Has Anyone Been Cured Ever?

Discussion in 'Support' started by taskigtläge, Apr 10, 2014.

    1. taskigtläge

      taskigtläge Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Im fairly new to the tinnitus, i got mine back in 2013 december right before new year.

      My question is, has anyone EVER been cured from this hell? Is there any chance that you'll ever be free from it? Is there any possibility that it could just go away at some point in my life?

      At the moment im trying my luck at the acupuncture, but after 3 weeks it doesn't seem to help very much.

      + could tinnitus ever develop through hasch/weed/THC?
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    2. Emil Mikalsen

      Emil Mikalsen Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      10.2013 - concert
      I think that depends on how much damage is done, but there are people that have been cured/healed from T. Our body and mind can do wonders if given time, i guess you can only hope.

      I've never heard of anyone that have developed T through doing weed, so i wouldn't worry about that. some might even find relief from using it when having T. :)
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    3. AUTHOR

      taskigtläge Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Well the weirdest thing happend me the night i got my tinnitus, it was just a regular day nothing special really. As soon as i had smoked my joint i went straight to bed to watch TV and all the suddenly i heard a high pitch tone in my right ear. I wasn't too worried about it as i thought it was just something i imagined but the sound continued the next day and ever since that I've had it. As far as my experience with weed goes, i know that it can fool the brain big time. Its basically just a theory of how i got my tinnitus, i have no other explanation.

      Yesterday i smoked one actually (since 3 months free), it didn't help me at all, it just got a lot louder than what it usually is, i couldn't hear anything really except the loudness. Maybe it could be something with the blood pressure?
    4. Grace
      No Mood

      Grace Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Theres tons and tons of people out there that have had T for a long time then just one day it dissapeared. We cant understand T so we dont know what keeps it goin or if for some reason it stops why it stopped. There workin on cures/treatments now for it and they learn new things every year about T. Its just a matter of when they figure it out. The most important thing is when you get it, to not keep thinking will i have this forever cause that stops your brain from habuitating to it ( get use to it) i know its hard but get on some anxiety meds to help you and or if weed calms you then you can try that too. Me personally weed makes me paranoid so smoking that would most likely increase my T or my perception of it. As whether weed can cause T i dont know but whos to say it cant? I feel like anything can cause T... If your stressed out that could of been a factor.
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    5. AUTHOR

      taskigtläge Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Well does it really disappear or do you just get so used to it after so many years it doesn't bother you? I cant imagine a life in quietness anymore and therefor i don't really see how i will ever be cured rofl. Its like the silent doesn't exists for me anymore, actually i cant even remember how it is.

      The tinnitus has gone up and down for me, it started out with the high pitch tone, sometimes it went from ear to ear. Some night the pitch tone was gone and it was just a buzzing in both of my ears, actually one night i woke up without hearing anything til the next morning. In the beginning i was pretty much depressed, couldn't even go out in the public, but I kinda gave up on life later, started drinking a bunch playing really loud music so it wouldn't bother me much. At the moment my tinnitus is pretty much LOW high pitch, it doesn't really bother me much unless i think about it, I guess alcohol helped me a ton!...
    6. Emil Mikalsen

      Emil Mikalsen Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      10.2013 - concert
      I can't really remember total silence either, but i don't let my T bother me and its pretty low in volume so it's not that hard to do for me anyways. If you're trying to sleep imagine your T sound is coming from a fridge it might help. :)

      Playing loud music would not be the best thing to do, take every precaution so you don't make it worse. You should do something you like and try not to think about it, it might be gone tomorrow you never know.

      There are some cures being tested right now so there is hope at least in the future, don't give up. (y)
    7. AUTHOR

      taskigtläge Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I've actually been living with high sounds/music the last months, every weekend i keep going to the same clubs, with the same high music and it doesn't really seem to make it worse. Living in fear of making stupid mistakes is not my lifestyle, even if its a stupid "lifestyle". Ive always loved to live in the moment not having to worry about what comes next, if my tinnitus would ever get higher that only means i have to get even louder..
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    8. Emil Mikalsen

