Very Weird Tinnitus (Wave-Like When Tilting Head) After Drinking Chlorine Dioxide — I'm Suicidal

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by kinblue, Jul 9, 2021.

    1. kinblue

      kinblue Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not clear. Maybe chlorine dioxide?
      Hello everybody,

      I developed an extremely weird form of tinnitus 5 months ago after drinking a small amount of chlorine dioxide diluted in water (3 drops). I took it for digestive issues before in much larger doses and had no problems. However, this time, on the same day a weird tinnitus in the form of lasting tinnitus "waves" coming when moving my head, especially tilting it forward. One moment it is a bit quiet, the next it is extremely loud and sometimes there is a rhythm to it (nothing to do with my pulse). Prior to this I had (and still have) issues in my jaw and weird vision problems. I had them from a non properly healed extracted tooth 2 years ago. The problems got better after a biological dentist reopened the site and done some stuff there. But the tinnitus did not.

      Aside from the very loud tinnitus "waves", I can modulate it by widely opening my jaw and pressing head forward or backward. Do you think this might be somatic tinnitus? and could going to chiropractor help? or did the chlorine dioxide damage some structures inside the ear that I have this very rare type of tinnitus?

      It is driving crazy and making me suicidal (I started practicing partial suspension) since my life is also getting ruined by it (prob. going to loose my job (in Germany) and have to return to my home country Syria, where I probably have no future) and I can barely enjoy anything. Due to it fluctuating a lot, I find it difficult to habituate. I have been on Mirtazapine for about 1.5 months but it did not do much regarding "dealing" with tinnitus, it only made me panic a bit less about it and the potential ruining of my life.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. Matchbox

      Matchbox Member

      BC Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise Induced, Prednisone (drones), Barotrauma (distortions)
      Sounds a tad similar to me. Ringing high pitched waves (flutters in volume) or lower pitched (like someone bending metal or a seashell sound constantly)?

      And stop using that stuff, it is insanely toxic, though I would imagine it would react before it gets to your ears as it's basically bleach in gas form.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    3. AUTHOR

      kinblue Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not clear. Maybe chlorine dioxide?
      Well, I have the high pitched waves, I am not sure how to describe the low pitched one.

      Have you tried anything medication-wise?

      Yeah, I have not taken any of the chlorine dioxide after this happened.
    4. Matchbox

      Matchbox Member

      BC Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise Induced, Prednisone (drones), Barotrauma (distortions)
      Any better?
      • Hug Hug x 1
      • Good Question Good Question x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      kinblue Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not clear. Maybe chlorine dioxide?
      @Matchbox, thanks for checking in. I have been going to the Gym and doing some back exercises, which made it a tiny bit better but I am still deeply unsatisfied with how my life quality has become due to this.

      I am thinking about getting my "bit impacted" wisdom teeth removed since there is a lot of tension in my jaw hoping this might improve some things, but I don't have my hopes up.

      I still cannot imagine my self living like this till the natural end of my life. Everyday that goes by kinds of confirms this. I am still planning to end my life in the near future if no real improvement is there.

      I am 99% about to terminate my job within this month and going back to my home country where I will try to improve. There, my digestive issues become better when the weather is warm which has a direct effect on my mood, so I might be able to better deal with it but not for sure. The problem is the 3 months leave notice in my company, so I will have to stay here till the end of January and the weather is starting to get cold and my mood goes even further down...

      My parents are very supportive but I am afraid no one can help me with this. And no one would understand that ending my life might be the only option I have if I could not adjust to it instead of living in suffering. I think people with severe tinnitus have it double as bad since not only they have to deal with tinnitus but also have to constantly explain themselves and their situation to other people!

      I am also tired of being in such a helpless state. Nobody has to go through this. In a better world, we would be offered end of life options that are painless and people would accept that such things happen and that wanting to leave a life of suffering is a normal thing and not depression or something that needs to be prevented.
      • Hug Hug x 3
    6. Milky Way

      Milky Way Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Caused by stress and music as far as I know
      Hi, would you care to give me info on the brand or type of Chlorine Dioxide that you had ingested?

      I have ordered from a German company Aquarius their CDS product which is Chlorine free and safe for internal use.

      I am struggling on a daily basis with massive tinnitus and I have found that my tinnitus is very sensitive to diet (salicylates etc). I definitely don't want to worsen my case by accident.

    7. AUTHOR

      kinblue Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not clear. Maybe chlorine dioxide?
      Hello everybody, I wanted to post an update for those of you who might stumble upon my post... I cannot believe that I am writing this post almost one year later...

      Back in October 2021 I was very close to ending my life and planned to go back to my home country for some time and kind of "say goodbye" to my parents, siblings and friends before I leave this earth.

      Shortly after my last post, I had an appointment with my biological dentist for a routine checkup. In the meantime I was speculating about whether to try and get my wisdom teeth pulled out (as I've pointed to in my last post as well). However, in addition to the wisdom teeth, I had 3 root canal treated, i.e. dead, teeth and my biological dentist has advised me to get them removed a year ago. Getting those dead teeth out was a goal of mine for a very long time, long before my tinnitus started, since I had digestive and energy-related issues and those teeth can pose a burden on the body, since there is always some sort of infection going on in the jaw where they are, regardless how thorough a dentist cleans the root before putting the root filling.

