Keith Handy

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  • Three year report coming up. Should be a pretty good one.
    Keith Handy
    @Juliane I was 4 months in before having ANY noticeablely positive changes. The earliest improvements were when the tones started changing into more fizzly sound, not really quieter, but I hated tones so much that anything less tone-like was a good sign. This was all very slow and subtle. There were lots of times when I had to ask myself if anything was really happening or if it was just wishful thinking/perception.
    Keith Handy
    @AverageJoe12 funny thing with H was I was pretty sure I didn't have it, but looking back I don't see how I could have *not* thought so. I was really bothered by sounds at work. I hated walking past the dish room, hated if people dropped pallets or pans, hated the beeping on electronics.
    Keith Handy
    @AverageJoe12 I needed to ask my parents to turn the TV down. Everything was startling. This all subsided over the first year.
    If it stays roughly where it's been the past few days, I might consider declaring myself "out of the woods." Very cautiously optimistic.
    If there are no trees falling in the woods, but someone hears them falling anyway, is there a sound?
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    Do the trees even exist when nobody is looking at them?
    @buttercake Your profile picture is interesting, where is it from?
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    @AbeS it is from Junji Ito's "Uzumaki"
    In the absence of science, pseudoscience will rush in to fill the void.
    The difference between science and pseudoscience is often a matter of perspective.

    The two can also change hand(y)s with the emergence of just one discovery.
    An "ear [...] specialist" who can only diagnose the canal & drum is like an "auto mechanic" who can only change wiper blades.
    Totally agree. We need better ways to investigate the middle and inner ear. It's incredible how ENTs can be so complacent with the useless state of their job compared to other areas of medicine.
    This is why the bundled it with nose and throat because an ear specialist alone
    Would be pointless
    gotta wait for them nanobots; they're gonna be the "ear specialists" in 20 years.

    Jason X was basically a documentary, filmed in the future.
    I tolerate music when I'm around it, but don't yet trust my ears enough to listen to music I like of my own volition. Maybe in a few months.
    Milestone: this morning I could hear my refrigerator AS A REFRIGERATOR from ~15 feet away, not as a low budget slasher soundtrack.
    So happy to hear some good news!
    @Keith Handy I haven't heard of that back-and-forth thing before, but hopefully it's slowly moving in a good direction for you. I remember that my distortions coincided with reactive T and incrementally became non-existent after 4/5 months.
    Keith Handy
    @Christiaan - all of the symptoms have been constantly fluctuating since the beginning in November, and even through the worst of it in February. Tracking it has been a matter of paying attention to the worst it gets, the best it gets, how long/often it's better, how long/often it's worse, how much or little it takes to trigger reactivity, and so on.
    Last November... I hope it was the subwoofer... because my chance of ever doing that to myself again is exactly zero.
    Pretty mild trip to the grocery store. Let's see how my class goes this afternoon.
    Nice! And what kind of class do you mean? Do you teach or are you a student?
    Keith Handy
    Teach one on one with an autistic adult; mostly playing with electronics. It went pretty well again.
    *Very* mild during my one-on-one two-hour afternoon class. Approaching normal hearing for a good chunk of it.
    Good to hear! (no pun intended:-D)
    Wasn't *the* quietest morning, but I was talking to myself in the car (yes, I do that) and really appreciating the clarity of my own voice.
    Haha, I appreciate you admitting this. I talk to myself too. Good to see improvement.
    Same. My roommate probably thinks I've lost it.
    I am that nutty person you walk past in the street, who is singing out loud to themselves in public. I love it haha!
    A few encouraging days, then yesterday was kind of ragey all afternoon & evening. This morning it's... on the fence.
    But Keith, you do have more good days than bad lately, right?
    Keith Handy
    Overall the good vs. bad ratio has changed for the better since winter, definitely. I'm just trying to leave a record of some of the fluctuations for the future benefit of others.
    Ah alright. Glad to hear you're doing better, Keith. It's good to remind ourselves and others that getting better is often a slow ride.
    Man, this thing is all over the place. From "it's inaudible" to "this sound is OK" to "I can't live with this" - all in the span of minutes.
    Yeah, mines the same Keith. A whirlwind of emotions sometimes.
    That's me daily. Some days or better some are worse but it fluctuates all day like that
    As expected, got worse again, then better, but not as good as saturday morning. Still, if it could get there once, it can get there again.
    I no longer post every time I have a quieter period, because they're frequent enough not to be newsworthy.
    Woke to a nice soft hiss and nothing else. The other sounds creep in as I get moving, but it's a nice moment.
    I am sure you will hear silence once again, Keith. You'll get there.
    My ears are Play-Doh, and every sound that touches them leaves an indentation.
    @Keith Handy Do sounds mess with your baseline? Have you experienced any permanent increases, or is the tones just constantly changing in character?
    Sorry to hear this. When you say leaves an indentation what do you mean specifically?
    Keith Handy
    @Stacken77 - constantly changing.

    Overall volume keeps fluctuating within a somewhat fixed range, but it always seems like the set of tones I'm left with at any time is affected by whatever I was previously exposed to. Like my auditory system has lost some percentage of its "object permanence." This was more the case a few months ago but I'm still noticing it.
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