Wearable In-Ear Maskers and Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by jazz, Apr 4, 2015.


Have you tried "in-ear" wearable maskers or hearing aids with white noise?

  1. Yes, I have and they did help.

  2. Yes, I have and they did not help.

  3. No, I have not but am considering them.

  4. No, I have not and am not considering them.

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    1. Basshell

      Basshell Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      I've just got one. White noise. I have low frequency tinnitus (bass sound) so really can't see it will have any true effect. Wearing hours for a day.

      Anyone else tried this and with different types of tinnitus? Interested to know if it helped for anyone here.
    2. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      I have been wearing white noise generators for many years.. These devices can be very good at treating tinnitus and hyperacusis, but they must be used correctly in order to gain maximum benefit from them.

      Ideally, they should be used as part of TRT treatment and a person should be under the care of a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist, that specialises in tinnitus and hyperacusis management, which requires having regular counselling sessions.

      It is not advisable to wear just one white noise generator as the auditory system will not be kept in balance. The volume of the WNG should be set below the level of the tinnitus.

      More information can be found in my post: what is TRT and when should it be started. Available on my: "Started Threads".

    3. Basshell

      Basshell Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      That's the thing Michael. My hearing therapist said it would be better to use just one... I thought that was weird.
    4. Alex Matyjasek
      Not amused

      Alex Matyjasek Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      8 September 2018
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress? Who knows...
      My tinnitus isn't that monstrous (4-5 out of 10). Probably within a period of time I'll be able to cope with it and have a 99% normal life. Was considering in getting an ear masker, but I've read posts claiming that it can become more annoying than your tinnitus. I've also read that it makes it hard to hear because it blocking your ear and it makes the ambiance noise sound artificial. In my case that wouldn't be handy considering I haven't got hearing loss. But as they say, if you don't try, you'll never know....
    5. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      Your hearing therapist is wrong Basshell and you are right to be concerned. Even if the tinnitus is in one ear, 2 white noise generators should be worn.
    6. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      @Alex Matyjasek

      When white noise generators are used correctly they are not annoying I assure you. Some people think white noise generators are maskers, this is not the case. They provide sound enrichment and should not mask the tinnitus at any time. The volume should always set below the level of the tinnitus.

      Over time the brain habituates to the white noise generators and slowly pushes the tinnitus into the background making it less noticeable.

      As previously mentioned, 2 WNGs should be worn even if the tinnitus is in one ear. A person should be under the care of a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist when using WNG.

    7. Alex Matyjasek
      Not amused

      Alex Matyjasek Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      8 September 2018
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress? Who knows...
      Thanks for your reply. I guess these devices are only handy for those who have moderate to severe tinnitus? Surely for those that can hear it most of time, when the volume isn't that bad manage to habituate without an ear masker and push the tinnitus back with ambience noise?
      • Agree Agree x 3
    8. KWC

      KWC Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear Infection/TMJ ??
      Did you get benefit from the white noise generators you noted above?

    9. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      I don’t think much. I don’t even know where they are to be honest. I have 2 other hearing aids/maskers from Audicus, but have not used them much lately. Nasty static today.
    10. DebInAustralia
      No Mood

      DebInAustralia Member Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Geelong, Victoria
      Tinnitus Since:
      How about a speaker that rests on your shoulder?
    11. KWC

      KWC Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear Infection/TMJ ??
      Thanks @just1morething, sorry about the static. My tinnitus is the same. I'm trying the maskers while still treating TMJ. The audiologist I went to could only test to 8 kHz (I had no hearing loss issues) and she thinks my tinnitus is right above that range. She tuned the aid/masker at a setting to see if it would help.

      Is your TMJ any better?
    12. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      My left ear is hissing something fierce. I have another TMJ injection the end of November. I still think TMJ is the problem. No real pain, just feels different on left. It is crunchy and feels a little swelled up.

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