      Additionally, I've read that there might some connection between tinnitus and teeth in general, so I was thinking of doing that even more after I've gotten tinnitus. However, the problem was that my dentist: 1. did not want to get the root canal treated teeth out all at once, but rather "quadrant-wise" 2. he wanted to pull wisdom teeth out with them, so I will have to go through 4 sessions with 2 weeks in between, and given my hellish miserable state of existence I was at that time, there was not way of going through that. I was also not totally convinced about getting my wisdom teeth pulled out right away, since I wanted to see if they would "migrate" a bit after there is more space in case I get the dead teeth out. Plus, there are some possible complications when removing wisdom teeth after 25 years of age, and didn't want to take the risk just yet. So I kind of bailed out altogether on getting anything removed.

      Fast forward to the routine checkup in November 2021. There, I think the dentist saw how miserable looking I've become -I've also gained 14 kg due to the antidepressant (Mirtazapine) I was on - and was somehow all of the sudden convinced to get only the root-canal treated teeth out all at once, without the wisdom teeth. At that point, and since I was in an "about to leave earth" mode, I said, well what do I have to lose? even if I didn't get better I will be ending it anyways, and it would be unfortunate to not have known if getting the dead teeth out would help me, even if just on the digestion / energy level. I literally said to my self: I want do this for the universe, to "register" this memory in its fabric, of whether getting the teeth out would improve my situation or not, so that my life wasn't completely for nothing before I ended it.

      One month later, I got them out, and it was THE BEST DECISION I'VE MADE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. One week later, during my planned flight to my home country, it was the first time I listen to music for the purpose of enjoying it since I've gotten tinnitus!!! removing the teeth made it kind of fade into the background most of the time. There were still times where it got agitated, but it would go down couple days later. The improvement is still there 9 months later. I was by no means expecting this to have any effect on my tinnitus at all, since the teeth were not the direct cause of it, but it still did!!! I am still utterly grateful to this day that the circumstances gathered and made me make that decision.

      My digestion and energy also greatly improved. All the supplements and methods I used to do in order to help me cope with them suddenly worked like ten times better. So removing the teeth was not cure-it-all but it certainly was an extremely huge burden on my body and stood in the way of my improvement, regardless of tinnitus, but that was the added plus which made all the difference after going through a devil-made experience.

      Btw. I still have yellow patches in my vision which appeared at the same time as that of tinnitus, which were very likely also caused by taking the chlorine dioxide, but they are not always noticeable and almost nothing compared to the tinnitus...

      Here is a picture of one of the roots of my extracted teeth which I brought home with me:


      You can see the black rotten part of it which was being decomposed by bacteria and fungi inside of my jaw for more than 10 years...

      So to sum it up, here are the key things to take from my experience, which I hope can help some people out there:
      • Tinnitus is a very complex condition, mostly caused by multiple factors coming together, removing one factor might improve it, even if it was not the direct causer of it as in my case.
      • Getting root canal treated teeth pulled out is highly recommended for anybody who has them, since they can have dramatic effects on your body, regardless whether that will have an impact on your tinnitus or not. This should preferably be done by a biological dentist who will properly scrape off the bone to prevent any infected bone from remaining inside the jaw after removing the teeth, since that could lead to extra trouble depending on your body. And I would personally recommend not having any implants if you can still chew your food without the teeth, since they present there own set of problems. Opt for false removable teeth instead.
      • The Mirtazapine I took did not help me with getting used to tinnitus much nor make me wanna live any much more, but It made me worry less about loosing my job and it might have actually helped me to go through with the decision to get my teeth out without expecting any positive outcome. I started gradually reducing the dose 2 weeks after I got my teeth pulled over a one month period and completely stopped it by mid January 2022 and did not experience any drastic withdrawal symptoms, other than the weight gain, I don't think I had any negative side effects from it.
      @Milky Way, hi, sorry but for some reason I did not receive an email when you replied to this post...

      I don't really think there is such thing as a "chlorine-free" chlorine dioxide. The product you have linked is the non activated form, hence chlorine-free. Once activated you will have chlorine dioxide which will contain chlorine.

      I don't recommend taking that at all, regardless of how horrible your symptoms are, I know how desperate one can be, but trust me you don't want to make any of your symptoms worse.
      • Hug Hug x 3
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    8. Romano

      Romano Member

      Prague, Czech Republic
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Amazing news! Good for you! I guess I will have my wisdom teeth removed after reading your thread.
    9. Strawberryblonde

      Strawberryblonde Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      1st mild (6/12/2015) mild-mod (3/5/2022)
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I have an impacted wisdom tooth making my jaw ache and feel extremely tight from tension. Waiting on a referral from the hospital again to get it removed. Wonder if it'll help with my tinnitus. You never know!
      • Hug Hug x 2
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    10. Catt

      Catt Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unknown, but multiple causes likely
      Remember: Drug induced tinnitus tends to heal over time. It could take 9 months or more, but it happens. I was suicidal from a level 8 or 9 tinnitus I got in addition to my other 4 types of tinnitus, and 2.5 years later it’s a level 3 or 4 and basically doesn’t bother me most days. I changed my diet to an all natural diet (no processed food, no sugar, no drugs), and got really busy volunteering and driving all over town, and prayed really hard, and now I’m pretty much used to it.

      My point, give it time! And try a chiropractor, Melatonin, Magnesium (works for me best), Ginkgo biloba, Zinc, Lipoflovanoids, and try stopping any prescription drugs that could be causing it like Gabapentin, Xanax, some antibiotics, etc.

      There’s hope! If I made it through the impossible you can too!
      • Winner Winner x 2
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    11. Jackson Brady

      Jackson Brady Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Different medications
      Which Magnesium type works the best for you? And how long did you take it before seeing results?

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