      Emil Mikalsen Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      10.2013 - concert
      Hehe i like how you think! but i would recommend that you use earplugs if you go to places with loud music as it might make it worse in the long run. you do what you do, and its great that your going out and doing fun stuff. :beeranimation:
    9. bill 112

      bill 112 Member

      Republic Of Ireland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      :)This really proves that everyones T is different when I first got it years ago it actually disappeared completely I was delighted and cured so I went to a club one night to overcome my fear of sound I brought ear plugs of course and guess what....T came back and stayed for good this time which was devestating.Amazing how you go every weekend and theres no difference and I only went once and it made a huge difference it sucks:)
    10. Boxdra

      Boxdra Member

      Cured, I don't know. But I know 2 cases were the t just stopped all of a sudden. One was after 5 years, the other was also after a couple of years.
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    11. MikeA

      MikeA Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sure, if it's some type of underlying cause that is treated. But if I'm not mistaken cured like this is extremely rare.

      Probably. Anyone? LOL. Tinnitus has so many causes, I bet there are people they have developed T because the candidate they were against won an election...
      • Funny Funny x 1
    12. DebS

      DebS Member

      Ohio, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      My niece had the whooshing type of T; seemingly brought on by stress. She said it went away on its own after about six months.
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    13. AUTHOR

      taskigtläge Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I appreciate all the responds im getting here, been reading alot of posts here and there on the forum and gotten some good information (well more than what i knew about tinnitus before). I basically thought it was too late for me after 4 months of having tinnitus, but yeah, im still hoping for the best.

      Best of luck to you all aswell..
    14. Mark McDill

      Mark McDill Member Benefactor

      Papillion, NE
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Likely stress, anxiety, an antibiotic and nsaids
      It depends on the underlying cause; infections in the ear, wax build up, TMJ are among the causes that have a very high probability of going away when the underlying issue is addressed. For example, a buddy of mine had tinnitus for five months until a nasty ear infection cleared up; he is T free now.

      Permanent damage to one of the many components involved in the system that is your hearing is another issue; overtime, I believe the body can heal (to a point) if you do all the right things for it, however, it likely will never go away (completely) in cases where a component of the hearing system has been damaged.

      Before you get too discouraged, I do know this -- I'm not exactly sure the cause of my T; however, it has diminished significantly (in volume and frequency) since the onset (one year ago). Furthermore, I have habituated (so I don't really react to it anymore -- a very large contributing factor to its diminished state). It causes no anxiety; it stops me from almost nothing (although I stay away from prolonged noise unless I have ear plugs); it has little rule over me. I don't like it, I think it's weird, I know others don't really get it, but it really only matters (to me) about as much as the click I hear in my knee when I go down the stairs first thing in the morning (big whoopie deal). That is the point you want to get to if you come to realize yours is permanent -- and if it's not permanent (woot!).

      At the moment, your T is a living hell -- I hated it so much and thought my life was either over all together or would be so severely debilitated that I would just want it to be over (it sucked!!). I had no idea that my life could be what it is now while suffering from T -- and to paraphrase @Dr. Nagler, "I no longer 'suffer' from T"; I do not (and cannot) consider my life to be one in suffering (because of T).

      However, I certainly understand what you are going through; had anyone told me (last year) I would no longer be 'suffering' from T I would have told them to 'bugger off, you obviously don't understand what I'm going through!'.

      But, I'm here to tell you -- I don't suffer from T anymore (even though I have it). So, who cares if there is a cure or not (there likely will be one day) when your T means little to nothing to you anymore? And, no, I am NOT making little of your situation (or T); I am just saying it can be managed to the point that you get your life back!


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    15. MattK

      MattK Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I understand what you're saying, but wouldn't you rather it be gone regardless? Even when my T doesn't bother me, and I'm not even paying attention to it, I'd still want it gone. If someone came up to me with a guaranteed pill to get rid of my tinnitus permanently, I couldn't imagine my response would be, "I don't care" regardless of how habituated I am to it.
    16. Brianna
      No Mood

      Brianna Member Benefactor

      US, NC (the progressive part :) )!
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      No clue - too many causes.
      Anything I write here is based on experience, eek - age and more experience, some minor knowledge and all of that forms my opinion. I grew up in the US and went to high school in the late '60s and early '70s plus years of college. I had access to all this stuff as did friends. I didn't smoke a lot but I did smoke.

