Mixed Emotions

Discussion in 'Support' started by monkey legs, Jan 23, 2018.

    1. monkey legs

      monkey legs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      1991 (Low level). Worse Dec 2017 to Now
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear injury (paintball) 1991. 2017 > Onwards Cause? Not sure.
      Hi folks,

      Do you find it hard to determine that you are fed up and down because of your tinnitus, or is it just a normal emotion you have anyway. I get depressed a lot and I wondered if it was my tinnitus or just my natural emotions.

      It all seems to get mixed together.

    2. Nanny chocolate

      Nanny chocolate Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unbelievable caused by audiologist!
      It’s hard to separate but I’m sure that unbelievably loud, constant head noise is a NOT mood elevator. Yesterday not quite so bad, today really very intrusive and never maskable. If your T is bad then it can be depressing, if you are depressed then your T might seem worse. It still seems hard to understand how the body can produce this awful din. Yes, I know the theories but it’s still hard to comprehend. Sorry you get depression, that’s very hard to deal with too.
      Wishing you a better day.
    3. fishbone

      fishbone Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud noise and very bad sickness
      Having a constant noise in your head, is not going to make anyone cheerful. Even with that noise, we should still be able to live productive lives. My only gripe with the tinnitus is how it covers a good amount of my hearing, I careless for the noise and how LOUD it is. I can stand on the side of the freeway and my tinnitus is louder.

      Many years ago, I just accepted my tinnitus and made it a friend and not a foe. It's hard to do this, but my own happiness depended on it and I am glad I did this. Tinnitus can be depressing , it's not easy living with it, but if it is here in your life. Then do something to adjust to it and live a quality life.

      I do have tons of empathy for those that deal with hyperacusis as well. I had it for 4+ years and it was horrible. I was glad to have that issue fixed and now just live with a screaming tea kettle from hell and my new lawnmower/microwave noise.

      Habituation is very real, when it comes to tinnitus. It all depends on how we get there and we need to be patient.
      • Winner Winner x 1
    4. AUTHOR
      monkey legs

      monkey legs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      1991 (Low level). Worse Dec 2017 to Now
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear injury (paintball) 1991. 2017 > Onwards Cause? Not sure.
      Thank you both kindly.
    5. Makrohn

      Makrohn Member Benefactor Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hearing loss - Explosion - Stress

      I feel exactly like you do, and find it hard to know if it is the T that makes me depressed or other things. So most likely, T is the main cause, and then every other negative feeling/thought/experience comes on top of that. My depression is worst in the morning and varies through the day. I am pretty sure my depression comes from the fact that I have to habituate to new sounds atm.

      My ongoing plan, and what I recommend for everyone with depression is; Sleep well and regular, eat clean, get moderate exercise of your choice, get daily natural sunlight for at least 20 minutes, meditate daily 10-15 minutes.
      These things at least keeps your system in routine and healthy... and a healthy body is a healthy mind.

      I wish you all the best!
    6. Jazzer

      Jazzer Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      @fishbone - I want to admit something to you.
      Every day seems to emerge like a fresh struggle.
      Some days I am more aware of it than others, but it is never ever easy for me.
      The admission.
      Every day I look for your amazingly positive posts. I know without any doubt that you truly suffer, yet you always rise above it.
      Nothing short of incredible.
      If I was a religious person I would say ‘thank god for fishbone.’
      The fact is, I am not, however I’m sure you know what I mean.
      Bless you fishbone,

      Jazzer xx
      • Hug Hug x 1
    7. fishbone

      fishbone Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud noise and very bad sickness
      I was made for helping people. When I beat my benzo addiction, I supported those that suffered for a good 1-2 years after I successfully, beat the most challenging struggle of my life. I was supporting people when I was getting 1-2 hours of sleep a night and practically living in HELL and pure horror. I know how painful it can be to suffer from tinnitus, I use to shed tears to my mom in my teens and she would comfort me. I am just doing what I was taught in my life, simply help those that suffer and comfort them :)

      To make people feel comfort, when you yourself are in the trenches takes effort. I go through what all go through here, my hyperacusis is gone, but my tinnitus is louder than ever and it can rattle the soul VERY easily. I make my effort to humanity, till my maker takes me off this earth :)
      • Winner Winner x 3
    8. fishbone

      fishbone Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud noise and very bad sickness
      My Pms are always open to those that need support....
    9. AUTHOR
      monkey legs

      monkey legs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      1991 (Low level). Worse Dec 2017 to Now
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear injury (paintball) 1991. 2017 > Onwards Cause? Not sure.
      Thank you kindly, mine is also worse in the morning and last thing at night.

      Kind Regards.

    10. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Tinnitus comes with unwanted emotions and cause us a bit of a wobble in how we feel and low moods.
      Over time learning about tinnitus and how your tinnitus acts and whats normal for you then you start to get stronger and the wobbles with emotions calm down and life starts to get better for most people.
      If you find your mood stays down then a lovely chat with your doctor will help .
      Love glynis
      • Agree Agree x 1

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