My name is Leslie (male) and it's been 8 months since this viscous demon entered my once perfect life. I struggle like most of you and can't seem to wrap my head around this high pitched dental drill going off in my head 24/7. I have had many dark moments and somehow get through another day. I have almost exhausted treatment options, except for acupunture and traditional Chinese herbs. it has been working fairly well and have had some quieter moments? Not to say it's a panacea. I'm currently looking into TRT. I'm a type A personality and a perfectionist, which doesn't help me to accept my T at all. I despise the beast! I have T from SSHL in my right ear. 65db loss from 2000-8000hz. pretty much everthing you need to hear high frequencies. I wear a Beltone "Tinnitus Breaker"hearing aid/masker, with 4 program modes. My T has been measured at 65db. it's stupid loud! however, I have had some moments, even hours when it's almost gone or very low? Usually a few days after acupunture? I have stopped taking anti-anxiety, depressant meds and have gone the holistic approach. Chinese herbs and vitamins. Diet is important as everyone knows. I do Sneak a glass of red wine now and again, which I usually pay for later.

      My previous life was filled with activities and sports. Windsurfing, skiing, cycling, hiking, swimming, etc. I have just retired from runing my own business in NYC and moved to a quiet 2 acres in sunny Florida. (Not so quiet anymore) then, whammo! this hits me between the ears! it has ruined my life but I'm determined to beat this devil! even if it kills me. (I hope it doesn't)
      So, that's my initial intro and hope they find a cure for this malicious destroyer of peace & quiet. (My favorite thing in the world, unfortunately)
      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Welcome. It looks like you live in a nice place now and Florida is one place I love to go fishing. Getting tired of catching only salmon here. LOL.

      Seriously, T is a beast at the beginning for most people. My T is an ultra high pitch dog whistle that resonates in my whole head. I also had severe hyperacusis soon after T. So the two of them made me a total wreck for a few months a few years back and I stopped all the things I used to enjoy. It took me a year or two to get back on track. This seems to be a common thing among most newer sufferers. There were many setbacks also. But that was then. Now I am living a normal and happy life. I am back to my fishing and outdoor life. I hope you will get there too in due time. You seem to be on your way improving. That is a good sign of eventual habituation.
    3. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD
      @Sailboardman Welcome to Tinnitus Talk!

      I am sorry you are suffering so from you tinnitus. There's no doubt tinnitus is unfair and can be brutal. But, as you know, most people do get better--significantly better. Most people--even if they do nothing--will habituate fully in a year or two. I know that sounds like a long time, but you are already making progress with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Perhaps, you'd like to share in detail what you're doing in the alternative treatment area. We have many people who would be interested in your story.

      Have you examined our success stories or the positivity thread? They are inspirational, especially when you're feeling down.
      Yes, I am too. That's why I finally decided to try meditation. There is good research to indicate that meditation, especially mindfulness, can help with tinnitus. You may be interested in our thread about mindfulness:

      There is a lot of good information here that will help you regain your life. And, never doubt, you will regain it. :)

      take care!
    4. AUTHOR

      Sailboardman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sensorineural hearing loss right ear.
      Thanks Jazz!

      I have been on most of TT's knowledge base info. I know about CBT and mindfullness from my Tinnitus support group here in Sarasota. also from Dr. Hubbards story. I'm again looking into TRT.
      After living for 63 years with clear hearing, it's difficult not hearing as well and not enjoying silence. I'm a young 63 and have always thought young. I'm in great shape and have no other health issues. i guess I have to lucky for at least that an having one good ear...for now?

      Be well, Leslie
    5. uncle vikin

      uncle vikin Member

      nashville tennessee
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Subjective tinnitus r ear cause ( unknown)
      Hey I've got it in my right ear also very intrusive sometimes it goes down in volume .Had it 4 months .Seems like alot of the people have had the same symptoms and reactions to T, anxiety depression panic.Like I've said on here before ENT says oh you've got hearing loss your getting older you will learn to live with it (which I hope is true)PC dr. says oh it may be caused by some other medical condition lets run test, psyc. dr says oh it's a chemical imbalance AD drugs and some sleep meds or xanax thank God for xanax not all the time but when you need it.I am getting better than I was but this is A REAL life changer as we all know.Melatonin has helped me .I am looking into adrenal fatigue therapy herbs .There is a nutrition guy online named David Wolfe also truth Calkins ,They are very knowlegable about herbs and chinese medicine herbs. Anyway let me go watch some TV and listen to some T while sipping on some herbal Tea. I really care and pray every day for each and everyone going through this the people on this site I know are some real tough souls,,some that have beat it and don't let it in there world anymore, we'll, you guys have become my heros . Thanks for your support Goodnight hopefullyto everyone Uncle Vikin

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