      Ultimately, it doesn't matter to me (I understand it does to you) because the ongoing theme in most threads that question the cause and what the cure is: the brain is complex and arguably the most complex organ in our body. Therefore, a cure will likely not be found. Someone suggested a head transplant. Sometimes it pops up and magically disappears (not in my brain). My own coping mechanism is to just deal with it however I'm able. There are times I want to scream but that would likely increase my blood pressure and make it louder. My best relief is to hop on my motorcycle and go for a ride. That involves removing my cochlear implant, which causes an immediate increase in volume. But if I'm in an accident, I don't want to destroy a $10,000 device on top of anything else. It makes me focus intensely on my driving (and playing - nothing like hitting the foot peg - so I'm leaning as far as my bike permits - and not dropping the bike) and automobiles. My bike record is 0 accidents over almost 40 years. My car record is unfortunately normal. But again, it's all about focusing on anything else but the T when possible.
    17. Uniqdzign

      Uniqdzign Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Playing instruments too loudly.
      OK, well it's never too late to have t reduce/get better/go for ever. There certainly is enough evidence for why we get it, as there is evidence of ways to reduce it, but little to none - that I'm aware of - as to why it might suddenly go.
      Severe prolonged noise - like clubbing - is more likely to prolong it, or worse still, increase it.
      However too much protection of the ears from loud noises - unless you are already finding that loud noises make you jump or you're putting your fingers in your ears because they hurt - can cause 'hyperacusis', which can be an accompanying discomfort with t. Hyperacusis in simple terms, is an aversion to loud noise, and often connected to t.
      Check your stress levels too. If the weed is to de-stress, then perhaps the cause of that stress needs some thought?
      Certainly there's no two people with t that have the same experience exactly, because there are a huge variety of reasons why it can start in the first place.
      You might find a recent post that I popped on the forum - regarding "Hows Your World?", of use.
      It'll come up if you put it in the 'Search...' box.
      All the best anyway . . . it's early days yet! :cyclops:
    18. Tamalak

      Tamalak Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes, I was cured after 4 years of T. Not habituated, cured. I cannot hear the sound now even if I try.
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    19. Quentino

      Quentino Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Decrease of Hearing i presume.
      I read on some not known forum that some people have seen their T disappear after long times. Even some old persons with Hearing damage.

      But it's quite exceptionnal.
    20. RaZaH

      RaZaH Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Reykjavík, Iceland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Benzo + loud noise
      Weed will enhance everything... T gets louder , anxiety gets worse etc ..
      Stay away from that stuff is my advice.
      • Agree Agree x 4
    21. ruben ruiz

      ruben ruiz Member

      Tucson, AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I believe it was meds and stress
      The weed thing. Dont smoke it. It has carcinogens. Eating it is much much better. Also you must get the kind that affects your body not your brain. Indica!
    22. Thongjy

      Thongjy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Yes you are right. I have ecnountered in real life a couple of people with that and T was gone. Surprising a lot of people have T when I really ask.
    23. RaZaH

      RaZaH Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Reykjavík, Iceland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Benzo + loud noise
      I was just talking to a friend on FB that got rid of it after 7 years
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    24. Thongjy

      Thongjy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Yes it might not be so fast. the fastest i know was one year plus.
    25. nills

      nills Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      than why do you come here?? get out there man ... go meditate in a forest or something ;)
    26. Tamalak

      Tamalak Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Believe me I do XD but I will never forget the hell of T and still consider myself one of the community.
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    27. truesilence

      truesilence Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Wow! Would you mind giving us a bit more info? :D
    28. Tamalak

      Tamalak Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      I posted in success stories, truesilence.
    29. DWP

      DWP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Not sure why it started. Dental work, bad health or Tramadol that I was given for a kidney stone. It was extremely loud, just in my left ear. After 2 1/2 years it is all gone. I may hear a slight buzz in both ears when I am in complete silence, but I have to really try to hear it, but I had that before.
      2 years ago I had all my dental work replace by a biological dentist. 9 silver fillings, one newer one that was very large (on the left side), and one metal crown replaced with all non metal. It did take almost a year before it started to subside and now it is all gone.
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    30. Thericker

      Thericker Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Mine went away COMPLETELY after 4 1/2 months. Came back out of nowhere after 5 years but only lasted 1 month and went away again
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