Persian Lime Solution?

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by Cedric Vas, Aug 28, 2014.

    1. Cedric Vas

      Cedric Vas Member

      Kuwait City
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey guys , I've been here for a while only reading but this had been my first post.
      I've been with tinnitus only in the left ear along with hearing loss in that ear for almost 9 months now. It has been one hell of ride. I was so depressed but have been mentally stronger over the last few months.
      There are times when my T is lower specially first thing in the mornings when I just wake up but then again there are bad bad days. I've tried a couple of things like ginkgo , ayurvedic ear drops , vitamins and don't see an effect.
      I've been having Persian lime along with luke warm water and raw honey and have been noticing the intensity of the T has considerably improved. Tried it out with the regular lemons but that didn't seem to work.
      I'm not sure if the Persian lime is directly responsible for the lower T intensity..but I thought of sharing it with you guys just in case you need to have at go at it.
      Please share your experiences..
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    2. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      How did you come up with the combination?
    3. AUTHOR
      Cedric Vas

      Cedric Vas Member

      Kuwait City
      Tinnitus Since:
      I know lime had anti inflammatory properties and didn't want to add refined sugar , so went with honey.
      I'm not saying it's the cure. I still have my T but have noticed lower volumes since I've been taking this regularly. Tried taking regular lemon but the T rang up again in full volume , went back to Lime and lowered it right back down.
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